E’m. Char, k; ca8?iBer, Chid
Elramo8yB4ry DlQlsion
State Beard af Control
Austin, Te~c
ophicm Ho* O-2220
Nt sroasutty of advanor G provul
bp the Attomrey G~RCPJ of out-
8f-state tripe b 6uptdatahnts
pear sir: OS e~oQo8ym3rpf astitutione
In your bitter ef aprll 12 If&c+ @Ia*tat* t&d on
Few LO, Zm, t&t Otata Boatd 0) Cantto r appzwmd tt trip
by SupdshnQmnt 6’4 .9. Nright of the Taxas school for the
Dti to St. LOuis, Kisorntr:, to attond the cmferano~ of the
H tlord Form! UB Doafnros and 6peeoh PathoLogy@an& that the
tfartptrollor@r teprVtmentIt not ~iq%wing the sxp8noo uccount
ior thts trip, on the ground that it duoa not appear that tht
Attorney Go~~ral htm approved this flip as being cm atute*s
The prmlrtm as to the 8pprovoll in a&anae of wt-,
of-state trips & reprrsdiatlver cS tba rtate 66 being m
atatr’r bussn8rr, by thsc de tnlmt, 1s WBtdBsd in the do-
@at4 6pproprl6t1m in thr geaa?Pl rider appendti
ha-do4 Pour attention-2t dfroct8dto the fact that the the-
a roprtationbill; EmroeBill Xoo 256, contsl~t the
FiiTxg %l,t
“rruom.ng ISqxmm8* Iicllo 0P theee opproprl-
8tions may be urcb d:artravellm out&e of the
Btete of~exa~wavlthcut the fstlvmwVTitton oaualt
ti the State DoerO of .Cetitrcll rzc$ot in a oinfry
statsr In d X‘tltimnOB~si~.Bt %BSSt6S a3 return-
ramped $BM T es to laatitutlons. Othandse, the
state Co~troll~ &all 8pply the mm na%*o to the
apprwarl,readpt OS trmebg rxpensee of 011
06 aset the su~rlatendents of the elsstpo~
r& T natltutlons as he appU08 to SU& lxpclOucr of
the Gtate Lei)eCtQltl~ tluparinteazl3mt
8’ trips shall b8
as authorbed bp the frO@d Of C~~t?ok”
AXIexd.nati~ofthlt rovlsianofthe ll.eeuo
appro ,&otlon bill rovwls that t to Logislature ha8
lswpp .Q efpr by Mp&#Mnd@irr from ths protrieion
state co+m~llo~ &all wplpthe wsmorules to the WP~ ad
paylwlt o? trawling 8xpoBres of rll am1 08 8U hs appliorr tQ
mh expenrer of the &at& MptrrbWit8. T 18 libdm
1 ohmd
that it is rpoulrlcull.y ProoiQsdt
ash C&8. 'J!*
cartaar - Pa&o 2
"SupeClnteaadQIt6' trips shall bo as author-
l&&d by the hard of Cmtr&.*
YOU a.ro therefOr a~~s6d that by virtue of the pro-
tislm OS the 6ltra06~ Ml1 above guotod, lt it a:t neoaw
aary that advance o~init~ OL'the Attommy Gcrmal, that Such
a trip 1s on statc~s bu61nas61 bc obt&aed ln rcspoct to mti-
of-state trips by ruper%ntendentrof the clccmoqmry lnetlttl-
tions of this mite, On the omtrary, this act coatcsPplates
that tho Board of Control rather than the ittorncy Goner
6ha gi~0 it6 peY8tia tarftt6n t0fi~nt t0 the t3dbg 0f 8~0
% atl
It lst of aourw not the lntontlon of thf.~f.igm
~oamtcs ths view that the Bosrd of C&ml
of eletmloqmry
superintanlirntcr ~aEtltu
7 Lens,
uhere t% tri c WC m ctatelc burirusr. k‘cho&! mere1
the a&mnoa vriPtan approval of this de nont to the
02 6uahatrlpl6n~4,rcqulred butthap"tthsedvamcwlttcn
cmsmt ti the stat6 kd of ktrd ia rcqultcd. If la this
oranycther sltuatlettof similarcharacterthe Comptroller
shouldentertainsrrl~~rdonbtsastotho purpo~ of the lc-
for the trarmactlrm of #tata’s business, r c may
dc~rtemt upmpnscnta-
We do cd tMnrtuad that
trd.l.erhasdeellnodto oppxwcthc&ooowt
q~~#ti~!%Od Vh&br ltath 6 buuincsr w86
approve the aoocunt.#or