0 avail him-
execute an
~Comptr0ller, and warrat
t hu0e by the ComptrellrT
alwe 8oElpeny. we deslro 00
EonorabloJullau Lieatgomwy,Page 2
Faauranoe? The Department,of
oourse, oould not pay eny portion
of the premium.
92) cprr my potil0n 0r ti ~i0pdt3
rages or salary,when aasigmant
hem beea &on. be p a l6to lOIDI)OIU
“(3) AzmAmlBg that your answer to the
aeoond inquiry 18 *yea*, and, that
mom43plan 0r group ineuraaoo *aa
seoounded to the employees or
the Dopwtandthat several
th0gaand or OUT cslppiope~ b0uat
the aorerage and aade asslg0amnts
authorircm payroll deduotlon;
thle uould repulra a pat deal
0r extr.a work on.the part or oar
aooountantsin making up addltioa-
al payrellr,, eto. Would
lo& to aa0 our aooountfats ror
We are unable to find any reason rby amployaam
or the Hi&hway Department8hould net be allowed to .awd.l
thammltes or group iasaraaoa. This woald be paralp a
private uudertaking,and there lo nothing in tbair CM-
ployaant by the State oi Tsxae whioh wbuld.,problblt.iiuah
an enterpriseon their part.
In armor to your quostionu mabared (8) and
( 3).w6 p a y s
p a r tlo ula ra ttentio nto y o ur ltstesa nt that
the adoption or the plan proposedwald req@re a @peat
deal or extra nork on tha part or tha aooountantsof tba
x@hway Department. Th6rs is no need or disouqifiag the
fafmlbilltyor lagality of any plan whioh would raqtairs
the usa or atate amployoosfor a private putpo~a.
nrtiolo xv1, hotion 6, coostitution 0r Texas,
provide8 :
90 appropriationfor private or irrdivldual~
purposes &all bo aads. A ra&.ar etatemant,
under oath, and by ammxit of Cha rsoeipts and
expendituresof all pu&lie amnay shall be pub-
lished annually, in eooh matmet as &al.1 be
Eonorable Juliau IWitgomery, Page ;5
presorlbed by law."
Brom the above quoted provision it may bs aseu
that the Legislaturedoss net hara the authority to ap-
propriate money to ba used for a private or Individual
P-P-.* It thereforeto&lous beyond questfon that
money rhioh the Legislature has appropriatednay not ba
used ror suoh a purpose. To use state eaployess as aa-
oouutants ror a group or esiployws taking out group ln-
suranae, would be,to usa suoh anployeaufor a private
purpose, and weuld be tha orpenditure of state money
ror a private purpose. imy plan 0r group lnsuranae
nhieh ukas this rsquireaaut is unauthorized and my
not be approved.
Yours very truly