Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorab1.s ho. If. Eh+Q~ard OomptroUarof Fubilo Awount8 arutia , Trrer ubait ior. the opinion and aoooapuhying ok of old hotua, that or &an Antonio and am nio 'thmugh tho Chief In8psotor. der Artio1.a ?019a-19; sfbtel SurChsr that th0 9To)eO%ip 18groreapmt of 'IiboAntonio ao&l8:,%0 be usml ior &UOa- tional and public bonrflt. i.iviu.,ste in a1ty olmed and do part of ths.sarntnge there& Inurea to .the benclfit of siny private atockholdcr or l.ndf+Idual. The NStCWa- tion is to be wed ~6 a training 6obool tsa62rin(l; *aW- fog,, h+mkst rraklng, fmtelnwr)O, t&t8 rroxk, *to., 00 b0 run antI oparatad by the sit?. 235 &xl. Gee. il. sheppnrd, page 2 'Vi11 you klndiy advlaa m whether the aasiarlone ohargoa to thlo benefit perromsnoo is aubjcct to the tha0iiaissi0ntax." Artlole 7047a-19, yornon*6 Annotated 01~11 Statutea, levtks an saJ&3slon tar or one c.Rt (l$) on each ten oerlta (log) or each rraotional part th0n0r paid as s6mlsslon to thsatrsa, mottoR pioturs the%tra%, opara8, plays and likr aamoe- pCnta where the adtiaeion charge la in exaom3 0r iirty-0n0 gents (!!&I)per person. It is therefore apparent that the adxirslon foe of One Dollar ($1.00) per.person ror the thsatrloal psrrormsnoe aes- OrZbed in your lstttr will bring sam *rithln tho aror%Emld tax &my', unleea an exemption therefrom is artordad by the follovtlng portion or krtlals 7047a-19, Vernon's Annotated tlrll Statutes: %vorp person, rmi, ee8ooietioh 0r peraonx, or oorporation owing Or operating any place or amuemment which charges a prloe or fee Sor adm.il8ien, iooludlng axhibltiona in thoaterrr, motion piotun theatora, opera halls, and lnoludlng horao raolxg, dog raoing, aotoroyolo raolng, automobile raolng, sad like OOnt9st6 and exhlbltlonr, and lnoludlng danor halla, night oluba, skating rinks, and axy and all other plaoe8 of fdXUSaant6 not prohibited by hwr ahall rile nlth the St&o Comptrollera quarterly report on tho 25th day of January, April, 3uly, and Ootobor ror the Quarter awling on the laet day or the preoedlng month; said repmt shall show the gross amunt raoelred and the prlos or fee for adBilssion; prorlacd. however uo tax shall be lorled uuaer thin Act on any admlaslon oolleotad for danooo. atorlng ploturea. opersa. plays. and nxwlcel cntertalnwente. all the pr0Od8 Of Whleh IRIDO 43XOiU6lVOiY t0 the boxofic or State. rellglous, eauoationrrl. ~oc oharltabla ln- stitutiona. sooietiaa. or 0re;anlaatlons. - ii n43 part of the net oarnlnga thsreot inures to the bono- fit of any pclvats stockholder or individual; . . .* ?tJnaerrcoring curs 1 The mote outlined in your letter bring the lnetaut 0110 clearly within the sxea@ion tram this admission tax, oodorllnad next above. The aooing purpose or the theatrloal Perrorawiesin question uaa in iurthcranoo OS a olvl~ projeat - the oonvsrsion or a blook or old houess ouned by the oity of :en,Antonlo into e training aohool, to be condtlotsd by eel$ city, for the teeahlne. of certain useful art6 and tredee, muoh Es nearing, basket IricklnF,uetal work, tile work,, &o. In short, ia;ronthe faota stated by you, the proaeodm from the thaatrloal performance eiren by the City of San &tonic 05 Earoh 1, 1940, inured exolusivsly to the berMIt of.the aboto &moribea educations1 project mom &II La Flllita au not vi0 the bOwit Of 8~ priVat6 8tOakhOider Or indiridual." %M, 50 tax accrues thereon under Article 70475-19, Velpoa*~ Aa+ not.ntsd Civil 3.stutes. AFPROVED~ 20, 1940 ATTORNEY GEtTERALOB TMAS COMMIITEL