HoBorable Y. 0. ruTera
sooretary or Mate
All&in, Tafu
of faur letter or
011 ~IWTI this de-
allahsupplies being
a& for D~~tribuldoraa0
0s yori6amas. we uldorstad
631repmsentatire would not
r~tual17 ~l%e the wss but would
g o lic it
o r deraa na lo a 4th e mo nto
th eo r fio ia ale r th eo o mp a ny
inM o d-
00 a mIth a t o o ntr a o TO
teUl4b ewe-
p a r ed
a na a r a o ufo
b yath eo ffiwr r
2omra8l~Y* O.ROWar8 -Page 2
0f fd8tribuid~ a0 ~etr01~8 mtmm0s
in x0h0 cwtwhg the a0 0e th084
proaPotf4, hot that aoturl aeiiry os
tltew podwta T07da be ma8 in Toxu,
aLthor b7 mhlpont or the pwaalet8fw?m
mxlco Into TOXW or by ulo dalivery of
wah pro&tot8 out ot storage attho
plamt of Erstarn Statea Petroleuai Co,
P-Y- se further d%rotala umt it lAl
contemplated that nut of the orders
takem by suoh representative Toula bo
order0 plawd by persons or compazlise
doing buoinoss ti statoe (in the United
Statss) other than T~xns, but that eoxm
csales aml deliveries would be mde to
p3roon6 or com~eslooatedinTexai3
anllthat som of such asliveries ta Tex-
as citiews c&N bo ando from the stor-
agiiat tic3plant OP.Zaastm StrrtosP&2%-
leum Cozqany in Tams.
*The bbdcan Cworapltnt througliits
Yloa-Consul,6r. Fldenaio Sorio B., ;Izs
asked tbisdspartmentrhefhor the cow
pany Till bTe t0 f&O Od 8 pQ2Zdt t0 do
Article 1629 of the Reviuod Civil Statutes
pmidw I
m&g corporatfoa for peeuaiary
p-of%, excspt LB a%roinaFter FO-
TidOd, OSp;aniWd Or OrWt%d UndOX'
tha lws of my other State, or of
any territory of the United Stotss,
or of any Bxlnlofpa1ityof sud.lstate
or territory or of any foraigu goTern-
mt, dcipdits, ae-
olring to truwaot or soliait bus*
lnTcuas,orto establish ageneral sr
duly wrtaiui oopy Of its artio1os of
i.ncorporatlon)and tJLareuponsuah orri-
olal shall issue to suoh corporationa
permit to trmnmwt businefJoIn thio
State for a period o? ten year8 fro8
the date of w riling suoh articles of
lnaorporatbion.If suoh corporationIs
created for me than on0 purpose, the
perdt cn7 be limited to one cc more
It is plain iron:your ststzmont that Distri-
bnidora de Petroleos yerioanos Contemplatesdoing busl-
ness in foras uithln the n@+oing of the above-quoted
Article, cum%,ther%Pore, ia requirea to 0bta.l.n a parsdt
to transaot bueiness ln this'Btate.
xt is lsinnteria1that the ctooltof this corpora-
tion ls ouned by the Uoxlosa Gwemamxt, the mtatute takes
M IIOtd.00 Or StOCk OmOrShip, it iS CiOlW3Rl~ On17 Tith
the oorporata donioile. The permit statute4applies to
- corporatians orgadaal or Orsatod under the lat#af *
forei@ L;overnaent,sorersipt~ Or Elimiolpality.s
The foreignco Sti01~a0iogb~ina88inthi~
Staku&8ralauful pexcrt is subjwt to ooit in our
State oourts8 cnea without a pmadt it would be subjwt
to t&u3juriediotioalsf our eo-urt to the cixtent of peport7
ounedbythe corporrtinnrit!dn the jurimi.%Ctbm of the
state, whet&w juriodlotion for poreanal j~nt ma
be obtained or no&