OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mr. %a. J. Tuokar icxeoutiveseorstar~ Oame, Fleh and Oyrter Commirslon kustin, Texar Dear sirx vie have ror l-0 of Deoembor &l, lOSO, regarding the OOM Bill No. 945, AOt8 1939, 44th Legiela pas0 on private land6 for the purp hln&, and we take pleamre in anem 15,149), and not mom ed (15,300) inhabitante, deral oermua.* Slnoe thir a general law, Qrovlding problem Is to determine uheth- .a speolal or a looal law. of Artlole III of the ConetltutlonOS a0 followci: law, authorlzlnngl a number of speoial eubjrctr): *Ana in all other oatsea where a general law oee be made looal or epeclal law eball be enaatedltprovided. that nothing herein oontainea shall be oanetrued to prohibit the 22 iir. AI. J. Tucker, Page 2 Legislaturefrom passing special lavisfor the preservationof th game and fish of this State n oertain locali&.' (parenthesisand under- scoring ours) .. The following rules are pertinent to the problem at hand: *Classificationof cities and counties by population,and legislationapplloableto suoh classification,has generally been suetained where a substantialreason appears for suoh alassifioation.N . . . WIS the olasslflcatlonof oltles or ooun- ties is baaed on population,whether an act la to be regarded as special. and whether its OP- 722, 95 P. 781." Smlth v. State, 1% Tex. cr. 431, 49 9. A. (2d) 739. (underscoringours)? "The alassifioationadopted must rest in real or substantialdistinctions,which renders -oneclasq in truth, distinct or differentfrom another olaee. . . There must exist a reasona- ble justlfloationfor the claselfloatlon;that 'is.the baste of the classificationinvoked must have a dlrsot relation to the Purpose of the aw..." I Mcijuillenon hunioipal Corporations, K 499, 499. (uuderacoringours) iSeare iniormed that Orange County, Texas, had a populationof 15,149, according to the 1930 federal census; and that according to such "last preceding federal censuaR it is the only county in the State falling within the olasei- rioation of counties having not lese than 15,149 nor more than 15,300 inhabitants. We believe that these population brackets do not afford a fair and reasonable basis tor olassi- f'ioationwith referenoa to trespass ofiunlnolosedlands. Ii8 Mr. Iyn.J. Tuoker, Page 3 do not believe that this Is a real classIfloatlon,but on the oontrary, la the designationof a single county to which alone House Bill Xo. 945 applies, and m attempt under the guise of classltlcatIonto create a tisdemanor differing from the general penal laws and one to which the residents of other aaunties 8ImIlarly situated are not made amenable. Nor oan we bring ourselves to believe that there Is a rea- sonable jastffioatlonfor this distinotionor that the basis OS olaesifioationinvoked hae a dlreot relation to the man- ifeet purpose of the law. Coneequently,we hold that this is a looal or epaolal law, whloh, If valid, appllea only to Orange County, Texas. City of Fort Worth v. BobbItt, 121 Tex. 14, 36 S. W. (2d) 470, 41 9. W. (2d) 228; Beaar County v. Tynan, et al., 97 9. W. (2d) 567, Smith V. State, 120 T8x. Cr. 431, 49 S. W. (gd) 739, I MoQulllaa,pp. 498, 499. The case of Stevenson, et al 1. Food, et al (Cow& ~pp. 1931) 34 9. W. (2d) 246, la not appliaable beoause this is not a law *ior the preeenatlon of game and iishw In this State as will be demonstrated. Having determined that thle 18 a looal or epeoial law which appllerrby deeoriptlononly to Orange Coanty, Texas, just as effeotlvelyas ii Orange County had been designated by name, our next problem is to determIne whether or not IiouseBill Ho. 9.45is a law Sor the preservationof game and rlsh, within the meaning of Section 56 or Article III or the Constitutionof Texas. If it la not a law for tkproserva- tfon of game and fish, Is the subjeot of the law tineabout which a general law can be or has been made applioablb? House Bill Ho. 945 reads, In part, as followsr * Weotfon 1. In oountles having a popula- tion of not less than fifteen thousand, one hundred and f'orty-nine(15,,149) and