OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ;ion.Joe Eunsahlk, page 2 l5aw,rule or regulationof these crtatea. Sftilar Infornxtionwan oompllsd as to swpsndsd menarrera, eeoonde, referees,catchaakers,and promotera. Boxers and wrestler8 travel fros one state to another, an6 lnformtion oonoernlng their wrel e~~5proiessional reputation is vital. It ue era t4 be preoluded from imowing which boxers have been swpended for violations or their Qutles in other etataft,we would lnvarlably permit preotioes in Tsxer that would lcwer ths standard of boxjng in this State, thereby resulting In a de- aline in attandanoe,end thla would lutomtioall~ deprlrc the Stats ot contemplmted revenue la Its collectionof three pe: cent or the gross receipts rroa such borlcqrconteata. "The Stional Boxing Amoaiatlon Issued their tjuspenslonbulletin So. I.2 on February 12, 1940, showlog that one boxer in ~exno es& three boxers in two other states ha& beea mqm&U for Qouse, and tbet three boxem in as zant oth6r 6tat-W had been reinstated. Suoh lufcmmtlen lo furnished to member8 by the Hatlonal Boring Awsolatioa. The auapenaiona mede in Texas aro reco~lzed in cther.etater,and the arohange or such inSoruxati4n 1s of'wtarlal bererlt In WI effort to sza1atai.n boxing on e high plaae, the very pttr~~ss ror nhioh the lam was pefmed. tie beiiere that vexes rhotl$d ham a voice lx defining rpec~rledworda and ala4 e toice in promul&lng aec- telo rules end rcgulatiaw, an6 then the 4pportunUy to Imowwhat such words man and what such rules an6 reguiationsam.* You raqueotour opinion a8 to whether or not a-0 in the maa of t?26.00ror the year 1940 tar laemberehlpin the E&tlonal Boxing i;oaooiationof tierioa, Inc. my bt paid trou,the *eon- tingant expense* hand nentloned fn the aurract epprcpristlon r0r the boxing and vreatling dlrfalan or your Ijaparterant. ibf‘tcr prov5dFng alerles for euqioyeee ot the boxing and wrestl:ne~~ivls5onof the Bureau or Labor Statlstlee,the gmeru+lappropriationbill, baiu$ Sena,te~BillVo.429, 46th bgieleture, xwkes an epproprl6tioDbi tha (IUODof &4,000.00 ror Spoeta6e, atatlcmery,talegraph, teleghons,ewalpment, tratelitpme ooctiqwnt. exgecse~.n roliouin~ Ruob iteaized U@ropriation 2.8 a rider rea&tng 58 raliows: *::,ubjectto the limltetlons cet forth in tte pro- ~lelcjnsappaarlr* et tbe end of this .L.ot, t&ore la hereby approprletedout of the iioxllsg and Graetlln$ 3-d ror soch or t&e yaara ending &uguet 31, 1940 ad huguat 31, 1941, an exouht sutrlolent to pay the item set forth abore under the boxlc(:an4 SrGstllngZXvis:on.* The speclfie purpoees hems6 in the appro@riationbill for whioh ssld sum of $4.000.00ntey be USed are not all oi l r fmiia r M tUm, attention being oelled to the dlrfersnoe8 ~;ye~~y6t5~50nd 8quIpment and bet-en stetlonery and man the rule or sjuadeir; generis 58 or no aid ln.attezpting'todeterralne what Is meant by the teti leohti~ent expenses." Under the alrcumetance6,we think it 11:broad enough to coyer the item 15 quaetlon if the mute bs reasonablyneoeasnry In reguiatlr& the prontotidgand oonduet- I= or fI8tia combat8 end wrestling metches. ?kom’a reading of ArtIale 614, Varnon*s?enal.Gode,and in partloular Seotlonr h an.4190 timeor, in oonneotlonwlch the rci0tGset out fh your .letter,.wetareof the oplnlon that it la hl&iLy desirable that the Connirrlonarot Labor, rho 19 eW.horlze6 by law to rogu- let* auuh xatter6 tmd who Is charged with the duty of prom&l&at- .in@ tia and regu&kions which may be neaeseery in the premIsea, ~nlatalahim~slf in suoh a poctltlonae to reosite InformatIon dlsmmInated by.the:XationalBoxing xasoeiatlonto Ita wmbere. If we Paderetandyour Setter.oorreetly,it la neaea*ery for @u6h membershIp to be eii+bllBhed or retained if.such informntlon 18 to ba ha&. +oOOmll~ly, It is gt%roplnlon that this uponee MY be paid out of the above itentof eppropriaticm. Yowa very truly Assistant JfLA&L&u ATTORNN GENERAL OF TEXAS