Ron. R. 4, Rutu’loutt
Val Verde a-ty
Del Rio, Tour
f@lnlon lo. fblsl8
Ro : Who th o r 0s o Hlo io lo m-
ponratlau p a id to a
8korlrr 18 r0gm0d u
k0r 0r 0rri00 ud
should k lo lo n8ido r o d
cn th0 uulrul r00 r0portj
other rolatiod ~quutloM
portalal to tha annual
r00 rooorY 0f a Oounty
Iour Z0ttOr o? A t BP,
litiitr r o 0.
rrom thim dapartmant $ho r0
'YY onlng pnertiaorr
Pnder tha magraph wrmlttiag the
Ca82iolaorr court to allow th# aorlrr ar
a o o untp
M u 0r mi0
loappmration s.a Ilou
or ia06 not 8 alfloally pravld0a rw, ma
wa notmrxwa r iaaraumlqtbatru~huoffi-
010 00mp0ruatiOn proparlj ia r0.r regarded 08
0r 0rri00, and #hotid bo 00 oorlrideraa ln the
annualroe report?
'9. At .thnolow of a yomrqrwork&oulA
not a11 r008 00ll00tod bag th0 rollorrlng
yr ba rubloot to the ~rovlriy~ relating to
for8 owned iba prier ~oarr’t
lS.da b a Ma d
iafl80rr lhOo~UEOt0h a *
omrpald ~080r00* a ttm g th apart 7 u r rb o
prmsittrd to Urduat ma& an amowit iMlr the
ourront roo8, or should 8uah a tlals br pro-
8mtaa to the Comd8rlonor8~ Court aid w them
bo UooldodT Qr, if not ratirtaotorj, bo oar-
rled on to %a jmoper ehaanr;lt*
is, 4, Rmlulcutt,@agot
W4 d8h to th8nk vu for JOIP rqpplowntal let-
t8r uudor dato lr (ktob4r 17th wheroln ~00. ol..rUy th4
above 8tat0d qor8tlm8.
Inla nuo o tlo
dthn your nqw8t mr Ozm, you
rotor to Artlo 8QS4, Revlrod Qlvll Itatmt.8, lQQ5, rith
th0 r0u08ing 84+md8:
wo h a ve lon81aerea that the lr-offlolo
oampeneatlemherelnprovldedror 00a8titd0a
r008 0r 0rfl00 in u0u or th080 not 8p40iflul-
1 proddedtar, The 8ppUeatlon 1s hotter
1~autrat.d in tbs ea.0 OS a 8herlrr larnlng
in lw r008 0r #ua a ,a mdab a g plrd~ M U-
0rri0z0 la mp enea otlo i$ nl000.00 ddng a
tom l~~1 ing r0r th 4p a 0r & & a .a tth a ,4
a a x tmw
p r o vided r0r wnd8r Art. 888s 1. .The
aoxt y4.r, lose h4 00114etr $600.00 r-8
lamoaaurirg l&w.
l8houldth4 ~1000.00 lx-affl4lo
ution not be oonridered v008 0r
the rheriff would be lnt1tl.d to retaln a
oxoe84 0r the $saoa,00 prorldad r0r ln the
.4eond pragmph of Irtq.8891;
4QIn oouatl48 eont.lnlng tb,WO Or
14.8 inhabitant., M.trlot and Oouut gflf~
oera namedherein #hall ntaln OM dl
8u.h 8x0888 rees until 8uoh on0 -ml, te-
A8 to Qu44tloxl Iumber Two, we Quota rrol. pur
letter a. r0mns
"It ha8 beon om eontentlon that ths
offloer8 umual r44 report 8horlng th.
total owp4n8aMon r4ooiw& ror the ymr,
lhouldbe h4ld a8 th4lm818 mount in&@-
kradning rituth02 w mi h08 00ii00t0a h
x011.R. t. Xuuuleutt, pege 8
rOiiOWf.?Agp-8 8-W OX.488 rO48. 8h0da OX-
0m0i0 eompen8aMon not b4 lla a a a8 eAi408
0r 0rrm, th4 omoer 18 Oatitlrd to mOR0II
00ii00ti~ to 0n* a p.r?t 0r it.*
queatlon Xumbar Throo, we quote
*Th, Qurirf 0r
thl. .ouaty oolleoted
#s 006.40 au r408 or 0ff1~4 aumg im6. x4
A d Lnto th. rount7 th4 8t.a Of $ 6.4 0U lV.
