April6, lOa
DECREEDby the wurt that uponths payment
0r the mm 0r lumen an6 (W.te) as/m
gollu8 by the DUendant to the Plaintifi
a16 the Countyor Montgbmery, the tax. dg-
sent heroin8h811be demlared utlrrle r
on6 pal6in full, 8n6 th8tthe tax lien upon
the aboveduoribed property to 880~~0 thr
Or raid #WI, 8h811 be l
pCIyi88nt tin( F tir h.6
an6 ~atlmrlrb Wfkll fo r laoh an6 lrw~ roar,
a8 set out la Plalntirr** orlglnal Petition,
an6 that thePlaintift hareltm lxwutloa
aa6 ardor or #alo.*
It dll bo note6in the tlrmt par8graph,hordn-
abwo thatthe noovary la for an mount or ~levoa
@16 EEv100 ($11&a)Dollar8plutr 8h (6%) pu oont pot
anmm from 6atopot11paid. The aown paragraph above
quoted rorider that th8 pamnt of thk 8um or norm an6
~~/lOOytll.2fS) Dollar8rhallratirrrmob Jtl6@mnt u&l
mabsr no reremenoe to the paymentor lntorrrt.Thor.
two paragraphr, therofora, are appebentlyrepugrunt.
tlona ji6tgwnt dll be road a# a whole. Sea 10 TO%
hu. tee,an6 Ikagnolla P8trolaumCOmpSnJl
v8* Caa~ll,
a SW En6 897 (mm. or App. re-hearln 68nlo6). If them
are apparent repugnant olau888 in a (1udfpnt br r8a8oa
or whlohthe slenning the OlaU88 rwt
lr.ob8oure appear-
lng willoontrol.PrixlO9 v#, ?l'O8t-&hn8On
lumber OOm-
pany, 194 SW l61 (Writ of error refU8ed).
Applyingthe abwo~m8ntloxwd ml.08Or oon8tnao-
tionto the Judgment lnvolve6in thl8 ln@rY it 18 the
opinionor thlaDepartment an6 you are 80 a6&6 that
the 8ix (6%) per osntint8rert provided ln the rmt
paragraph herelnabovr Quotedwill prevailan6 WV8m
Mr. A. IL Elokuaon,April6,'19SS,
Pa@ S
thi8ju6gment an6 thatit 18 th8 6utrof the 6i8triot
oluk fo w&e theoolleotion of the intrreatth8roin
providedror boror8 relw8er 04n bCproporly1881106
Tr u8tlngtht thl8 8atl8raotorllflnmmr8 y o ur
inwv, lm a r .