&onorable &olrry Wllllanm
CriSiMl Di8trlot Attoxnry
iiaoo, Texar
Opinion No. O-2108
0 or reoo
lb of, but within
r, city oz m,ooo 0r
Satoh 19,1940, in
whioh you requ 4eQartment, 88 follows:
on looated wIthIn
ll.mltror the city
oh cont4lne Z6,OOO
ding to the la8t fed-
*Under the abore 0ir0wl4tan044, w0da it
ti proper
and lawful for the County Clerk of
MoLeman County, Tsxaa, to Ills and reoord the
Honorable Eol~rryWllllam~, Page 2
a?oresa & inatrumntwithout it ha~l~ beon
d and authorized by the Conmi8810n4r8'
c"%'i':? ~O~lIli4nCOtmt~, T4X48?"
Under iirtiole 9744. V4CIIOn’I Civil Statutsr, it
18 provided, 8Ub8t8ntlaflyB that plet8 or replat8 of 8ub-
dlVl8iOn8 OUt8ld4 O?, but Within fir4 ail48 O?, the carporate
limlt8 of a oltg oontelning 85,000 or mof4 lnhabltantr ao-
Oording to the lart Fedex+41CeMu8, or o? a 8!mafler oity or
town whioh ha8, by majority vote o? It8 qaallfled voterr,
adopted the prorl8lon8 o? thl8 xrtlole, IUIl8tk approved,
and bear an MdOr84ment to that effeot, by the City Planning
CO1~tl1881On, or, l? 110Planning Comei881OE 4Xl8t8, by th8
$Ot8rllil43 body o? 8UOh Olty Or town, in addition to be-
aoknowledged 48 provided therein, before 8uoh plat may be
lariully riled or recorded by the County Clerk of the County
within whloh 8U4h 8UbdiVi8iOn 1148. See Boll18 v. Parkland
Corporation (Coma. App., Sec. A, 1931). 40 S. SV. (,?a)53.
Arti 9744, together With Penal Cod8 Article 427b,
making It a mi8drmeanor for the County Clerk to accept for
ragl8tration a plat whioh doe8 not meet tbroe requirements,
were enaoted byth4 40th Legislature a8 Chapter 2S1, A4t8 1987,
Page 342.
Sub84quentlj. tlm 42nd L4glslature amemdsd Article
6626, whlah bad pr4rlourly read 48 iOiiOW8:
*The ?ollowln~ instrument8 of wrltlng whloh
8h4ll hat4 been aoknowledged or proved aooordFng
to law, 4r4 4athorlzrd to be reoord4d, viz: 411
deed8, 8lOrt&g48, OOllT4yallO48, deed8 O? tlU8t,
bond8 ?or title, oovenant8, deieasanoee or other
lnstrunmnt8 0r writing oono4rnlng any land8 or
tenen4nt8, or good8 or ohattel8, or movable prop-
erty o? any a48orlptlon,~
by adding the ?ollOwing:
"prOVidea, however, that ti 04848 Of 8UbdlVl8ion
or re-8Ubdlvl8iOII of r4al property no sap or plat
O? 4lly8UOh 8UbdlVl8lOn 8ha11 be ?114d OX’ r4COrd4d
4nl888 and until the 8am ha8 b44n authorized by
the cOIIB4i88iOMr8’ court O? th4 COUnty in Whi oh
the rml rotate 18 8ltuated by order drily entered
in the ainute8 of raid Cob, lxoept in oaar o?
jxrtltlon or oth4r 8ubdlvl8lon through a Court of
Eonorable Holrey Pjillhm8, lag4 3
reoord; p&vvlded, that within ln4orporated
oitie8 town8 the goterming
and body thereof
in 114U Of ths cO~i88iOll4r8' c0Ul-t Shall
per?orm the dutie8 herelnaborr Impost6 upon
the Coimuie8lonsr8'Court," (344 Act8 1931,
C&d Leg., p. 371, Ch. 817.)