OO.. rOO8.
m iUs h 4 lOueOtOa ()78lm rOO8 lUM d
inlOs6, wM o $a mo unt
wo uldb a dueth e8Ouutl~
uuder Ar t.8&B, (being in 0xco88 0r $b 000.00
r0r th4 ar 1936). Tb 8hrJI-m eOit4n&# tht
aorfw F
194 ax.slQ&sh. didnotaoll4otbl.full
$S,OOC.OC and ba xwttined &SC.35 to oover tb
defloitin th0.4 two mr., notwithrtabdlng tb.
r448 were oarned ln 156. Cur the l.X'Xkb@. or
MS6 bo rrta3.n.d ror 1 deficit in pi+ PUBt"
lutiol. 89934, B8rired Clv%l Watuto., 1985, PO-
'8h4rirrB 8hau -0 ~488fV4 #IO rOnOW-
lng oo.tp4M~tlont
*1* ?Or all pr00.8. l#.ued fro18 the
su*rm Court or Court8 0r Civil Appeal8, UXI
BOPV4d bp’th4Z8, th4 U&W rr88 U a4 iUOW4a
them ror almllar aerrlcro upon pro0088 l88t14d
rrom th. dl. trlet oourt.
48. For .U.&.onin~ di#tZ'bt.Ild
OOU2ltJ oOUrt8, #erring l l14otbn llotloe.,
notice8 to m8r84or8 of road8 uxl doling all
other &V&&t bU.inr.8 Pot Oth4mf.4 provided
for, net uceadlng OM thouaaml dollar. per’
annumto be flud th4 003..d...10U4T#BOrPt
at the name time 0 r OX-OmOiO #ahrie#
are tixed, uul to be paid out of the ,general
Xon, R, T. Euudoutt, -0.4
Artlola b896, R4,rirod Old1 Statute8 of 1926,
U UWdOa, ~~Oa08t.
% hmai..iOm4r8' hu't $8 harob &-
OftiaiO #~l-ViU. t0 tiOOrmt7OitiOid. rhrn.aO
lUIUp4PutiOII a 4X4088 iO48 dbh tih.7 Ua
allowed torotaln ahall naohtho mxlmtm~b
vldedrorln thia chapter, Ihu888 dam-0
th a lmp ena a tloa nd
n e x a e.8
ia ..whlohtha
- affleorr are allowed to ?eta%n8hd.k not naoh
the-~vidediarin hhi. ohaptar, the
~88iOa4~8' DO& au d.bW OC?WKJ~atiOn
re *rofflolo eervloea tin, intholr 3
mat, 8uOh 8 Mation 18 Bt.008.U'7, gr0
luoh OOm&W#at =r OXI
?Or Of OrfiOiO #~r*lOO.
