OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN 3. Fredsaki oouatg Auultar oalveston county Galveston,Texas Ron. I. Predeokl, Page e der Article 3899, and the amount neoessary to cover cost of premium on whatever surety bond may be required by law. . . ." Artlole 3899 (a), Revlsed Civil Statutes of Tex- as, in part, reeds as follows: *Expense acoounts. - At the olose of eaoh month of his tenure of office eaoh officer named herein rho 18 oozmensateaon a fee besls shall make as part of the report now required by law, an dtemlzed end sworn statement of all the eotual end neoesaary expenses inourrad by him in the oonduct of his office, suoh es sta- tionery, stamps, telephone,premiums mu offi- 0441 bonds, inoludingthe oost of surety bond8 for his deputies,eto. . . .* ('Underaoorlng ours) Article 3699 (b), Revised Civil Statutes of Tex- as, in part, reads es follows: ?Eaoh otfioer named in thla Aat, nhc& h6 raoelvee a salary as aoacensationtoy his 6er- vloee, shall be &powers& and permitted to purchase and have charged to hia'oounty~&Ll ree6ouable expense8 neoessary in the proper end legel aonduet or his oftlae, preriume on orriolal bonde, eto. . . .* (Undersoorlngotrr6) It will be noted that Section b of Artlole 5899 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texe6, does not mme speaifioally$hv offioersona salary basis who would be entitled to oharge the county for thr payment of the premltnjmon their official bond. It will be rurther noted that Seotion b of Artlole 3899 sp+a$fiaallynmit6 such right to *'Beahoffioer named in this Aot’. Shoe Baohlon b fails to name euah orfioers, we, therefore, must look to Seotlon a, w-rein the follonfng language is used; *At the close of esoh mmth of his tenura of offioe, eaoh offloer named herein who 16 oompenseted08 a fee basis . l ." It will be noted that,suah Mfioers are not speolflcallyrimed in Seotlon a of Artiole 3899, hmever, we are OS the opluion that the tern.*herein* 16 broader then the term *in this Aat* end that the term %ereiU" means, or rather, refers to Ol”ffoer8 who are ooaaenseted on a.fee basis who are referTed tb in the same e&Pter, Eon. I. Predeoki, Page 3 to wit: the fee offloers referred to in lutloles 3883 end 3891 or the Revt&ed Civil Statutes of Texas: Suoh orfi- oars are as follows:~ Vounty Judge, District or Criminal District Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, County Attorney, District Clerk. Tax Colleotor, Tax Assessor, Assessor end Colleotor of Taxes, Justice of the Peace, and Constable.' These ertlalee do not lnolude the.Coustg Treasurer. We ere, therefore, of the opinion thet Artiole 9899 (a), Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, epplies to the offioers above named while they ere on the fee system anrithat Artiole 3899 (b{ applies to the officers above nemed while they ere on the 8elary system. It Is the opinion of thla department that nUther of these eeotlons of Artiole 3899 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texes epplies to the County Treasurer. Thie department has repeatedly ruled that the CommissionersCourt doe8 not have the euthorlty to ey premiums on the.offlalalsurety bond of the County Frsa- BIWC. See opinions Ho6. 9-m and O-902 of this depart- mqlt. %u am, therefore, respectfullyadvised thet it the opinion of thia depertnent thet QdveBton t?ollaty, ir T&66, nay not legally pay the premium on the Offielal bond of it8 County Treasurer. Trusting that this ammews yoti lnqulry and with best regerd8, we ere Yours very tray ATTORWEY QmRAL OF TWXAS ~ATTCRRRy CR&IRRALQy Tmg