Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OI=F~CE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN Dr. oeorp r. cox jtata Zedth Qf?i~ Aastln,Tuas Dear slrr obtalnedizm eollrotlonr lb r Seo tloO aR prowldee in p a r t suo h ;%uds to be dlmbursedby ordu ot the State Wth Otriou an4 the Tr8atmru or ttils Stata. 208s this mka tw a a00ormta boron b&u3 ~arentsd to tb Coqtrolbr aball be approtbb %y the State EsalthOffiou an4 the Trea8uru %r this stata?’ Dia. Oeorge W. Cox, Faae.% You first aak if the $10,030 appropriatfon'mentloned in Sootl2n 84 or the bill la lvallabla ior use n03pfor oarrp ing out the provlaloca or thla act, re qme se&ion Se or the bill wCioh ma48 aa tollowar ‘.CY:p1, &* Them la hereby app$oprlated lsrawdlatelyout 0r~the GeneraL run4 or the State Troaaury not other&m apprbprlateda sum ot Ten Thousand ($10,000)Dollar8 to oarrf out the purpoaea and provlslonaof this Aot ror the rmelmlu 0r the ri8d fear endlnilAoguat Sl, 1939, auoh fund8 to bq dlaburaod by order or the State Bealth Oirlaer and the Treaaurer of this State.' The above aeotion dlaoloaea the l&ention 02 the Legislature that there a&all bo lvsllable to your departrent $10,000 for the purposes OS setting up md osrrylng out the provisions ot this AOt for ths remairulsr O? tha ii8Qal year i938-59. The emrgenop olausa of the Aot aupportsthat con- alus105. It was the latontlon or the Legislaturethat the organization a& up be oonpletad as aocn aa posalbleand that the Act be put into toras aa soon as proper ate 8 oould be taken to adminlater the Aot. In our oplnlsn the ~lO,OOO approprfatlonmentlonsd in Seation Sa, above, is available iOr YOU iOr QIWQO888 8pOOifiad 15 YtBnate Bill blo. i?M) and oan be used l~~edletaly. Your seoond queatlon 1s whether ths ~10,000 abcre mentioned auat be expended prior to August 31, 1939, if not, mey it be expended at a late% date. ssotion8s quctsd above rays thet the $10,000 apprpprlatodla to carry out the pur- poses and grovlalcns al thla Aat for the renalrider of the risoal year ending Augu.it31, 1939. August 31, 1939, is the en6 or the proaent rlaoal year and all mone;yanot spent by ttet time revert to the Osneral ?und. 7febelieve th t the Le&slature intended that auoh recne~~ aa reoelcedin tbla $l",:;O;:,"i on kugwt 31, 1839, should revsrt to the State In our opinion you oan apond aa lnuahor all of the $lO,O~O appropriatedaa la oaorawrp in oarryirgout the provisions of Senate Bill Pi00 rior to Septeimbsr 1, 1939, but all money8 unspent out OS the P10,000 on that qate ahall revert to the State Seaera Fund. In question numbar tbroe rou daalr. to know ii tha Dr. 04orgo ?i.Cox, Page 3 aavoral sums approprlat%din Seation 8b of Senate,Blll No. 200 8~3 Iado endrnt ap?ropriatlOn8OifOOtlYo Au&U& &knd it they err oont3ngent only upon oonrys obtained from odtieotionr under Seotlon 80 of this Bill. After-reading the ratlro Aot, Ssneta Bill 30. 200, passed by t ha last Legislature,wo havr ~ot%rain%d that It raa unquestloneblythe lntentlon of the Laglalaturo that thls diti- aion of .yourdepartment,set up ?or the admlnlstratlonof thla Act should be self aup?ortlngsnd that fund8 for the admlnls- tratloa or the Aot after.Augtmt31, 1959, ahotild00~4 lroo the raoebta ooIl%ot%d in tha ldmlni8tratlonof the Aot. Sootion 80 of-the Aot reads as hollows: “SEC, 80. The expenditure of any.man- lyr under this Act aball nevdr ltoeed tha amount of money obtained mm the oolleo- tioa or money required by sny rob, permit, lioenae or registrationrequired b: the prarision~~OS this Aot.” Tha above-seotion ._ . olearly .