allowed shall not lnoroaao tie lompen8atloa Or
the otflclalkpndtheludnumof lo mwnea tlo n
ind uaoaa allowod to W reWnod b bir
uudar thlr Frorldod howover, GAO
efflolo herein Butmud 8hh be allowed &?y
arter aa*pportrmityrorapnbliob
al7 upon the efYlrsmtin tot0 at
rulb4r. Of tb COWi##i02&4r#' a0Wt.a"
Artlola 8896 Retired Clril Statutea, a8 Imwtiod,
p r o dder
that laoh dir&rict, eormt7 rsd prrolnet orfloor
-11 k08p a aorreot atetount si all for8 earned by hla
md an mm8 ~ooaag into Ma hrndr aa a4po8it8. ror eoata,
togeth4r dth an trot rutada,r08i 0r 0rri00 and OoarmiB-
alone in a book or in beob to bo rovlded Mm for lu8h
purposo,~end fyrthar prmM48 it 8 & ll be the dut7 of the
0o~atj.uUltorlnaountl48 havlnga oount~mdltorto an-
nua llyluI#be tbr booka Md 8mOlmtB Of 8UOh OffiOerB
and in oountler having no lditiOX', it.hd.lb4 th.
duty of kh4 h5d..iOXk0l'.' to 1.0k4 th lXmdMttiOn
of aaid book. a nd lBaO\Ultir
h&i014 8887,. &V%.Oa ~@iril 8tatUt48, U -,
proPid I
Hw. R. f. WmnioUtt, -0 I)
th CiOUllQ in Whbh h4 F4sdd88 l 8Wm #t& O-
mat in.trlplloate (an ioru draignod md
approved by tin Mate Audi tar) a oe or *hid
#t.t4#Xlt #till be rowd to tb pz tate
Auditor by the dsrk or the
Or lrld OOULIt7
With in& et
th eum h.bren'tZled in
.a4 oopy’tok fllodrith t$o oount+War,
If&Xi7 Otb4dBO #Aid SOYJ #hai b0 ribd
tie ~O.d#.i@l4r.’ @orrrt. Wd lrport
lhdi lhor th4 &!fiOUd Or 8u rOO8, 8oad8810~~
a ndlapnr8atlon8 8Mtovor oarned b7 ,uld of-
rioor aux4.qf the flaoaly48q urd 8404Ml~,
8h~ii HOW th4 -tmt or r448, 00mi88i4.n8ord
o o mp ena a tlo
ne br hln due-. W
flual m&l thll’cil7 #rid r.?Ort rhrU #on-
t4in 8a it0Pd.4a taEem4nt 0r lll r008,
iom5dr8lon8 and o4mp4naatl~a 4arnea a*
tb fi.441 mrr tioh Wre II& oolleotod,
togotbrdththonuu 6Xthr p&rtyuln&&
fOO#,-•0I#d##hM md OaI#IpM#atiOM 0 * 0’
10 wouldal.0 orll pur ~ttohtlon to she latter
siaMi~Mph8 Of ktiCl8 58% I&tiBOd Qidx 8t&ZtO#. u
‘Alal OWnnt f40. #e+‘ned M& #d&&86
Orfl84rB in htiei8
lur#d 3683, during q
a u lXC488 Of th4 8UbTbQ8 8Ud U-
0w.a by thl. a, md rm tlmlr
l4 r vl0aand .fo r the lOWiCO. 0r ~th.j.ra4p
tie. urd U.i.t&i. .nU cluthorlud 8xp4n848,
tO84th4r with I'll deUinqwnt rO88 oolleotod
. ueod a! pfovidod Sn ~tlolo_8893,
and -not UP
WI84SOl?a lJ
uarl48 Or a4pUtlOB MU UUiBtUItU
when ourrent fee8 ar4 lnaufflalent 8h.ll b.
paid into tha County Treuuq ln t&n oounty
Wh4rO th# UO4.8 ~808w.
9h4 0 neatlonr Urdtatltuu and rrd-
mm4hrnin 7x4 d in thj8 AC&rtW tUr$Ur#
ahall lnolmde and apply to all offloom men-
tioned hOr4ln in laoh Md oror oouuty0r thi.
