Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Kay 2, 1939 / Hon. S. L. Crosthwalt County Auditor Dallas county Dallas, Texas Tour nquest UUWtiOJU to the last prooeding~ednal wnslu. ME TM oommfseioners~ oottrtof euoh county, at ita rirt3t rqular m*ctlng la January et eaoh oalendu yfm?, ahall deter&n9 Hon. J. L. Crosthwait, May 2, 1839, Fage 2 by order made and entered In the minutes of said court, whether the precinct ofricera of el.chcounty shall be compensated upon a salary basis as provided for in this seotion, or whether they shall reoelve as their ooqenaa- tlon euoh rees of orrioe as may be earned and collected by them In the performanoe of the duties of tlxir offloe, sublect to the lImIta- tlons hereinafter provided; and It shall be the duty or the oounty oluk or eaoh suoh county to formrd to the Comptroller of Azbllo Aooounts or the atate 0r Texas, on or ber0re thw?ilst day or January, a oertlfltxl aam of suoh ordm. "(b) Where tho aoaad~~lonara' oourt ihall hare date*04 thepreoinot 0rri0thra In upah aountyahall be eompenut.4 ror theIrsuvIoo8, by the paymnt or an annual balmy, auoh offi- oar8 6hall rooelve 6uob 8alary ti lieu of all other rbu, oom&*8loru or oompen~atlon uhIoh they woul4 otherrire ba authccleml to retaln$ proride that the provLsionrror this 8ubMotioIl shall not affeot the payment or ~06t8 in olvll oaeu by the ntate but'all auoh oostII80 &4 rt3ir shall be lo o o unte4 b y the 0rri0cira ooll*ot- lq tha same, a8 they are requlre4 under the prorisi~~~or this motion to acoouht r0-f ha, d~~i~ll~, 4~1400~ta eoUeot04 rr0itiprivate prtiur “(0) The torr *goroInot 0rfi00w as we4 IO this Motion EIWIIIjUStiOW3 Or tha PuOO arib oonstables. "Suoh preoinot offloors crhalloontinuo to be 00ompentsate4 r0r their ssrvIoa2~on a rat3 basle until the oommIaaionera* ooxlrtahall haa deter&md otherwIse in aooordanoe with the pro-. ri~iona or this aeotion. Hon. J. L. Crosthnait, Kay 2, 1939, PaKe 3 "The annual fees that msy be retained by any suoh preclnot offloer shall be Four Thousand Dollars eaoh; provided that in counties having a population In exoess of Three Hundred and Fifty-five thousand inhabitants, aooording to the last preoedlng or any future Federal oensus, such precinct officers may retain not to exoeed Four Thousand, Pive Hundred ($4,500.00) Dollars each. -All fee8 or oomaI88lo~ earned by 8u0b ofrioial shall be applied rh8t to thr,payment or'his 4eputIe8, authOrI oSf100, and to make up the of suoh offloe. "All roe8 an4 oommi88Ion8 Over and above tha amountll00088m to pay authorIse4 expen8e8 an4 deputy ealarles, an4 to make up ths maxlmam oompmwation above prori4a4 for, 8ball be beme exoass res8, and all axso isa8 no% pemitta4 to be rdalned shall be paid into the general run4 ot the oounty. ‘Delinquent i&a JEW be u8e4 to defray the 8alarie8 0r dsputiae ii ourrant rass are imrri- olont for that,ptirpoui thay may be u8e4 also to maks up the arlau oorp8n8atIon, sxolu8it8 0r exoboh r088, allowed 8u0h orri0e~ rar the ii8061 year within uhloh roe8 were earned. Delinquent r-8 00ihi0te4 in •XOO$~ or the mount abtw pro- rl4cd r0r shall be pi4 by the 0rri06r oollestIng the same Into the general fun4 of the county. *ResInat offIoer8, ai aafi~~sirIn thI8 aleo- 'tlon, 8hall be oonipen6ateAattar an order dul7 emaoted br the oomeIssIoner8* oourtas herein provided on an annual 8alary basis from said Thousand Inhabitants, aooording to the la8t Eon. J. L. Crosthwalt, Xay 2, 1939, Page 4 preoeding or any future Federal census, suoh salaries shall be fixed by the ooIpplssloners* court at a reasonable suznnot to exceed Four Thousand, Y'LveBuudred(~4,500.00) Dollara eaoh, provided further that $n such counties lr.which the oomlssloners~ coort determines to place justices of the peace and constablea on a salary basis, said conmls~lonars~ court shall not be required to place said salariea In all preOinOt8 wIthin the oounty at equal amounts, but Said oomi~sloners~ oourt shall havn 4Iaoretlon to 4otamIae the amount of sal8ry to be pal4 to each or saI4 JustIo~ 0r the pea00 aud to eaoh or said oonstablss la the several preolnots in 8aId oounty wfthIn tha lkmitations hereluatovs set out In aountim where t&b.OOIMiUioll~S oourt 4etarlalnesto plaoo the justio88 of the peaoa on a salary bMi8 th. jue;tiw Or the pclaoeShall raWI+. in &44itiOn-thWet0 S&J.reM, OOLI&SSiOM~ 01 paymanta for performing marrlago oerwmr&m dud for aotiug a8 regI8trar iOr the boar4 oi- vital StetiStiOS tUl6when aOting as 6X-OtiioiO notary publfo. tAs nmenba4 In 1937, 45th Leg., p. Se, Oh. 35, 3000 l)." In your letter fou oail our attention to ArtIola s918e-1, and 3aotlon 0 th~00r; whloh ~fK%dSas r0ii0tm -Art. 89l3e-1. The provlslons of thl* seotlon shall apply to an4 oontrol in eaoh oounty in the state of %~aa having a popula- tion o&Three Runbra Thousand ($50,000) In- habltaziksor more audlo88 than Three HuiMrul 8nd Fifty-five Thotmaad (335,000) .InhabItantr aooording to the last preoading Federal oenSu8~ "(0) All j~stloes of the pea00 and oon- ~0r Forty-rive Uundr44 Dollars ($4,500.00) eauh, provided however, that all foes or 0015~IaSiOnS Fion. J. L. Crosthwait, Uaay2, 1939, Page 5 whether cur:ent or delinquent which ore ool- lected by the incumbent during his tenure or 0rri08 shall be applied rir3.t to the py- Bent or his deputies, authoriaed expenses or his office and to make up the maximum aompen- sation provided for in this subseation. No such offioers shall be entitled to receive for any surpoee auy reaa or aommiaslons that are oolleoted @for he aaasee to hold such 0~100.~ It la alearly apparent fronta read5.w o? thlm artlola that this artiale appllw to jnetioss OS the pece end ooaatablea.oi ruoh ownt1.w Who are oaapwwted on u fee basis. This artlola sata the mum of Four Thou- wad Five HuaUred (k,SOO.OO) Dollars ss the maxUum wuat of annual f&en and/or sclrarfnhioh pa%ainot oifi- 0u-e aaj retain. The~e.oiiioar8 mwt o? wur8e oollwt thwa ieee batore %heq owld retain them. Fwa obrlmuly wulU aover’be rstaiwU unlwa they were iirat earnad ad ooll.soteu. The word -rotain” is defined by Wobater'm Diotlonary as *td hold or to keep.* It is also OGar4 appuwt that.this artieh pea th+ em or arty-five HbaUrodDallar~ ($4,600.00) wthe maxiwm amount OS r000 that a prwiwt offioer imaylegally retsin oat ef the legal foe8 he aotually earns and oolleots. The ~ offlwr While on the tee 8ystaa would retal auah iem as he lo@.ly wllooted provided the wme did not mowa the w, For example, ii the oifioer oolleated few of Fifty ($50.00) Dollar8 for oae par, that would be hi8 anaualfeoe and/or ealaw. we understand, however, that Dallas Cotmtr, Taxw, as provided by law, has plaowl their pr’aoinot orri- oara upon a salary basis, a8 provided under Seotion 19 of Artiole 3912e. Bevised Civil'statutea of'Texas. Sin00 tbia is true, Ssotion (a) of Article b912e-1, oited by JOU In your letter, would bare no applioation to thi8 question. Seotion 19 of &tiole 3913s. Revised Civil Statutea of Texas, would therefore oontrol. Hon. J. L. Crosthwait, Xay 2, 1939, Page 6 You are thererore, respectfully advised that it Is the opinion of this Department that the commieslon- eras*court or Dallas County, Texas may set the salaries or the precinct offioers of the oounty at a rea8onable taumnot to exceed Pour Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars eaoh. TrustinK that this answer8 your inquiry, we are ” Wm.3. lhne~ Amai8tant