Huorshlr A. 1. BTysuq Jr.
MdTIrt .atoTMy
Nllbboro, Texu
Hun. l 1 . BWM , Jr ., hge t
-iAd ths Coumty Baud d kbol trustws kva
tb po o wer
a dlh o r uto
yg r o aupth la
k ull
M S-
trlct with the Blum Rural JUgh Jcbool Mstrlct for
a ur h
c h o op l
ur p o s
ith o 8u
utllec usr t-
The frcta aa sktod by you show the effected dlatrlrta
to be withlm tb
popddom brukots fixed by dich 292k. Voraom’s .-a-
notated Civil Stetutas slaco Blum Rural NQh Jc&ol31hrict No. P., hev-
iny Loea formed by greophg end sot by bnaecattoa of territory, ts clemsod
ackool dtstrtct 80 provided for by .;rUc& 2(22b, Vowmu’s
a sa c o mmo l
Annotated Civil ibtotr~.
~$a&I* as8wntq that the mewly #mupad dhtrict dmr
not contaln a greater arae tbm aw hundred squaw sntloa as ta that
event ~;rttcla 2922~ would apply mod M electlo would luve to be held.
I)a believe that the ophiaa rontiered by the :. uo
Court of Ctvll :.ppoJs ia Cow Board of khool frtutees of Urna-
done county, et al. v. :r i&or 4 al.. lS s’-.i.. (2d) HI, is contreAllng OQ
the qu.rUoa you have prorented to us. The p a r tio
o fth
a eCo ur t%
lp & -
ion sypkable to your question ts es follows:
‘Tba prwidoas OJ ch8pter 19A, betq~ remedial
ln the11 ruturo, should be Ubrraliy eoaotrwd with a
view of corroctlq the condiUaas sought to be rrnudied.
and 8ffect84Ulq the Intenttoo of the Laglslatrrr Ln on-
lcUng arid cbaptar. To aecompltsh sach Weattoa. it
ls.tbeqbt sstd board should hw* the smtbrity, aftw
#muply csrtaim dhtrtcta, to add to the distrtct thus
formed. by again grouping or eoaextag other districts
em prtided la mtAele 2922~ . . .*
Slnec the distrfst grouped OcWbar 1.193?i. by or&r
of the couoty board of rcbool trwtees was formed by grooptng md not
by coamolid~Uoo~ lt Is our opt&m that the prwisiono of ~.rUrle 2922a.
Varrma’r hnaotrted CivU htutes. would M q#Acable, mot UL6s8 ot
rticle 2922r.
Mstricto groujd uodrr rtkle 2t22a are composes
of intagral llameotary school dtstrtcts. wblch aoder the prwisioar of
mid rrticle may Ln cerbia riturtiorrs rewort but to their ortgtrwil
stitoe. rhila rrbool districts consolidated ondor Article 2922~ rhAU
as eat out lr rrrJ ~Uclo ‘t+ecom l part of raid rural Ugh scboel d)s-
trict few all lotents and purpo~er l though It were ori&mUy Y prt of
rlir datrtrt.*
lion. 1%.J. Bryan. Jr., Y8ge 3
This bdmg true ow uuwmr to yaw qaertloa I* that
the county boud d 8rastres had tb pwor and authority b group b
0i8tr a L ca to
q uer tio
with a allectiom.
u o ut
Yours wry truly,
/s/ E. R. al‘Lzrnono
fi. R.. slmmplu