Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN XEly0, 1939 Honorable Tom L. Beauchamp Seoreterpof State hustln, Texas Iher slrr . ot you? lottaror Honorable Tom L. Beauchamp, Iday8, 1939, Page 2 more from date of issue. For your oonvenienoe in determining the issue8 at hand, we em here- with handing to you a copy of the offloe memo- randum oonk.aInIngthe signed ruling ot Ssoretarg of State Jane Y. IdcCallumthat suoh gas pipe lines are not publlo~utIlItles. Pteare also herewith enclosingour correspondenoewith this oorporntlon and Its attorneys going Into the faota OS the ease; when you ham oompleteb your research upon this question we would thank you t0 retW& 0~ OOr~BpOnb~00 iii43With thb . oorporation. , "We4would themrore ~apprsolatm.youroolwida&ioJl t%UdOptfd011Upon the iOlhVing ~MstiO~l 'Am we to ola8sIr under eubUirIr$on *. 00mputed as r0iimii:....~. ..* On'~prll 14, 1930, Jane..Y.MaCallum, then Searotary or state, made the r0ii0wingdspatitmental rulingt aonorable Tom L. Beauchamp, Say 8, 1939, Page 3 "There ar*>numerous deolsions of various courts holding oertain enterprisea to be publio utilltles and t!;oreare several statutory provIsIons deiinlng oertain b&i- neose8 55 pub110 utilities,whloh are in the nature of mere polioe qgulations or whioh have to do with condemnation prooeedfnge of private property for publio us5 or whlah In- volve the validity of a tax to support a pub110 see. Aa pointed out on Page 5S7 of 262 U. S. Reporta, the Legislatarsnay levy a tax ror any purposa In whIoh the State way~aa~. mob pr40tio4iiyoovorath6 ri4id or *Tide dapartmsnttherotors aUopt8 the qonatmo- tlon *hioh Is saggertetd 3.4the opinion 0r tha ~.i: su~ra4~a;oOurt ot the United State* retorrad to; -that.!~publlo utlllty ooiporatIona*,aa used In Houaa Bill I.#!, lnoluda only those oorporatlona .rhlghara‘ln Saot pub110 utility oorporatlona . and angaeemy In bualneaa aa auoh, only Ii thalr aervloa or ratas are aubbjeotto regular .tIon by law, other than for msra purposaa of pOlIoa regulation,wul that any aorporationwhiah oannot olearly astabllsh Itsolr to be withIn thI6 olaaa will be held to oome within Paragtaph (A) as a private bufalneaaoorporatlon. "Ths rollowing olaeaea of oo,rporation .arenot reoognized as publio utiUt+rs:....... "10. Gaa pipe line?. t3aspipe lines, we are \ morcble Tar L. Beauohamp, May 8, 1939, Pace 4 advised. are not common carriers bccauso In practice It Is Imposelble to provide place of storage for gas.- hrtlcles 6050, 6051, 6052, and 6053, R. C. S., 1925, amended, classify the various kind5 of business engaged in oduolog, transporting, Cellvering, and selling natural gas the public for domestic or other use, and deolares eaohto a -gas ut111tp-, 'public utl2.It.y" or %tIIItyw, afieoted th the pub110 Intarest,and aubjeot to the regulationand ntrol'bt the Railroad CommlaaIon. Evarp aaah gas otllltf requ,Jred to keep %aoka, aooounts, papers, reaorda, ti- Ipta, veuohers, and other data nqulrsd by the OamaIaaIon,a an orrlae In Tsxaa. 064 pipe lInea engfiged In produolqg, &Ins, transporting, delivaMng, or othsrwIae daaling~in .taralaa are eaah-daolaredto be a publIa utlllty, a%-. @tad with the pub110 latareat,ax@ In nature and aooardIq I th6 eatablIahedmethod of ooaduotlng same a monopaly,and ,., tblaafin xYmp&Ot to all-theirhaldIngs partainIa&fo .th8 111bualneas and In-all ralqtlona to the publlg, and Iansprat t their produoing,traaaporting,maaIrlng and d.IatrIbatlag rotIlItlea,to the ipll,and oo late,oontrol aad aupervlalon ' the Railroad CauaIaalon. Aut"gorltf Is also (#van tha Qam-- ~aalonto fix, establlah,and ltioroa a reaaonablarate whIeh Lpa 1Iaqa may ohargs .forgas dellrarad at tha olty gate to aothardl8trIbutIngoompany or aunIoIpalIty; to Six a iaaonabi+zat&ror ,4assold and delivered by pipe lIsaa og ther dlstrIbutIngoaaqanlaa to tha pub118 ior dcmaatla az ther aqe; and to-fir aad astabliah a fair and 8quItabla 1vIaIonOi tha prcioa@daor tha aala of lratllrdL&a8 batuaan hh-pgmluaIng,ortransportingampa.nIsa aad the~ooaganlaa latrlbutlngor aellIng It to the ultimate aonauaar. Stata . Fubllo ServIoe Coru&atlon.oi Texas (T. 0. A. 19SS) 88 S.'W. ; $1 6i7+ se& also.6t.e f. Lone star ais Compaiy (T.-a. r-i 955) ea s. w. (21 484. Ee reoagnIa@ the dootrlna oited by the Seorstarl or tats that a legl5latIre deolaratlon that a patilaular buaInesa ,, a a public utility or afreotsd with a $iublicinterestla not eaeasarlly binding upon the ooqzt In all In5tanee8, yet auoh deolaratlon is entitled to e&ious oonslderation. In this artloular Instanoe It would aripearthat the courts hav'oSO- opted the leglrlatlte olaselfloatlon and treated such oorpora- *ions a8 It they ware in faot pub110 utilities. See also Zonorabte Tom L. Beauchemp, Key 8, 1939, Page 5 Railroad Commission v. Eumble Oil end Refining Coqany (T. C. A, 1936, :':rit gr&nted) l@l S. 