OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. karkl,-SLYoUaha.1, pm@ 8 sore or 1408 pment, uhIl4 lrhlbltloa8 of a trm- oltory nattire8rb taxad fat eroh day that *dal8sloa la obargod,or tor uaL pertonano@. XD., p* 86% Art1014 9047, loraoa'o Annotated Clrll atat- utes, Ssotloa eS, piovldmo, la put: "(a) Y*ac4~rlos,Mumum. - Yma wary YG nk g a r w io a x ,wo r klldo a ,o h a or , lxhlbltlon oonnaotml with or uhibltl~~ or ohowing In ooaneotioa with 4 olr~~ whw4 B rppant4 r44 for ldd8oloa 10 44watiod or’r~oel~ed Ten D+l4ro - ($l+CC) _ io rlr?v_d4y Im-*ioh sntloh 84 or the nEe wtl?lr read0 aa s011owOr Wuwrkks, ltee P r o reverwnag~rle, y wexuork~, lrbibltion or dimplay of any kind whore a np4nto f44 for 8drIooloa i8 &4- m4adsd or reeolrrd, 8ot eommotod rlth a theatro or olrauo, 'ho Dollurn ((t.00) for every 4ay oa whloh ?H* r la4h ldrioolon are reoolved.* OhdoroooY lng ours). It Lo our opinion that the lxblbltion of a oali would properly b4 4lao4ifl4d as a Rroolog14el oxhlbitltm". ~urtheraraiu,w 410 of the oplaloa t&t the words "erhibltlon lxhlblt" In S4otlon W rOti i8OlQde 8 "zoologloel lxhlbltlon" GT thl8 tn0. Conmqu4ntly, the 4xhibitlan o? 4 04lS not oarnmted with 4 4ir4u.8,masgeklo, 8hou or other l rL)bltloa ot 4ay a4ture, rhsre 4 tee for ldalo4lon lo-d48an4- s4 4ad rsoelred by the ouner ot raid lntilrlght 44m4 within the purview llther oi the ptor+ aS Sootlon g5 a? Sootion 46, both quoted abom, the da- ‘I ha. Parts g. XaMlo&ol, Pam b t027bing r80ta king th0 tb0 dem08t lnoitod in tba lxhlbltion. It the o&t lo en bxhlbltloa in a olt7.m town at 8 8hnrgs to tha poblle %ll day loatInuoa81~* the yeei rowid, it would loartltato a soologloal exhfbltion of a pezmaaeat notoro oubfoot to the oa- ntd kr or rift9 oozLu0 ($50.00) protided in 800. 88. The fart that it lo no tlo na o o towith d or exhibit- 04 o r lhoun In ecmeotlon rith a llr o uaIO Lmutorlal In thlo lnot8110~, the lQbJoot rttar et the prorl80 ot soot. 86, 1.0 ., wo*m, wruuor$e, or soologloal exhIbItion o r lmblantlon therootmot bolng lirltod to tbooowble lo oone~otobdth l lireu8.buttho pxwl80 do&Igaatoo aa amu& tar iu maoh typos ot dloplaJ - whmtheroormootod with a llraw or aot - ls we of l p-neat 8atUra. ti the other b4ad, whom the toologioallxtii- BItion lo lloarly not umnootod rlth l olrous, Soo. w would 8104 apply, mad a hro b-r ($8.00) a day , tax lo lovlmd thoroln ior #or,rday on rhloh two rOr luoh whl0010n ore rooolwd.. Thl8 motion would 8&mu to lW0T th e saw lrrbjootO l0 the proriO 18 8ao. 86, elm. w hare not HOD Sit to limit the oaf- Ua#O Ot %h0 p~07iOd t0 %~@ugi~d lXhibitiOM 801 3~ wt.4 with a olrow. Zt lo true that our oonrtrnotlon would make olthor the.Zlf'tyDollar (#50&O) annual tm or the !lWoDollar ($8.00) per day tax applloablo. but ti dit- ioront~ '$.hotno aeotlonm on tho isroundthat the -provisoJ$ &o. 85 would 8wor l porrunoat lxblblt ail* an lrhlbltlon of a shortorduration oi time would fell within the owora~ of 640. 