Xon. 8. Ti ERrmuLOPtt,%O 6
State mad it 1. hareb doeluwd to k th.
lnt4nGlon of the &trgiBI. two th.t tho po-
vlalam. or thi. A& #hall .ppl7 to l..h of
uld Orf%U4P#, Utd .lk7#proial Yc @Il.r.l
law lamn818t4nt dth the prori8loer br4of
18 &WOW Upi- Mpr&d + 80 fU U
th glh. ~7 b4 iMO.ud.tUlt rith thi. bt.
4l2~ oomp4zuatlori lidtatiom 8ndrd-
1~ b~in B.X4d 8d a180 lppi7 to au rOO8
md eoqmuation whatreever ullootod by atid
offleer in th4lr ciiioial upult7, whether
ueountablo a8 r408 or 8rri00 tmdoraa pe-
Bent hu, md .a7 law, 6enoral or 8#4olal, to
tha eO.nt~i# brob~otprr88l~Popo8&d.
The onQ kind rad eharutu. of oompmuatlon
u8mt n-088th4 g1~0tid0114 0f tihir A0t 8h.n
b 4 -d8 n04 i7 4b ay8h 4 r irfa r8alp meh a n-
#tOEI#f -18 Or fU&tiVObl boa jMti80
ula rm th4 rO8OT4I-7Of #to&II pOplti7, Ind
money roeolnd W Cwmty fudgor and ~a~eo#
or tb Pawe r0r perr0Meing mmrl.g4 OOM-
mni4. which 8um 8h.u not b eleoountablo tor
and?& repulxedtobe re~tedaaf~~rai
Art%014 8692, Ravlred Clvll Statutor, a8 umdod,
PaLdO. t
~7OrtiOOrWlti~edin thi. -ptOP
rho door not oolleat th8 mubum 0mouut er
Mb r048 ror an7 fl.o.l'744r end who r.port.
d4ilnqu4ut r448 r0r th8t ri .bm b4 0u-
titled to rot4ln, whm oo lo ad ruoh part
0r ruoh delinquent r408 a. 18 .&lolrdt to
complete th4 mxlmum o~nratlen luthorlaed
b7 Artlolea S88S SBS+A, 81.3 bese'ior tha
744~ l.n rhiah dofmquent rear when ohwged,
4UId a40 UtU%XI th4 MOW& Or~#XOO88 rO88
luthorlsod b7 3.41,and th4 r.m.3nder af da-
llnqueat~ r008 ror the rlaaal p~~8hl.l bo
pala .a herein prodded r0r &ken oolleotedj
Xon. E. ft xwlnlautt, page 7
~o&Od, the protirlone or thia’Artiali ahall
not apply t0 my orflaer after on4 var from
the dmto b ma08 to hold the orfloe to eiioh
Uy d4linQU4nt rO4'iB a p I,w in th elTeBt
the o r r lw
lr mbg the r048 thd 8r0 am-
queathae not eolleetod the 80m0 wlthin'trolv.
month. erter he a0a.0. to held the 0m00,
WM ammad Or fOU eollooted #hall b4 wd b-
to th4 80Wlt7 tn48toy. Frovlded, ~OWUTU,
thatnothlng ln thl.A.tpl-4c1ld..th4 F
o fu o r flulor008 3.~laoordenoe
3 withTit
of the Revlaod Qlril #tatutu ot 2.x.. lWZ5,
l8 part or the mxlama oompeneatlon. bra rided,
tl$aaaaehqo -de in thlr wtlolo br thl.
not 8ppl7 to rO48 herrtoforo #UMd.=
~ti*appwntfrom tba pmml814m80fktl0l0
88Sb, mpra, th.t ~z7 luthorlaed oompmuatlon for ox-
..'DfiiO~O #U-Vi044 ild 8UOh a u88 luthorlreQ to k
allowed the &42&f WIb%%ticle SfX+ ltQl.8, 0od.d not
maximum of eoprpsnr.tlon urd lqoar roe8 al-
lowed to be ;cetalnod by Mm.
yn 7onr firat Qu4.tlon, we uaumtthet th4 8h.r-
irr l.rn.d in 1937 over md &OVIJ the upen 0r bi8
otiiae 8nd L.l.rl.8 of d.putiO., not onl7 the #140&W
whloh na reported oolbated, but th. rddlt1on.l lua or
$600.00 Woh rra .xwportod in US aa unaolleoted. Ohdu
thla rtate of fattr, and ~8,000.00 be the tot.1 amount
0r~ 0o1~4~~4tio~l th4 8h4ar “e: 7 ~00i.n r0r tb
oould logal
u qf UW, 70x1 ~4 thet llnce h.