Art1814 llS7b of the Penal Code, enaoted by the
IM4 bgi814tUlVJ whloh 8Pund86 Arti 6626, f4Ib8 it 4
mlrdemeanor ?or anyone 0 *ii4 or reoord any rooh map or
pht WithOUt a4ViOU81y 84OWing 49.pplVY41 therefor 48 PI’O-
Tided by 14W. (AOt8 1951, 42nd Leg., p. 866, oh. 160.)
Ch4pter Zl7, Aot8 1931, (Art1014 6626 a8 amtnd8d)
mab8 no lxoaptlon in regard to the 4ltoltlon @maned by
Art1814 974a, nOr do48 it repeal Amy 0r the provl8ion8 0r
Art1414 97th
X4 844 UO OOUfliOt b4tW44nthe prOVlelOn8 Oftb84
two Art10144 io:regard to the sittmtlon yooa8et forth, but
even OhOUid 8Uoh be apparent, we would be bound, under reo-
0gnlx4a ral48 0r 8t4tutory oon8truotlon, to reoonclle and
harmaizs the oonfllot I? pO88ib14, nhare, aS hsrii, the
8tatutes 4r4 In par1 matrrla. Slshop v. Routston Tndepcndent
sohool Diotriat, 119 Ter. (03, 29 S. C,. (Zd) 312.
'It 18 a settled rule 0r rrtatutorylutsr-
pretation t&t 8htUt48 whloh deal with the
ma14 general subject, hare the saae general
purpo84, or r418t4 t0 the 8ame person or thing,
are ooneid4rsd as 'In par1 materla'. (in re-
latlon to the 8ame Platter), altboughthsy oon-
fain no reference to on4 another, and although
they were paesed at different times or at dff-
?4relit 848SiOn8 O? the h&8htUr4.
*In order to 4rrl14 at a proper construction
Or a 8tatut4,and determine the exact le6lslatlve
lntent, a11 nct8 and parts 0r dots in wrl mater14
will, t&rs?ore, br taken, read and construed t
g&her, eaoh enactment ln rcrereno4 to the othezi
d8 though they Wet‘4 pax%4 Of )aW. any oonrllot
between their prulslons ~111 be harmanlzed, lf
po88ibl4, and lrr44t will be given to all pro-
vision8 or 4aoh aot if th4y can be ma4 to.rtand
to&her and have oonourrent r??loaoy.a 39 Tex.
Jur. 253, s40. 135, sod orse4 oited-
Honorable liolvey i~illlans,?age 4
A oorr4latlvo rule Of statutory
oomtruotlon in
that repeal of statute8 by implication 18 never farored nor
pr48UZWd. T07~neena1. T4rr411, U3 Tex. 463, 16 3. x. (za)
":.herethere is no lxpr484 r8pe81, the
prsswaptlon 1s that in enaotlng a new law
the Legl814tur4 intended the old rrtatuteto
rmaln in operation." 39 Tex. Jr. 141; Cole
t. state es rel. Cobollnl, 106 Tex. 472, 170
B. 3. 10'36.
Conetrulng the two rtatutes together, then, 18
find that before th4 County Clerk may &w?ully.?l1e or re-
cord the plat in question, 8uOh plat must be authorized by
the Com.i88lonere* Court or his county in the manner pro-
vided in jrtlole 6626, in addition to i&satingthe requlre-
mentr aa to 40knowi4agimd and the r4qulrrsent4 as to ap-
proval by the City Planning COUBllt88fOn, Of, ii mn4 4Xi8tS,
by the governing body, of suoh city or town In the manner
provided in ArtiCl8 974S.
It ie, therefore, the opinion Of this dapartaent
and you are 80 advised that under the facts 84t forth In
your letter, tisquoted above, it would not.be proper nor
idui county
for the county Clerk or idoL4naa.n to r 114 and
record the plat in c,uestionunless and until the 843~4 ha8
been authorized by tba Coam&sslon4rs* Court of that County
in the manner provided in Artlol4 6626.
Trusting that ~4 hare fully answered your inquiry,
we are