26. The ox- glhltor OT,~ *al? would k lnt&tlod to pay the umual if the lxhlbltlonwag tax of tlfty Dollara($50.00) pommmat or b&the wont that the lxhlbltlonma taaporaryho would ba entttlodto pay the Two Dablb2 ($2.00) par &4y tax. We do aot belleto tlmt tho Leglolatnro intend- mQ that tho exhibitor of an e-1 the roar crowd Hon. Pork8 E. KaMlohanl,page .4 ehotidba ocapelledto pay en ooaupatlon ‘ta l x1 $730.00. It lo only whore the lrhlbltloa 18 on l temp o r a r y boelo that Soo. g6 ot Art. to49 lpplloo ulth Ite Two DoPlar (#S.OO) por dry tax. 01 sourso; ln ell iaotanaee,we em leeuzabgthet .I088for ad- rimeionto the exhibitionaro lharged and roooliod. As for a oounty oooupationfax, Art1010TO46 of tho RovlotiUlrll (Itetutoe, 1OSS. loataixu the au- thoritytor the levylagof lwh 8 tex. It prwl4eo in pert as Sollo a Xa slh mmloeloaora o o u r %o b h a all r.e.. the right to levy one-half ot the oooupation tax lo+lod b thinBtato u on all oaoupatloae not honIa otherwloo#poofall7 lxeapted#. . .* kid rootionaleo lontalna the followingportl- rreatprwlolont Vho gmoralng bod]rot MY lnaorporatod town or olty shall In 80 oaeo lery a groator t'u oa any oooupatloathan that authorfar b Ulo oheptsrto ba levied br the ocmmlo- 01onu8 OOQX%.' from the lpcro quotedprwlolono It lo ol!fr a oountyOooupatlon tax upon aon-oxompt oooupatloao 18 lrgal la the event it 6008 not lxoood one-haltoi the amount ot the State oooupatlontax. We find nothing In the Xar to Iadloate that soo- logier1 lxhlbltlonr are exempt from a oounty ooo ation tax, aad it 18 latirrlypo8elblothat luoh tare8LO been lrvlod logallfla oertaln oopntlmo of the etato of Toxaa. In roepeat to oooupatlontexue lorled bJ mmlcl- pelltlre,.we0411 4ttention to Arti 1015,Vomon'r Annotated 01~11 Statutoe. It provldoe: Vhe govornlng body shall aleo hare powri ‘. . l ml. Trade taxer. - To tax all trado8, proroaeloao, oooupatlonaand oalllnge,the I Xoa. ?uko X. YoMlohaol,w 6 t0Xi86 ot rhlqh lo not mhlbltod b$ tha boa- stltotloa of this 8tat.r whloh tar oball not bo oonotruod to he a tax an property. “&a. . . . *ST’. ?oddlor8, thoatore, oto. - To llooa88, bx urd reguhta or 8 prose uuS provoat hewk- ma, pobdlore, pmbro “E us and keoporo (of E,t&g;) or other lxhlbltlono, ahowo @ad . wh , - To ii00tk00 t0x 0s dlr & uo olto. &late thortom, •~WOO, Thor.xbIbitloaa a . . la (VndoroouIn6 ours) Than lo 80 qwotlon ae to the lathorlty a? a8 the ox- mbaIolpalltiu to tax Wi ~uoupatlon~8uoh hibltioa OS a oalt.~ Wbothrr or not ouoh OeoUpatlon Sir bob,kon lotlod be endr~upon the ordlaanooa oi tha malrlprllt~ la ml8f oh tba relf $8 or rlll k ox- Iribltod. Truotlng tbat.tho abwo fbl4 aaoworo70~ Lnwwr we ore Yours ml-7 trult m (BIgnod) MO4 Btout Dlok Stout u010tult APFH0vxD1SHwsT Lb, us* OlcRALD a. bum (slgnod) Ml-0~ ~ or TKXM