Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable Joe Bailey Humphrey8 County Attornoy Houllton county Crook&t, Texar II upon the following by virtue of Art, itle (known a8 the ommleeioner’t3 court he authority to whether horsea, 0 run et large in said ubmitr the following euthorltyt a almost identfoel with the 4 rxoept when the lettar wae enaot- re omitted Houeton County from the Seotion 8 of the final title ha8 the rtfsot of &eallng all laws not inoluded or oontinued in toror by rxprssr provision. *Therefore, oonstrulng the two hots together it appear8 to the writer that Art, 6954 falls to authorize the Commissloner~e Court or acid oounty to order suoh eleotlon end lt lr not authorized from any other legisletlon.n Honorable Joe Bailey Humphreya, Page 8 Section 23, Artiolr 16 of the State Constitution provides thatr “The Legislature may pass laws for the regule- tion of live stock end tha proteotion of stook raisers in the stook raising portion of tha Stata, end exempt from the operation of suoh laws other portions, seations, or countiesi end shell have power to pass general and spaoiel Laws ior the inspection of oettle, stook and hides end for ths regulation of brands; provided, that any local law thus passed shell be submitted to the ireoholdsrr of the section to Sr effeoted thereby, end approved by them, berore it shell go into ertrot.w The ooostitutionel power of tha La ialaturr extends to the eneotment or looal Option laws prohib kting the running at large of stook. The Lagisletura ha8 rrom time to tima passed euoh laws and her euthorisad oleotions to bo L@ld-in counties end sub-divisions thereor. The rircrt law eseed authorized sleotions to pass on propositiona prohlb Pting smell livestook hoga, sheep and goats from running et large. in 1899, the Legislatura provided for eleotions 88 to the%%* ning et large of horses, mules, jeoks jennets end oettle. Taxes Jurisprudenoa, Vol. 39, page 36ii Ex Parts Coden, 168 ;;,W; 5;9;36R;bsrson va. State, 63 9, 1. 084; Bishop vs. Btats, . . . Upon written petition, the statute provides for ths oelling of en eleatlon for the purpose of enebling the irer- k :;:;p!h::pa% ~~~&&l~e~: ~~~N~4pF~p~~taenl~~~.t~~~ in certain designated oounties the votars are given the right to datermine whether liks permissions shell pertain to horses; mulea, jacks, jenneto and cattle. The requisita of the peti- tion, the formelitier to ba observed in holding the eleotion end the proolemetion of the result, are embraoed in the term6 of the statute. Article 7238, Chapter 6, Title 124, Bevisad Civil Statutes oi Texas, 1911, authorlzad the Commissionerr’ Court of the various countlea nemsd therein to order an rlsotion for tha purpose or enabling the free-holders of suoh oountles to determine whsther horses, mulea, Jeokr, jonnetr and oettle Honorable Joe Bailey Humphreya, Pegs 3 should be permitted to run et large in said oountiasr This statute we8 emended numerous times prior to the adoption a? ths Revised Civil Statutes in 1923 by the 39th Lcgisleturs. Houston County wss first included in en amendment the 38th Legislature in 1923 as shown by House Rilfe%~“&, Chepter 98 or the General Laws o? said Legislature. Ssnets Blll 84, Aots of ths 39th Legisleturs, 1928, was a bill sntitlea *An hot to Adopt and ICateblfsh the Rev1984 Civil Stetutsa or the Stats o? Texes.W Ssotion 1 or said bill provides: 8Bs it sneotrd by the Legisleturs o? the Stats o? Tsxest That the following titles, ohep- ters, 8ub4itisions end artioles shall hersaiter oonstitute ths Revised Civil Statutes of the Stats or Texas. . . .* Article 6954 o? the adopted Revieed Civil Stetutas o? Texas provides ror the holding o? en election ror the pur- pose o? enabling the free-holders o? certain oountiee or subdivisions to peas upon the propoeition whether horses, mules, jacks, ennets end cattle ahell be parmitt to run at large. Art i 01s 8953 0r the adopted Rsvisea Civil Ste- tutss o? Texas provides thatt “The Counties reisrred to in the preceding Article aret . . . Houston . . .