OFFICE OF THE Al-l-ORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN op3nionloo.O-711 R8r TtreC?iftWtOf Hen. W. Lee O*Daniel,June 10, 1999, Page 2 intentionhave btwm filed with the proper au- thorities,and that suoh per005 ,&all be a bcna fide resident Or tha state of Texas far at least SIX (6) months Immediatelyprior to the inakin&or appllaatim to the Habdreesing and/or Cosmetolog;yDepartment for pcmaieeion to take such exsmlnstfonto entttle such per- 8011to so pm&Ice 3alrdressing and/or aosmet- ology orany of Its branahes in this State." Seoticn 1 of muss Bill lS9 (Artloleos.Uj q the present tlw rea4B M fulluw~ saltoengagehtha efahdrdrea8aror .Horl. :;. Lee OlDaniel,June 10, X39, Page 3 Se have not been asked to pass upon the validf- ty of the prcvisim of substitute S.B. 100, whioh rrould require a hair&essar or oosmetolO&st to be a oiti%en of the United Statea of America, but we feel that it is our duty to point out that mid provlslon Is a olear vlo- l&ion of the 14th Aslendment to the Oonstltuticnof the United States,which dealares that no state shall deprive any person al'life, liberty or proparty without dus pro- cess of law, nor deny to any person within its jurlsdio- tion the equal proteotim of the laws. HOD..&. Lee o*Daniel., June 10, 1999, Page 4 Se cite as authority the case of Tezplar v, Ei:ichi~an State Board of miners of Barbers (Supresm Court of NiChi@iIl)131 tioh. 254, 90 I?%10058. In that case it wa8 held that Act No. 2l2 Pub. Acts 1899, B 5, lkichigan,providing for the exsml&on and licensingoi'barbers, and stipulatingthat 50 pewon eb~ll reoeive a oertitioate,who at the tirm ot hia (IL- aminatim la an alien, is repugnant to the 14th Amendment of the IJuitedStutes Constitution,as denying equal pro- tection of the law, lu so far as it discriminatesgl aa- oouut of oitizenship. Eon. IT.Lee O'lhniczl, June 10, 1939, Pa@ 5 requisite knowledgeupon the subjeote preacrlb- ed by the Lag%alaturcto praotloe his oolling without endangeringthe health of his patrons. To hold that he Is not entitled to praotioe this calling, beoauae not a full citizen of the United States, is to deny to him rights whioh we think are preserved by the fourteenth amendmnt.W a* holdthat theprotislon42r mastitutss.t). mototkeerr66tal8talyp6r6oa6ag6glaginfheprae- tl6e %.r066upistior ur 8 -sar ur uommtu&gl6t or 06nda6tioe:a Bsirdrelultlgor uuem&ulogUul eatabw- Allt *almll b6 a eit;Mlr ur th8 ualt6d stat66 6r Amml6u clp pzwhati prooi to th6 prepor A&lnl&r8t1ve r4ntharit~ w&t& the prupar autkfmitlefl ti UWast