SllALD c. MANN ;j:,
.non*n e**caAL Kay 5, 1939
Zr Morris G. Rosenthal .i
As;rIstantDlstrlot ~ttornf
Houston, Texas
Dear Sir:
OpInIon No. &a47
Re: ConstruotIon
_ - _ of ArtiO+ 430a,
letter or April 15,
for fordlble detalnar or tor aolleotlon
0r open aooouots or notes?*
%ur &si'qusstion may naturally be sub-divided
Into two"$art?i:(1) my an unlIoansed Individualappear
In the Ju::CioeCourts as the agent or attorney In faot for
another natural person, and (2) iaayan unlioensed Individual
appear In the Justloe Courts as the agent or attorney in
raot ror a oorporatlon?
The statute plainly provides that an unlloensed
Mr. Morris 0. Rosenthal,l&l 5, 1459, Page 2
individualmap not appear as the agent or attorney In faot
for another natural person. With referenaa to this quas-
tion, Art1010 430a provides as follows:
%aatIon 1. It shall bs unlawful for any
aorporatlcnor any parson, rirm or assooia-
tion 0r params, sxoept natural persons
who are mm&err of the bar regularly aa-
dttea and llaonsed, to praotlaa law.
T3eatIon 2. .......Whoever (a) In a repre-
sentative aapaolty appears as an advoaato
. . . . . ..or perronu any aot In oonneatlon
with proatodingr pol;