* Artsr cersrull exeminin the enrolled bill (9. B. Bill 04, Asts of the 39t K Leg,, 19&j adopting and estab- lishing the Revised Civil Statutes o? Texas, it is oloarly showh that Houston County was inoluded among those counties author1884 to cell an election ?or the purpose o? eneblin the rree-holders O? aaid whether horsas, mules, permitt to run at large. Senate Bill No. 382 Che ter 104, Acts o? the 39th Legis- lature, which was ub Aoe to provide ?or the printing, sale end distribution o? the Revised Civil Statutes o? 1935, the Panel Coda and Coda o? Criminal Prooedurs o? 1925, as passed et the Regular Session o? the 39th Lsgis- laturs providing tar the ep ointment a? an axperisnoed and eb i e lawyer end one ass Petant to prepare the Volumas Honorable Jo8 Bailey Humphreys, Page 4 ror publioetion~ provlain for ruii end aoourats indexing thereof; provldlng ror omf eeiona of laws rapeeled by the Rsguler Session of the 39th Lsgisletursi providing for the substitution of Articles of law emen484, mo4lrisd or re- enacted at the Regular Session o? the 39th Legisleture, In lieu 0r such t3menae8,3loairiea or rse5eatsa ertio. 8; pro- viding ror inserting therein of Aots seed at th Regular Session of the 39th Legislature, prov r ding for proo?r read- ing and oorrsotion of t pogrephioal errors and lneoourecies r0u54 in said Revised 9g atutss end oo4e~providlng for oompensetlon 0r supervisor end assistant proviai5g ror prsssrvatlon of ths plates with whloh #a i 8 statutes end 00408 are printeat proridin ror printing 8 000 copies or each of the Rsvissd Ci~i f Statutesi Penal Gods and cods of Criminel Prooedursj providing for ths printing or aaaitio5el oopiss when nsosseery; providing for an ep- proprietlon end 4eolerlng en amargbnoyrw Saotlon 2 or tha final title rererrbd to in your inquiry read8 a9 r0u0w8~ wSsction 2. Repealing Clause, -- YPhet all Civil Statutes 0r a general 5eture, in roroe whan tha Revised Statutsa take effect, end which era not inclu4%d herein, or whloh ers not hereby axpreasly continued in foroa, era hereby repeale4.v The above quote4 repeal1 to all Civil Statutes which were no“& n,l~~~a,~~na~g~‘~a,~~~a Revised Civil Statutes or whioh were not express1 oonti5ued in roros when ths Rsyised Statutes took e??sot. f nd as above inaloataa Houstoh County was lnoludsd among those o~ountise authorized to call en election for ths purpoee of enabling the rreep.holders of said oounty to pass upon the proposition of whether horses, etc. shell be permitted to run at large end the above mentioned re saling clause does repeal said statutee as they apply to ff ouston County es sat iorth in ths adopted and establishad Revised Civil Statutes o? tha State 0r Texas. As itra ards the omission o? aneotments from the Revised Statutes, f t is axpreesly proviasa *that all 01v1.l statutes of a general nature, in rorce when the Revised Statutes take effect, end whloh are not inoludsd herein, or wbloh ara not hereby expresely contained lh for08 are here- 907 Honorable Joe Bailey lhimphreye, Page 5 by repealed.” A similar provision is contained in the Acts or 1925, adopting the Psnel co44 end the cod4 or Criminal Procedure. Under these provisions, a general act or section or en aot omitted from the provision or code is repealed, es is also any word or phrase that is purposely omitted unless it is oonteined in roroe or saved by some other provision. Thus, en article3 of the General Statutes contained in the revision or 1911 is repealed by being omitted trom the revision or 1926, or being brought romra in a ohanged rorm. American Indemnity Company vs. City or Austin 840 9. W. 1019; Jennings vs. Texes Farm Mortgage Company, 80 5. W. (24) 931 Southern Salea end Finenoe Company vs. Wetterson, 34 9. W. t 28) 3311 Briggs vs. Buekner, 19 8. W. (28) 190; Taylor vs. State, 221 S. W. Bllt Birow vs. Broyle6, 21 9. 1. (28) 716. Here we do not have an omission o? any word or phrase or the adopted and established Revised Civil Statute6 of Texas es adopts8 by the 39th Legislature, but on the other hand, have en o.misslon o? the word 8’Houstonw Count by the Legislature eneoting these various emen4ments whit 3: are not pert or the adopted Revised Civil Statutes. we have been unable to rind any statute that repeals the ado ted itevi644 civil statutes 0r T4x49 which it30iua44 end epp f lea to Houston County with reference to the above mentioned matter. Aiter considering the various amendments whose captions give no notice o? excluding Houston County; but on the other hand,, it is e parent thet it was the inten- tion o? the Legislature to lnc P ude another count or counties not heretofore lnolude4 in Article 6934, when t Ke various amenim ents were enacted. Therero e , you are res~aot~~~le,~~~ft~n~~~ &t,,i,e the opinion o? thfs de ertzant t at o? Houston County has e he euthorit to hold an election to determfne whether horses, mules, ef c, shall be permitted to run et large Under the terms embraced in tha statute6 per- taining to suoh aleCtiOn. Trusting that the rosegoing iully answers your in- quiry, we are Your6 very truly ATTORRXYGEW%ALOF TvZAS Ardell Williem6 Assistant