Ur. John Stapleton,April 13, 1939, Page 2
"At th8 0105e of eaoh month of his
tenure or orfioe each orfioernamad hereinwho C
is oaupensatedon a fee basis shall mke as part
of the report now require&by law, an ltsmizell
and mom statecant or all the actualand noo-
eaeaxyoxpenseeincurredby him in the oonduot
of his of'floe,suoh as stationery,staaps,tele-
phone,preJrilummon off'lolals'
the oost of suretybonds r0r &is Deputies, pre-
miumon fire, bur&rg,t%eft,robbsrglnsw8nae
proteatirlgpublic runds,trav01lnJJ srpensssand
other neoasmwp expcuu5es,..+w
seatlou b of ‘dxtiale 11899,supra, mati in part as
*~ohoiiiarrmimd fsthl8Aat,whsre ho
raa6iveoa nlary as oampa8atia.nfor hi.6au-riam,
lleos8Mrgin the pramsad
aa8t or mmkttp bandr
8 ta be paslmd an,
aad tkmtmntsas
onae eaohnon#t& ths snsuiagmantb,upanths
8pplioRtlm by eauh ofrloer,*.r."
Jutiales943 lwvlrrdCivil statutes gQnerallg,pra-
villssthattheaonmlrsiansa3.lo~to any aounIiJt+r
not erased$2,000.00annuallg~
Artiule 3887, mmlse~ civil Statutas,.reabeat3follawst
*Eaah cliatriat, aountgand pxealmt afirioar,
at the OlosS of each fisoalyear (Deetier slst)
ahailIIlake to the distrut aouxt 0r ths 00r;nty in
nhiah he rsaLd.des(Lswum statmwantin trlpliaate
(on forma designedand approved bg the stats audi-
tor), a copy of whiah statemmt shall be forwamlsd
to the state auditarby tie clerk ot bietriatOoWt
Mr. John Staplaton,April 13, 1939, i"ac;e
of said oo-nty within thirtg daga aSter the same
has been filed in his oSSioe, an6 one oopy to be
filed xi';ith
the aou!Gyau<or, if any; ot!.~mirise,
/ aaid oopy shall be filed with the Comissiomret
court. Said report shall show tJieamunt of all
fees, oomisslona and aompensatlonwhatever earned
by scild orfioar curing the fLma1 year; ant seoawl-
ly, stall show the amomt of fees oomdosione and
aompeneatlonoolleote% by him &u&g the Slsaal
yeax; tDirUy, said report shall oontain an itemized
stat0mnt 0r aU tees, oomissione and compensation
earned during the fisoal year which were not ool-
leoted, toðerwith the name OS the parties owing
said fee6 ooumiedona and uonpenaation. SalA ra-
port shad be filed not lsctsr than February let fol=-
lowingthe alase ofthefiaaalyaar end.?a~ aaoh
dsJafter 8ald &4tsthstaaidrapartrtsmlaamt
flied aeA6offlaerahallbelinblstaapmalty
of $2&00, whiah nag be reaavare,dby the aountgin
uhiuh the suit im broughtror euoh purpous, anb la
rddltloaadd oiflaezmball ba mbjsat to reaao~al
from Offlam."
Artlola 8391, aupmy booa not app& %a tha aauxb
treuursr. ThaartAals sags eaah afflaarmaedio t&&e AR -
taa?;the abnpter xMex%wd to 18 Chapter I of Title $1, R*
dud Clvll Statute+ nnd 1~0wbr. in W.8 atixtute
1s ohr
treamaru nalma. l&r Qet3 Arti0l.a
SW3 rwhrmd to lnaludo
the county treatmm3rr
the uountyiire-r
meaty bond frcm exo%aa tees of ofrioe.
rpealfloallpprtiAes that aaoh d&&riot,
offlaer,at thivoloeeofeaah flnaalyear,
distriotaourtottho oonatylnwhioh he residua sworn stat6
msnt as providedbg euah rtiatate,r ft makes no eroeptlons
therefore,the oountytreastnrar is rsquU!edby Artlole3680
to make the annualreportm-antloued thlrre3.n~
You &Fe resp%uCrullgsdvlaedthat it is th% opinion
of this Ikqmxtmantthat the aountytreasurerof Floyd County
aannot dadwt the premium paAd.anher surety bond fromexoess
fees of her offlue. You are rurtheradvisedthat la Is neaass-
ary for the oountytreaeUre.rof Floyd County to makk the anmel