OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable J. C. Blair, Pre&larit State Board of E&motlon Kerenn, Toma Dear sir: 19, lW9, proaenting 8 a mmb4r of the the Gomraor, In you.ask th mrplw" in t the purp4s4e of tbla tlra whether th4 '4!Btimntrd fs or that eharaoter with smr irrpu* ry ng th4 *44tiaat4d 4\upr1u*‘ ch whhioh the board ta au- to deal, ktar #ho beard laufal- t such aurplas, or any pottiosi of it, to be used to dotray t?aY*llng; erpeaa46'0" w's direct your attwtlon to that portion or th8 gsaercl riA4r to th4 Oln4ral &pproptbtlo4b B111 rhidh m&B as rollcnrat Al 445 Zionorable J. C. Blair, iage 2 "Trarsling EXp4D848. (a) It 18 pro- vided that no expendlturs shall b4 smds for traveling expens44 by auy dspfmaent of thi8 state In exoesa of the a&oant or mne~ item- be4 herein for atlidpurFo8e. This provl- eion shall be applioable whhether the Item Sor txnrell~ 4xperm44 Is to be paid out of th4 approprlatlon fro'oatlm C4114ral Fund, from r488, reoeipte or 8p4olal ma8 oolleoted by virtue or oextald laws or this state, or mm oth4r id8 (axclurrivs of F4doral mnae) available for use by a departu,ent.w Ae your appropriation eppeare atter the veto of the Oovernor, no amount of money 14 Itsei44d and amllabl4 therein for atraoellng 4xp4n4en. By the plain languag4 of ths provisiona of the rider above quoted, whars n0 amOurIt iO prorlded ior trareling 4xpOzme, no noney may be axpsnded for that purpo44. And thi8 prohibition 4xtsnda to the lmard a8 well as to the dspartment headrr. It roti ba a rut114 #mtum for the board to.authorlu4 the u~4 oi moneys Sor 8 purpose for whloh th4 legislature ha8 pmvid4d no eon4pa ahall be emnt, maor the terms 0r th4 dder, the board is tot at Ub4rty to authorize exp4ndlture or a mrplur for *travelfug 4xp4nse: *, but in denIs& that power by nooewaxy lmplloation rxom th4 language guotad. Your applloation 8t4t48, and you ooxlt4nd, that four board onnaot funotlon 4tflOiently without trarallug 4xp4ns4a. That ia a matter whioh necessarily must bar4 bean betermine advsrsely to your oontention by th4 Oommuor when he vetocrd the Itea% provided by the L4gl8latur4 tar trat41ing 4xp4ns.8. The hardship, ii any, thus irnpoa4d on your department, ariords no ‘bath for the aaatuaptlon by this depm%uent or ths legislatLv4 or ewoutire pr4rogatlv8, nor does It afford any basle for the oonatruotlon of th4 appro- prlation bill oontraxy to Its plain lntsnt and wranlug. It oay be true, aa you point out, that the lsgla- lature nmut to appropriets the $6,000 per axmum ror q4r tile=81~6 traveling 4xp0n848~, and that the OalOsioa of th4 words *and tra+ellug exp4ns4aa rae inaavert4nt, (though this theory is weaken4d by the iaOt that the lOgialatW4 had prooi646 a sp40iriO Item or $mo.Co p4r annua for ntrarellng ex;4nseP which WZIS vetoed by the Gfat4rnor). .,.. Hmorable J. C. Blair, Page S Howver, mnl.i4station of legialatire intent by non-aotlon is not Oamoiont to satiory the r4quirement or our OOAPtltUtiOA that the intent or our leglslatura b4 eriQeno4d by overt aation, th;.t money be slthdrawn Srom the Treasury only in pureunn44 of,apeolS~o appropriatloaa aad by law. Tours very truly ATTOANBT Wk%RAL OF TEXAS Riohard 0. Wlrohlld AllaistnBt fm?:FL AppROVXi.Ds~ 5, '1939 . ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TMAS 0 APPROVED OPINION COMMCITEE BYW. oI*WUA*