%lt%rttlnLlt01y thsre 5a-e nw pmcl-
lx& 9 llutJ7SpOP suits vhicb gp3v out of Ii@&-
taona vhloh hrroe bow c1053u. There are no (Lo-
sets OS such dth which to my fhe
SZpW5OS OP 8UOh litpid3tfQ~- trnvel3np:
for attornjys, cwrt coats*dep5sit5,vltxlwn
Saw msl tho 3qx3ns53 OS ouch titneas. 'ibeae
dts rzmt be &d'tioctin the fnterostof t&e
gllhlAO* Mr oxaqlo, all cosots Or tha dnoriosn
stat0 mnl: of sIzlix&urg
vero sold, an2 the prooaa4e
distrtitod among the oroaltors,3M tha xiquiaa-
tion 010sodby order OS the ls5triotcourt or
wlalgo county: Ths unitad mxtos, assorting a
profwrod lien q@nct tha rrr;sots of the bunk
thw sold,haa brwght suit tn-kheIXLztrzlot Ceurt
the sala of -sota
of UidalgoCounty to sat us9.d.a
akm&wmttO~". CJbv2awlythe sutt mot bo aa-
. mere we, hovwor, no mnfls OS tlra
1iquldaMon out of 6hbh to pay those aostt3.
'al t&L8 oonlumtlonx roepeatrlulje&b-
pit two quwu.o~r
a(l) Crrnthesurplu8.abe? $mnt&mea,
Sn the ofV3ao ezqynsoacoouatbe utm1 in the pay-
mentof+theooot aS~oS.e~strifs oSth%~cWraet-
*(2) If this Purxlis not available,or
zgttiy what other 3ouroo 03n the90 ex-
462 of the Rwie#l ciril Gtatutoe
pa08 OS r0xh7st
.C~pw5stfon OP Mnmaor, enpleyaes
e& Ossietanta, ana all 03~05 cf tzqmvis-
+on and ligUild&m shall be Slz& by the Con-
&Ld~oncr, vbo shclll, frwzltluE to tilde,pw-
s33t tQ the DistMct Cmrt fn G13 coonty ill
uldoh enlB,bzuUc~~kuiktitmatcon~is
looRtl3d, ix in soesion,;ma to the juLl@ there-
of, If in yaoution, an %..fdzo3LUWLEUQCP
stdxxmnt OS th.acxpmscs zincucrod by hizlin
the liquidationof snah brmk or bsniiand trust
cm-, ub%ch no0cmt sk312be 3~provocI by
sois court, A.s3.~3 s~stiitn,or t&o $a;:~3 thora-
of, is in v3cstion,unless obj3otion is Silo&
~sontstion of said oxpmso accOuntm.
The*off¶.oeoxpensesoooua~ mntionedbyyou
&-tioxo 462 ztsaalately3%ova quoted.
t)mt t&it3Art.iOlO
*5 a ppopr sotup In pr~uznoo of tho proviclon9of
wiillbe men
authorszestllspwment r: "all expenses
or falpcrYlEloll
fl not ti~ossibla~Pop the proper
0s insolvoat
a02 llquidation~. Zt Is %Iq%%Otio;lblo,
and llqul.-
banks to ho oarriedou a&thoutoppfce
. Those &~ntLal expQnsosappl;p%xXcom?on
to til ImUcs In fho hands 05 the Corcritionor far li@da-
fion, maa no partlcul3.rprtlon thereofcon BG nlloorbted
to w particula!bank, asxi iadoccl, such, of courso, 5s
not tie pcwposoof ths sotup or the wOffie3 espanse50-
oouav . Wen,lnthe oourso of the periodloslreports
by the Cocmissienerto the %udi~iiSusl Diz;trict
Comts of
the oxpnws of UqutiLntlsq:, the PartAoulm bank wer
rbioh that oonrt h3s jurl63%ctiorr, the oetiPotod aatmss-
punse, SUQ& ns you Pwtlon, ragamos of tho wi$.n or .
tim OS tho aoquisiti~. The snnd has wan ac~latti
5nl set 0 t for that vary parrm30. As fxtiotod ty you,
suits or.t8”o churnotw oentioml in your lettoraDIetbe
doSozx%od and ospmms, such us those tmA.onoilby you,
Lust bo paid, ZUU t&we is no otlt~rfU%l f’rop;vfi+ch
Lautsmay beua&o.
80 that,your queetionIlo.. 9.sanmmnl ln
tho ttsm-mstiva,nna th5s aaha an anmror to your secard
very truly yowa