1400.00 in r048, hr u7 legall* ratah all 0r
Of d4llnqwnt r488 lamud b7 him ln 1991 but aopeetoa ln
2939. ml.80 two mm. EOk4 8 tot.1 of opi7 )s,eoo,c?O, &
roe8 oarnod a ndoollLioted r o r that lir a na a lno eutwbr
tho *tat&e, h. ml&t retain @400& rlthout did&g dth
the aounty, he m7 r404In the ~~$00.00. The $1,000.00
paid to h!Lm au OX ofrlolo oompanratlon ror aald year to-
gOtbOX' rith the $1400.00 .nd tlm &300,00 mad4 bi. total
bongsnmtlon $3 000.00, th. llmlt h. oould ricelve ror l.ld
Jur* should tL eherirr 00ll4ot mj 0th.~ dollnqwmt rOO8
l.rrwdin~S?,th4~uouldb0l~to th4 #OI.StJ.~
Xn thla eennootlm, w call four lttontlen to ttu
804C Or hd~80n 6OPsltJ v.'&#dtu, 167 &u. ml9 Wh4r4
th4 aourt eenrtrued tin ror olng lt4tut48 ae oonhned in
8.x148 Revlard
'cl4X'IkOll'. @iTi7 8~tUt.8, 1914, being OUbUtM-
tiau7 the UE. 88 th4 ~84llt~Zlb4llt. tO..%d .l'tiO~.,
muIh e ld that th alemal88l~er8~ court was luthorlaod to
allow oompmu.tloPr ror OX offltio l er vleea , lwh
.Ooqp4n*atlon, t0g49mr dth tb total amount Or feea kw-
tabted andrr 8uoh #tOtUt d&d Llob WI& to mom thrn th,
mulma and u8e88 i408 l&heriud aad further tlmt of-
arrloie hea mare not to be regudd u %x8088 roea, or
whlehtheoffloer mnwtalnanl7errodhlrd.
It 18 rurtb8r otaroplnlon, in anewer +P JO\P reoti
qU48tiOlA,thAttb# total ~tlon noelwd for tha per
18 popor bid au a b8818 ror d4tom;tning tb dl8po8ltlan
of any a4lloqmnt f448 lunod ln plor 70.r~.
PIm4w4rtopur th%rd quertloa,uudertln taota
mbmlttod 1t I. our opinion th.t mm0 the ,BhUur ool-
looted ud retalnad for hi. #ortic la %3S6 the 4tm of
$sl.wo, kho tot81 amount0r aOmp4n84tlon the Iar pendttea
Mm to retain ror theti par, tb #?81,56 aolleoted by Mm
in 10897,being d4llatpntr448 au-nod byhiminlwit3,b4-
102&B t0 ths, 6OUlktg. PO part 0s mmh delinquent r408 amy
be .'ot.h4d b him, nor ,appllsd t6 we 9p .rq Ueflolt in
Me ooqpeneatf0nrorth4 pur 1954 orlQ55.
Ill uUredll&$ 7OIU’ ~b.tlODI, th%. O~inbZl 18 t0 b4
00nama4d odly in th4 light 0r and a8 oontrollea w tb
apeolflo ra0t8 prumted in our auppl4mntal letter to thla
t!ruetbgthe abou Mewera your qu48td0n8,~ are
'e /8/ 'Sm. Jr R.