'A'.(2) 614. The Supreme Court of Texas refused a writ of error in the Lane Star case, and it was finally passed upod by the Supreme Court of the United States In Lone Star Gas Company v. Yt:iteof TSXa8, (19X3) 304 U. 3. 224, 53 S. Ct. Rep. 883. The Yupreme Court did not question the status of suah companies or the right of the state to regulate their rates, but the case ms reversed upon the grollodthat the rate whioh had been sat ~88 unraa8onable,In that It aid not takesinto .00aa0tati0n the o ver -alfiaenoe. ll Th$s 0atiehas again been passad upon by the Court OS Clril Appeals in State of Texas Y. &me star Gee compsny,pot yet r0prtea. Th& OOUI%, In 0038piying With tha m&at0 iXQla.thO _, Saprome Court that It o0ntInUo With rurther prooesdlagcrnot i: Inoonslstentwith Its opinion, has rgaln Uphela the aotlon of-the Baflroaa aaamieslonIn 8ettIog the rate;to bs ohdqed - Sor gem at the oity gate. L; It was heli In O~lf Stat.6 UtIlltler &aqany ve '~.State (T. C. A., 1932) 46 S, OF. (2) lOlS, that a 0ompw'-on- gagea in the mamSaotw0 ana 0uppl.y0s 100 to th6 p~bllo warn no6 a pub110 Utlllty wIthIn OCR tran6hIso tax stat&e, there *. " being no &at&r deflaing it as such, and Q0t being in faot : iaetagaafn that type of buslness. atag BlaIr,:in writing the apInIonof.theoourt, atatsdt "Passing to a aonaIileratI0ndi ~sUbaIvI6Ion (a), aupra, of the FranohIse Tax Aot of 1QW wo slnd that it nosltherexpressly nor lmpldly v lnoluaes or olaemiflesror taxing purposes prl- vat8 oorporatlons0ng*gea laths man&aotUra and sale .of108 to the publio Ia ‘fsxasdo *pub- 110 utility oor PatIons.' Under the Jang~age of 6ubalvlslon a) anl 'pub110utility oorpara- $” Iao3Use every maoh oorpora- tlons, whloh shall tlon engaged solely in.the buSillss8Of & publIo utllitr whose rates or serrioe Is regolated,or aubjeot'to re@.latlon, in whole or In part, by law,l,are Included. It if3BVUli?aStflWIlthis, language that the.La.gialaturedid not intend to inc1ua.e within t&6 statute any~ooqwratlon whloh'lt .hadnot theretofore,or might there- aft,er;,deolareto be *by law' a pub110 utility Vonorable Tom L. Beauohamp, May 8, 1939, Page 6 corporation or business. The phrase 'every suoh oorporation* is neaessarily limited to *all public Utility corporations' deolared to be 8UCh *b-Jlaw*. whlah means. as applied here. by 1 Rlslative anaotment. If the language Lyebe regarded as of doubtful meaning in this reeard, then we think that suoh oonstruction is manifestlv the intention of the Legislature iron its lone-continued poliop of anaoting from time to ttie deolara- tory statutes, daolaringbuelneswo or anter- prises to ba pub110 utIlItlea, or to be af- foot88 with the pub110 inttbrsst,and In sub- jsotlng them to soma sort o?.publIo rogdla-' tlon or oontrol. And aspeoIallyhasthIa been the praotlos of the LegIslaturcwIth~ " raspsot to businessasor ~aterprlrres uhIoh ~egal'mattersof astermInIngwba* brulquse ati publIo.utIlItybusInaasee,'ol! wh& We porations are pub110 utlllty~oorpo~tlons or of determInIngthe mattsr qf what publio utility oorporatlons*rata8 or urrloa ara subjaot to regulation. It i8 w8ll 8etti0a that the forum Sor dsr4arIoga budnose to bs atteotsd with tha inablLoInteroat, and -iOr 8UbjQiltingits FatO8'Or U3lTiOO t0 ram- latlon, is fn the first i~tanoe the Legis- lature, and, until the &#slatura haa 80tea, we do not think abrlnl8tratire ofrlolals or departments OS ~srnn~6 8~ ‘d'eterainethe questlons. 1 Thampson en Oorporatlona (3a m.) p. 1706.......* Honoreble Tom L. Beauchamp, Kay 8, 1939, Zag% 7 This reasoning Is equally sound and is equally ap- plicable in determining whether a corporation declared to be a public utility by.the Legislature should be so classified by the Seoretery of Stats in applyin subdfvlsion (0) of Art1010 7084 R. C. s., 1925, as amended. Mile it ls.with some reluotasoethat we disagree with a aontemporaneous oonstruotlon by your department, we think thst In the light of more reoent expressions OS the saa&, not availeblawhan tha ruling was made, that a gas &s 1xns s@zpozatIonsuoh as dssorlbs~ In your latter should bs olasslrlaaas a pabklo Utility. This aepurtieat Is OS tti8oplnloa that those &as pips line osmpanlesileflnsaIn Artlsls 6OSO B..0. S., 1925, aa publIoutllltlssahoultlbe olas8iriedas pub110utIlIty 00rporatioa8as the term is u86a in Art1018 m34 (b) 1923;a~t~~0M~,proiia~, ~OUWW their bud.nsssIs that or a publlo utlllty. Thla rul& la, of OOurH~ to.rinal ~oldl .aetemIaatlonthat a gas Ipe llao la Art1010 6080 Is'%st"In.faota publio utiE tp and llot sub- Aiot * reg9latIon. : Very truly yours . ., ATTORRETWUERALOFTJU42