not more than fifteen thousand, three hundred (15,300) Inhabitantsaooordlug to the last preceding Federal Census whoever shall enter upon the Inolosed or unInolose4 land of another without the oonsent of the owner, proprietor,or agent In oharge thereof. and hunt with firearms or oatoh any game thereon, or thereon oatoh or take or attempt to satoh or take any fish from any pond, laki,,:tank,or etream on said land or in any manner depredate upon the same, or take or attempt to take any property there=om, Mr. Wm. J. Tuoker, Page 4 shall be guilty of a IDIadepLeenor, and upon oonvlotionthereof, shall be fined any sum not leas than Ten Dollars ($10) nor more then Two Euudred Dollars (#200) and by a forfeitureof his hunting lloenae and the right to hunt in the State of Texas for a period of one year from the date of his eonvletlon. By *lnoloaed land' la smnt aaoh lend as is In use for agi- culture or grazing parposes or ror any other purpose, and lnoloaed by any atruotare for tenoing, either or wood or iron or combination thereof, or wood end wire. or partly by water or stream, osnyon. brx rook or rooks, bluffs, or ieland. Proof of ownership or lease z ageno nay be made by perol teatlmony;provld- d wever, that this Aot shall not apply to inoloaed or anlnoloaed lend whioh is rented or leased for hunting or fishing or.oamplng prlvl- legea where the owner, proprietor, or agent in oharge or any person for him, by any and every aeaaa he8 reoeived or oontraoted to resolve more thaa twenty-flvo (25#) oents per aore per year or any part of a year for saoh hunting, fishing, or oamping privileges,or where mra than Four Dollars (44) per day per person is charged for aaoh huatlag, fishing, or oemping privileges,end provided furthrr that this ax- oeptlon shall exist $or a period 0s one y*ai iron the date of the reoelpt of auoh sum or 8~ 0s -MY. . Y3eotlon 2. Any person found apon the in- oloaed lend ot another without the owner*8 oon- sent, shall be aubjeot to arnat~by any peaoe offloer, and auoh arrest may be made withoat warrant of arrest." We also call your atteatlon to Artlole 1377 0s the Penal Code of this State, whloh reads:' Whoever shell enter apon the lnoloeed land of another without the uonaent of the owner, proprietor or agent ia oharge thereof, and therein hunt with firearms or thereon oatoh or take or attempt to catch or take any fish from any pond, lake, tank or stream, or In any manner depredate apoa the same, Mr. Wm. J. Tuoker, Page 5 shall ba guilty of a misdemeanor,and upon oonvlotionthereof, shall be fined any aam not leas than $10.00 nor sure than $200.00 and by a rorreltureof his hunting lloenae and the right to hunt In the State of Taxaa for a period of one yaar fawn tha date or hla oonvlotlon. By *lnoloaedlands’ la meant auoh lands as are in us8 for agricultureor grating purposes or for any other purpoaa, and lnoloaed by any atruoturefor fenolng either of wood or Iron or oomblnatlonthereof, or wood and wire, or partly by water or stream, oanyan, brush, rook or rooks, bluffe or island. Proof of own- ership or lease may ba Bade by par01 testimony. Provided, hawaver, that this Act shall not apply to lnoloaed lands whioh are rented or leased for hunting or flahlng or camping prlv- llegea whare the owner, proprietor,or agant In oharge or any person for him by any and avary maana &a reoeivad or oontraoted to re- oalve mare than twnty-rive cants per aore par year or eny part of a year for auoh huntlng, fishing or oarapingprivileges,or where aare than 94.00 per day per person is oharged for aaoh hunting, fishing or oamplng QrlVilegeS. And provldbd $'urtherthat this exemption Shall exist for a period of ona year from the dat+= r of the reoeipt of auoh sum or auma of money. Yeotion 2. day person found upon tha ln- oloaed lands of another without the owner*8 oonaent, ahall be aabbjeotto arraat by any peaoe offloer, and auoh arrest may be made without warrant of arrest.