Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Non* Robert P. w County Attorne$ Bo8quecounty Nerldlan, Te%M bearsic: opinion No. O-1560 Re: Whetherthe bondeervloecontraatbetween The SteakCompanyand CliftonIndependent SchoolDlstrlotoonetltuteea violation of~firtlale 43Oaof the P&al Codeof Texas. Wi8haveyour letterof October6, 1939in uhlohyou reque8tthe oplalonof thl8department withrefereaoeto the gurqtlon~wl&her.oo! @otthe bondlervloeomtraut whloh patt.ea&8ed. in. your -letter, betweenThe Steak Cuatwmyand ~Olll'toa ~%de#mdent'Mhi$ol Dl8trlat. crautituteaa viola- tlob ,of! ArtiIala 4gOaof th,*Petial &de of TexM ,~relatlrig to the Unl%ufUl :prbtice of law. ts p8rtAgraphI (a)of the I&I referpartloularly aari+aet whichretieas 'rollowe% "1'~ - ,Legal Serviae~ n(i)To pmpare~thelegal$aeg;ae~am~&ary to be executedin votingandp l86uantre:of the propomd ue'uuidtleti. Wherean eleu- tloa#&@quired;thl6*111 lnelu4ethe preparat+mof thepti~fwtlon prc#leedltig8WITWCUTEXTRA C&UWJE.~' ff the oompsd~~prepme8 aueh~pre-eleotlon @a+ooeedin@ 8x@ the eleatldnfall8to aarry,ne 0-e j.@to be' madebytbuempany f'orthe pmqeedl~ti'so p-@&d. It lm agree& now'avsr,thatif othereleetlone &.a rlmllarprepeabllitlim are aalS@dwithinone yearfmm the &k%eof the.previcam eleatlon, ehle aentraot will applJ,tO the new eIeotlons; withany neoereary altera- tZon8&n prlaeto oerrespdnd wlth.thenew PrOPOIBitlOn. The oumparqwillprovidethe austomerwlth not more ‘tihaa~thih traasarlpts of the OWlite legalpro- aeedlnga feraefmtlon-one fortheawktamer,ame for .gdctlon ~2.of:Artlcle 4369 6t the'Pena‘lX@e~.deiines thb',@Wtiiie: of law~xnd lnoludesthe followingi '"(b)For a coim%deratlon, rewardor pecuniary b&i&d*, prymittor antiolpated,~ direct,or indirect, edWf8$?8 or counsels to secularlaw,or imother'aa drari.:a or lnatriment paper;~doeiunent affeotlngor rel&tingto aeeularrightat..." ,. 3eotlon 7 bf Artlele43Oa of the P&al Coderelates to i$@&s&ritrinrl6lationof the unlaufulpm&ice Act. Thie SeatltW,*adailnpa+t.sSfollo*ei %ny agree&atby anpperson, aorW-atlon, OS'~seclatlon~.ln tiolatlono$,thl8Aot shallbe ill.,@:u#l&@b.p@raQn,~atlon, or sssymfa- tlinihallnot b&able to ramwe%-for aay UeIViOet3 ieuitiw'itivlalatlenof this Aot either on the eQntreot* a:qpssl-cront~etual *i3ll.atlon. . . 2, Ue~aMutwfraa your letter ~4ndfron the t&B8 Of the oiatrbatthetThe8teekCoqpwgiaa eerporatlon, and therefereaantmtbe Isrhrll~ authorfzed to praatiaela@. Xon,Ro+rtF.w, Page3. formmnue of these serdccs, Under our oplmiori Raa,O-831,by As8lstant~Attomey GeneralRobert E. lbplce, adUre6aed to Hon. 3. P. Bryan,County Attorney,, Brazorla County,the agreement by the aorporatlon to performlegalservleees~wauld be llleg,el,even thoughit wee oor&uplatedthatlloeneed attorneys shqmldperfox%the legal sex-does under employment by the aorporatlvn. A large number of aaseaare altedin #aid opinionswstalning this proponltlon. In Maordahitb with the requestcontalned in m letter,Ue eiymturnlng herewiththe oopy of the bondser- vlee'cditkitct whlahym'eent tie. B;rr RdRoySlmmocm Assistant ERSrpbp:ba s3?cLosul?R