Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN @auoM9doran mm. Ella Ita4 Murphy, P* 3 ‘or lioansersrtorrd wlthln one (1) $rar after the dats of rxplration, upon thr payment of tha required ronawal tsa and satl~faotory proof of his or her quallfloatlons to resume praotloa.” The qusstlon prsesated lh aaoh of tha oplnlons under oonsldaration, 1s whether an lndlrldual, who tells to apply for a lleanse when tha Aot wsat into erreot and thereby assert hid iremptlon from ax&atlon, may do so at any time subsaquently and more thaaa a year after Aug. 31, 1936, and be antltled to raoelve a lioenae, rlthout taking the required axamlnatlon. Tbe~oplnlon rrltten May 30, 1935, hsld, as to praotltlonars, that ona antltlad to e llomse on the sf- fsotira date of the Aot rlthout being oompellsb to take tho examlnatlon, who iailrd to apply for suob lloenee prior to 080 year after the Aot wont into erieat, must thsre- aftor, to ba intltlrd to a lioanae, take the examlnatlan. Our oplnlon No. O-434, he13 llkewlae as to the lloaase of an lnb$r+Gr. our op!alon Ho. O-1574 la susoogtlble of the interpretation ot .holdlns as to a praotltlonar, that oae quallflod undrr Ssotlan 16 (a), supra, who did not apply for a lloonso on the effeotlrr data ot the Aot, or wlth- in twrlvs (12) months’ there@fter, would, aetsrthel~ea be entitled to a lloense, without taking the examlnatlon, at any mbmquen$ tlmar The fundamental purposa of this law, as stated tn its caption, above quoted was to prots’ot the publio health, and one.matbod of aoooraplishlng ,thls daslrable result was deemed ,%o I)r,thr lloenso requlramants embodied in the ;:ot. Ssotlons 1; 15, 16, 17 ,and 18 thereof pertain to lloenses. Baa18 la thasa p~ovlslond 1s t,ha requirement of examlnatlone, and the pwposa undirlylag Sea., la., ‘supra, whereby an ln- strwtor or prqatlt-ioner should oontlnuously keep the li- oens* aurront. Tha soo~a of No. 18 is, perhaps, doubtful, but one of its OfrO0tO la to oompal any praot4tioner or lnetruotor to take anothorpl sxamlnatlon betore rsoalvlng another llosns%~ upon hls falh\lrs to’restore an smplred 1lOans~n one year aiter its ex$iratioa data. The obtloua pui-pese OS suoh pcrnalty 1s a reooqnltion of the Paot the% lmprowaonts mw.ld be mad* from tlole to’tlrae 18 ~netbods of sanltatlon and 10 the Prevention of the spreading oi dlssasret with whioh tha praotitioner and fn- struotor should be iamiliar. Mrs. Ella Mae Murphy, p. 4 Buoh being the effect of 500. 18, supca, as to lloenaec upon axamlnatlan, it ooaports with the purpoea of the law to llkewlse oouitruc it as to lioensee upon exemption. To hold otherwise would say thet an fnatruotor or preatltloner who was ellglble ?or the lloense without examlnatlon et the time of the alieotlrr, date of the Aot, and rho did not apply for suoh license at that tlmo, or wlthln one year after Aug. 31, 1936, would, not* wlthstandlng such faU,ure, ba entltled to a lloeaeo without hen examination, upon applloatlon therefor at any time therea?ter. In Tex. Jur., Vol. 27 et p. 870, wq read1 aOons~truotlon.-In oonstrulng a lloenae law, a aourt will saek, to asoertein and gl,Yc effeot to the legislative intent. Every part o? the aot wil. ba oonaidered, so a6 to make all parts hamonl ‘r&l? praotloable, and lve a seaolble ,efibot 1o eaoh. But the aourt f;8 not oontlned to a oonalderatlon o? the language used in an lnaotment . fa deteralni,ng the meaning soopo and purpose OS an rot. it may be read 1x1 oon- motion-wltb sfatyter~la pari matarla; em6 ju- diolal aotlor ISAYbe taken of oondltf’ons o? 00-n notorlety~ex~sting at tha time or its eaaetiaent, lnoltilng the bablts of buslnass re- latlag to the rtlbjeot matter smbraoed wlthln the law. MQreQver, A lloeaee law will be given a’reasonable oonstruotlon, with a view to meet- ing the misobief and adtanolng the re!aedy, and in order to susteln the validity of the eaaot- znent. ‘#hon,neaeasary to oarry out the apparen% leglslatioe latent, the words or a ~statute may be trsaapossd. * (Vn5ersooring ours). ~Aooordlngly, you are respeotiullp advised that it is our oplnioa that an lnstruotor or praotlbloner who was cllglble ror a lloense undsr Art. 734(b), supra~, witbout taking an exami- netloa, by fore* o? tbe statutory exemptiqn, at tha time OS the erfeotlvc date or the Aet, must hare. applied tar suob lloense within one year a?ter Aug. 31, 1936; otherwlee, upon an mpplioation for lleense therea?ter, sueh instruotor or prcotltioncr mar be CQmpellcd ;;1,i;Etlt, to the statutory examlaatlon before bfilnu entltlcd to a l w the extent that our opinion No. O-1574 OOQ?lfOt~ with thl6 oon&&uslon, it la hereby overruled. ma* Ella Y. lrurpho, PI 5 BY ($1 WM. J. Fanning Asslatant APzBam ma. 21, 1939 (m) Qeald,C. SiRnIl ATTORISYOEXRRALOF TEXAB