= The only reapeot in whloh these two aota diifer 18 that _ (1) Rouse Bill go. 945 appllea to uulnoloaadas well as Inoloaed lands, and (2) prohIblta the taking of proparty iron inoloaad or uninoloaedlands, as well as hunting and fishing thereon,without the oonaent of the owner. (Theaa dl~terenoaamay be found underllned in Houaa Bill go. 945; in other respeetu the aota are identfoal.) Indeed. Seotfon 3, the eaargenoyolaaae of &use Bill Wo. 945, is frank e- naagh to state that; mSeotion 3. The fast that there are now no provisionsin the Penal Code of the State of Mr. iym.J. Tuoker, Page 6 Texas whereby it IS unlawful for any person to enter upon the unlnoloaedland ot another without the ooneent of the owner, proprietor, or agent in oharge thereor, and hunt with firearms or oatch any game thereon, or there- on oatoh or take or atteraptto oatoh or talm any fish from say pond, lake, tank, or stream oa said land or in any manner depredate upon the same, or take or attempt to take any pro- perty from the inolosed or unlnolosedlend of another, oreatee an emergenoy and an lmpera- tire public neoeesity that the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several daya in eaoh House be #uapended, aad the same ie hereby ewpended, and this AOt &all take effeot and be in foroe rrom and after its passage, and it is eo enaoteddw Note that it i8 not the fact that firrhand game oondltionaare such in Orange County, Texas, that relief muet be had, but that the Penal Code of Tens doer,not adequatelyoover the 8ituation. Moreover, the aot was not paesed ior *preaenation of gaao and finha beoaure by itm terma It doea not apply U land ia rented or laaa6d. It must have been enaoted to afd omen and lrslroraof Ann- oloeed lande. Looking to the legislatirehistory ofy&iole 1577 of the Penal Code, it was tiret enacted in I.885(Lnm 1886, page 80), and the aot did not apply unless the land wat posted by the owner, nor did it apply to lnoloeuror having 2,000 aorea or a0re. Aa amended in 1899 (Lana 1893, page 87), It wee provided that no prosecution ahoald take plaoe exoept at the instanoeor upon the written request of the owner or omers of the land or their agents. The aot was again amended in 1003 and was lletod in the General laws of that year (Laws 1909, pago MO), a9 an offense a- galnet property - prohibitinghauntingwithin the InOlOBUr8 of another. Once again the act was amended fn 1929 (AOtS 1~29, Bofdp-riretLegislature,Plr8t Called Sosslon, Chap- ter 100, pqe 242). and the emergenay olauae of euoh en- aotment oaats some ll*t upon its pUrpoas. We quoter *The faot that there ia now a0 law pro- viding ror an adeqmts, proteotion of the UI?.Wm. J. Tuoker, Page 7 omera of farm and ranohes on the one hand, and the huntera on the other, the first from unjust depredationsby unscrupulousbunters, and the second from unfair and exorbitant rental charges, oreates an emergency and in- perative pub110 neoeseity . . .* The problem Is essentiallythe same as stated pM%nnnf vs. crow, et al ( Comm. App., lOSS), 78 S. 3. "The statute ln question applies to Hill County only, and ia, therefore, a loaal or speolal law. Zf the parpose of the above act uaa to regulate the affair8 of the count other than the maintenanos of roads, it 1' a uuoon8tltutloMl. On the other hand, ii its sole purpose was the ~mlntenanoe 0r the pub- 110 roads* its enactmentwas within the power of the Legislature.* In Austin BrOS. vs. Patton, et al (Consi~App., 1086) ZSS S. Y. lee, a speoial road law was hold to be In vfolatlon or Seotion Sd or ~rtlols III or the Constitu- tion, and net within the exoeption set forth in Seotion 99 ot Article VIII, beoaase it subtraotedfrom powers oon- ierred on the Comatiesionors~Court by general lau,pohaaged the eouuty financial system as fixed by general law, an4 created new eftioes and duties provided for by general laws. Xt was held that none or such things were ninoidsntalor neoeasary to the malntonanoe, laying out, epsnlhg and oonstruotionof road8”. Xu Kltohens, ot al vs. Roberts, County Treasurer (C.