-_ sfiors _ that - the_,&gielature - - Intendadthat your aeparment 8na~ 8pena oruy nuon rums as ar% oolleotedunder the term8 of Senate,Bill 150.200 In the admlnlatratloaof that Aot after August’ 31, 1939. You ~111 bo llaited to auoh moneys aa are oollaoted under the terau of the Aot and if you aolleatmore than the @4,400 during the year of August 31, 1940, you mw spend only #S4,4OO'but In the arsnt you do not aolloot that muoh moner, you oan spend only suoh wney as Is oolleoted. For the year August 31, 1940, to August 31, 1941, the ‘appropriation oallm for $28,350. That Ir the maximum amount that yotima;tspend dzrlring that riO0.4 ~y4ara Ton are Malted to suoh moneys as is oollsoted by your departmentwith the ataxiatum fixed by ths Legislature. In question aumbrr four you ask what emount or man- ey you nmy s-rid rior to August 31, 1940. The Ihgialatun has appropriated510,000 Sor,the immediats usa of your depart- mmt in the admlnlttr8tion0r thl8 aot and if that amount 0r money is aeomsary for tha adolnistratlonoi the aot, rou may apead all or the ~10,000 prior to August 31, 1939. The Lagia- latw knew that no money was available to start the dspart- ssnt,osr In this work and th%y appropriated $10,000 out of the 3enaral Alnd for that purp084. They did not have In mind the 546 Dri.Oaorge X. co;, Page 4 rpeoial appropriationrhan in Ssotion 80 they ,said, “ihall never exoeed the amount of monay oolleated" for q6~xmnsy wag or would be avaflablo untl1, an organizationwaa.,$lsp%,up to oolleat the fees under the aot. Ik’ado not belieyi, that the Le~lalatur% intended th& th% 910,000 approprlqt‘ed ior h- mediete uaa must be repaid out of the reoslptr of the admlnla- tratlon of this Aot. A statuts mu-t ba oonatrued by glrlng &feat to al1 its parts, 39 Tax. Jurla. p, 808, and by hamniz- ing th% varIou8 provIsIon of the sot. 39 Tex. Jurla. 9. 20~. In ao doing we bellsvr the intent was to start this depart-t or? wltb $10,000 and from than on'it must sarn its way. -#a’ do dot think that the Legfulatura iat~bed for your deppartarent to wait until money was oollwsted to s%t up your organlr%tIon. In order to bagin the adrfnistratlonOf ths Aot, that amount of mossy was oooalgsred nooaaaarp and they, therefore, appro- priatad it for the.uae of your department. Our opinion Is thnt you may spend au,Ohportion of the W3,OOC aa Is neoaa- aary prior to August 71, lOJO, and that fou.&y spend $S4,4oo duriag the riaoaf year 19SV-1940, if that amount or money ba oollaoted and be neoosaaryfor the admlniatratloa of the Aot. Xh question number tire you ask ii al1 aooounta mast bo pr%a%ntsd to the State Health Offloar and the Treasurer or this State prior to going to ths Co!aptrollsi~s offloe for dlsburaement., SsatIon 8a of thla bill ap?roprIatad $10,000 ror lmmadlatr uaa that the Aot apaoItloallyrsqulrea, that such runda *to be dlsburasd by order ot the Stats Health Ot- floor and Trsaaurar of thla Stat%.” Am to the $10,000 appro- priation, it la our opinion that suoh mcnsya as are apont by your dsfiartmant out of the #lO,OOO appropriation must be paid upon order of the Stats Xoalth Oifloor and Treasurer of thla state. Xo do not beliers that that roquiraawnt is ap$icable to the aparopriotion for the fisaal gears beginning September 1, 1939, and Septambsr 1, 1940. Seotlon @a la your apeolal approprlatlon and the Leglslaturs wanted a ohaok 05 the ex- pandltur% of those funda and for that reason apeoltied that It be disbursed by order ot the State Health Cifioer and Tr%aaurer of Texas. The aparopr‘latlon for th% next bianciel Is Itemized as are moat approprlatlonaand they did not spaci- ty that they be paid out ae are the funds under 3sotlon Ba, The biennial appropriation beginning September 1, 1939, Is Dr. &&ge V. Cox, Pags 5 prorldad for ae are all departmental apgrogriatia&bti Very tru+y fours ATTOFiSZY 0lMFJU.LOF TW BY t