..’ .
-I, 8&0O l O-Id- t8 = id& f& U& tt?B, e
nomhlp,wpacatlab orasmoiatl4m ~poranm~
ihU@ i0 tb8 MUd -0 r)un th. tint &ab
U dO.8 WJt -0 titt t0 t& troQtrf& m. t&@# t&r 0
WIl8i(aasat iram the grQm or prodrwa h rhar title
-C&a8 bd $WWtt!X8 tbr t@ 8 Sbbm(L &b&Y.
It nut bo kept l~aladthatCb.prr~o~ of
UtiOb l86%1 t8 t0 aff’Or( pl’QtOOt%m t0lw OOlI8i@W
or pro&oar or r8m produ~ts.~ Thr flrrt dealu-eondgneo
rho enton into l trmmetlen rlth g lgoaal Iealer-oon-
8igiIW t0 (U8pO8O Or th0 Wt8 0 II JOlOt MOOUt
4OO8 not SOQulrO tlm rlgh to prooro~ a@a8t the bona
oftho seOand 0081 ?l&hS 18 V'b8td by tbr
Ma That
atatuto lnthe ark EL
produou QT oonmlg~10rIIIubon
tltlo to the produotarmda throughoutthetrannotlc~~.
we ournot utend thb prot00t1al or thb mtlolr to l
amwquontl.y* l5 ULWU to Jaut uuutlar tlo.
ono,Itlr OIZ oplnlmtbat l.atmnuotlm botwoa om
ml8da.1 rsrahant~,daalars, and bmk8rs rlth @theirmeh /
eoamlesl~ rsrohaat~ d8alsr8 or broktrs,tb p?oteotlm
of the UtlOle'h asLlb4 thb row when thay*n
OOkl81@lkO 8ad ~rodllO~8 with tit b to th8 propsrty, but
i8 dWibd UhOrb thbJ Ub Oau tbn i%T8t Oi tm OOnD45YiOO8
tit& titk Oad tlm right to
8b0ticP iin (3) 0t mi03.b ufw-1, -256 oth-
upnnioim8, bontalnthb r0mubgt
l l l 8 4oau ot tmilpw by a o-
8tOllBLOZOhantadbblUO?b=Oku tC4 WOOMW
OE W ~Fo&uIUC OrbditOU tar fan pOdlISt rol
0&0btrcBalIooMlguar orprdW~,~O
ala, the medalu 8hdl ~rnO0~ rorthlllth
to OW8ti the -8 UldlddXO8808 O? a11
WXl8~, or~robPo8rW&~8Oi wohrap-
mbslaz wrohant, baler or
with the QCOUPt8 &Ub Uid a
brokr md rhallrrsquort"ldf&~ti='i~
oaad~aor orbdltarmto fllb a 7’
tr iII WOO& Ot NpOtOId 3Ui8dimOfI %O
YuOvU tbr 4-08 oau8ed by 8Wh M, &oOit,
u wllrul8.&~~., or the Nlnm te amap4
rith tb ptovldar of thl8 wt.-
1tvilJ be motedthatint&eaDod l dng&
8Otb8ieW 40 marrOOF, brlll&iJU Mtim w tb bad Ot
w r ua ir da leohsnt, dml~ QT broln, tha hot does
not roquiro OB authulao the Ouamlnla~u ot &rlwlttm
CdthOT b hI8titUt@ Wit on bOui OfthO i#&tOd 041~.
‘81@iO? U odwu or to join with thm latter la the mlt.
slnoo i5 t c Vq nUt tr0 8Ollt8IIO88, the Ut rO@?eB
#at %ho Camfndaku ahall brick& an eatlouaa the boa6
Zo8m8ibilitY and hUSMWnt Oi inditutis Of 8U1k
~%id.dtld UMS U5dU 8aatiMi flV0 (ii) Ot the AO&
1t1mour0pin1ocl thatasaltr OOll8tlWOtiUl
5) mu14 rioleto le&lat7 TO latent and
8dQor of I(piOtirtt8 to oonahnt litl-
priVeta ~peraonfl a8 de$S.nod br tha
80 hold, thorrfwo ia answer io JOFAP tavtb
~U88tfa that WbbF 8mtiPa hl@ (5) Oi l?tirlO =?-l tbr, ;
ocudsdau 18 Mt ?@qoirOd t0 in8titUta tit h w
at u ho&ted grower - oreditw 811 the hod d l romim-
doa mrdmut,brokar ozd~br.
the aam to qu@e&i~~Bo. Soar 18 det-
tire 0r ~~08tiaa lo. rim. 1tia ouroplnlal aat mo-
tiCa tiV0 (6) Of UtiOlO u87-1 bO8 Wt wqlliH t&O
Caa8lm8lalsror Agrlouxturetoi~t~tlatr Nitin b&al1
or a lmhtod dealor - a?edltU @8t moth? d#kr
00 th bttW.8 hb. 8siOrring to tha M-8 t0 QUU-
tim8 050 and - dMbT -aradituheremustsmaua
doah? who ha4 tit& to tbs pOdwt8 and oor.8&pod thfm t0
anotha dmlo? aa orl&naZ aonnlgna ar producer,
A pro+i~im u UOtim rim (6) rudB 88 iob
l . l l the Cowlulmu 8ti brlag aB
lotlm on rho bond in b&alf of 8~oh prodwer,
or oonrllplor
the lbo
that I?
4piouut~8~ mtuw8 Aat r0r ~8it8s.
#ubmlttea'm ara
Tour8 VUY truly