&A., lQSO), 24 8. Y. (&l) 464, writ refused, a speolal. road law wae held to be Invalid as an attempt by speolal or looal law to regulate tho affairs of the county, because the law fixed the oolqpansatlenof the county oommisaioners for servioes in ocmneetlonwith roads and thus was 8r1at- tempt to *alter the general laws." Consequently.we are oonstralnedto hold, and It is the opinion of this department,that House Bill No. 946 is not a law ror the presorvatlonof game an& fieh, but, on the contrary, is an aot for the proteotiomof property owner8 ot Orange County, Texas, a speo,ialor leaal law regulatW a subjeot about which a general law oan be, and haa been made Mr. Wm. J. Tuokar, Page 2 applicable. Therefore,it stands In the teeth of and oon- demned by Beotfon 56 of Artiole II1 of the Conatltutlonor Texas. Altgelt ve. Gutzeit, 109 Tex. 123, 201 S. W. 400; CosPlissloners~Court 0r Limestone County, et al TO. Garrett, et al. (Conm. App., 1922) 236 9. W. 970; Anderson, et al TO. Routs, County Judge, et al. (C.C.A., 1922), 240 3. W. 647; Austin Rros. ~8. Patton, et al. (60s~. App., 1926) 28S S. W. 182; Kltohens, et al. TO. Roberts, Oouutp Treasurer, (C.C.A., 1930) 24 8. 1. (2d) 464, writ refused. We are also of the opinion that Rouse Bill No. 945 is repnguant to seotfon 19 Of Artiole I of the CoMtltutlon of TWO, and Seotion I Of Art1010 XI7 of the Foderal Con- stitution,whloh provide: Vo oitlsen of this state shall be deprived or llfo, liberty, property, privilegesor %mmunl- ties, or in any manner distranohiaed,exoept by the due oourse of the law of the land.* Seotion 19 of Article 1, ConHiltutlonof Texas. No state shall sake or euforoo any law w>oi hall abridge the prlvlleges or immml- ties of oltitens of the United States; nor shall eny state deprive any person of lite,.libertyor property, without due prooess of law; nor deuy to any psrsen wlthln its ju.rlsdlotlonthe equal proteotionor the laws.* In Rx parte Slaemore, 110 Tox. Cr. Rep. 232, 0 S. W. (2d) 134, 196, 89 A. L. R. 4s0, a speofal road law had bees enaoted for Sulth County, Texas, allowing oonvlots only tlity cents per day for laboring on the publio reads. The general law provided that oonvlots In mlsdenteanor oases should be al- lowed Three ($3.00) Dollars credit per day on fine costs. The court held that this previeion of the special road law was repugnant to tho Fourteenth &men&tent to the Constitutionof the United States and Saotlon 19 of Artiole I of the Teras Bill of Rights In that It denied due prooeae and equal proteo- tion of the laws by requirln& a acnviat iu one oounty to serve . a different term than one oonvioted of the sass offense in a slmllarlysituated oounty. A like oase deolded on ldentloal grounds 1s Rx part8 Berguxmn, 132 S. W. (Zd) 408, deoided Ootober 25, 1939, by the Court of CH.miual Appeals. In that oase the oourt said: i&r. Wm. 3. Tuoker, Page 9 Woreover, the olaasiflcationseeus to be based merely on the numbers of people in the varioue oountlea, not as to age, sex* or physi’ oal iniirmatiee,or in any other mauner whioh would appear to be a Just or reasonable basis for olaaslrloat~on. Vieare not unmindful 0r the power and authority of the Legislatureto olaaslfJ according to population.but auoh oiassi- Iioa on mua some dlfferenoewhioh bears a lust and proper relation to the attempted olasslfloatlonaud not a mere arbitrary seleotlon.m ghb th Constitution,Vol. S 980. 185 ($0 &Eon): This being true, we ?a11 to see a rsasonable basis for the olasslfioatlonin the lustant oase. Just why the people in Lamar County and the peoples of other ooustles falllog wltm the prescribed populationbraokets should be aooorded different treatment to the peoples of other oountier of thla State is apparent neither from the Act nor from the reoord before us;e (underscoringours) Likewise, we fall to see a reasonable basis for naking trespass on uslnelosodlands in Orasge Couaty, Texas, a misdwwr when the ldentloal aots in neighboringoounties or oountiea r~imilarlysltwted im not made so and rer these reasons aad under the authorities set forth above- must hold that Eouse Bill Ro. 945, Is unconstitutionaland void. Very truly yours r ATTORNNY GEMERAL OF TEXJB