xr. ohor. H. Sl8ugk~er
oounty Attorney
naxtln oounty
Stanton, Texacar
Dear Xr. 8laughtom
Mr. C&IS. Ii.Slaughter, Maroh 20, 1939, page ,f2
Prlrllege from arrest means just that;
1% f0 8 Nvil~~ ~6 a& a ?ight and must be aonforrpd 011
the De-on ala-n& it, .ithu by the Constitution 3 the
' lms of this St&s. Waithu tha ConrtltatlonJIO~& 18wa
Of the State ai %XM DrotidO that at2 elootlon ovrk 8bll
be pri+ilegeb duringhis attendanae.rt
from arrest aa eleo-
tion, although it 38 so prorldedia mm rktiu one of
uhioh 2s Pmmsylraoia. Nattu ai BleOtiaa QdoUS, 1 Brew-
st?~ (Pa) X82; 6 Ca J., 366.
The qurat’ion or pclvlle~~ rrca arrest,but
not the qUO#tloaraisedby nor ir bison&rod ln voluao4 ok
Term Jk?i8prudonoo at p8g0 746,aad by the Supmaa Courtot
Tar+8 in the aaso of Oontryvs. aritiith,87 TWX; 462. Jw
thi8 raa8oa. me mustlook to $hr dooidonr or the 0ourt8
in other jurlsdiotlonr for guMano~.
- ,
m62I thopdm UJ aOOti0~ OiUk did OQU
within the*rango of Artto SCZS qwted above, ho uoald not
bo fq'lfilsgod from.arrostan&orthe fahtb puotod,~baoause
'the aoaml88lonor the 0rr0nre or lh a o tlq ri~tfmy bird8 I
18bythe laws oS Toxarnadeamlsdammor a orim,a&
caverodby the Uorwald~Art~al~ doe8 5ot
utead to orfmea, but ooWr8 otir pritil8g8 trca oivril
U?OSttr. will1ams0nTO* u5ltod eator! (1907) 807 u. S.,
468, 86 L* Ed., 878, 63 Sop. at. Bep. ias.
The 8oolpIof tdo pirilo&. ext05d.d by
the terns wtroa80n,felony aad brmah of peaa@ ha8 8 resy
lntuert~6 baokgrouad,whioh IS dlacuoseed’fn the oua M
Oo a .l ml, Bullmrd V’I* ICooperof Jail (3.877) 4 1. II* 00
Pa. MO. That oa8e was orm wherrtna m(LBberoi the &non&
A88arnbly wa8 arrested on a olmrge of la b 6a Sla mea atnd it
was irulstad t&t, by tirtuo of the oonstitutia1 ptari8105
exeaapt~ men&u8 of the gO5Ual l8rrzPblyfm azrO&, ox-
0-t in 0a8f38 0f *tmauon, rsloay, riolatlon of hl8 oath of
oftloo, a5d breaoh or sumby of-the ~oaoo,~ ho was -0,
aad entitled to be disohar~ed. mdi56 tb8t the -ty
ooold be olaiaed o5ly in oltll oases, the.ooWt 8aM
wm oo58tltutlo5alprlrlleip olalmd
by the relator i# borMwed trap the @ti@W@
olahed by an4 aaoordbd to mmberl Of *b mthh
Parllamaat. me80 pr2rllege8war0 rooosnla~ anb
Xr. Chas. I$. Slaughter, Xasoh 20; 1959, pa@ #3
enJoyed ln Pma8ylvania bettor0a~& mitt
- oomtitution had been mlopted. Sw Ja
pa* or op1~ooamo5 law. The prlvlleg& from
et ltroTAgrlrilQ~0 ooJdno6bo
z&o dF wlthfda5youtala uaftr an6 tar
thl8rwaoa the framersof the Y.d:rel U&nst$kr-
the olau8ddetllqg what the
aoabua of Congr~r 8hoald bo and
whloh they- mot a04 TM objd
. not to OMato thB prlylloge~ therein uprured,
la wb utr a thto
e nndu
r them luta saa ndfix
limitawithisubtohkbey ahoul6bo .o&n&
Tjnlmr a $Sta t88r o x lo tha
nd .a a tioa an&
a stl-
talon; a ndlM uted 8la a oa lilms
r ina ll th e ir
0oMtltutioaa; Am tb objeot WalS to limit the
plTllqp fromarrost to that thoa djq6a by
aoabus oi tho BritldaPuliaicutt, and as.t&
saaoIaagua~.lae~~l~a8 hadberaadopted
in BaglaM to uproar the olYamm8 for mhloh
P08�rS Of PUii43MBt 8Otid b0 8??08tOd, to-
titt ~Wemon,Y~o5y and breaohe8 of the
9-Q@* l it fo llo r n thaiall o fto nso 8 in B a g la d,
ikprdmded in'the wor6s broaoh
of the
ueexoe~te4trcm theprl~~fromarres .
Blaokatoie'MjB therei1 no pieoe&ent ior say’
auoh prlrlle6. but oaly in olvil suitm. . . .
Itraybe 8&y oonokdM-that tbo prl*ilqo
tm 8PteSt i5 ksrim’18, 15 m OISI, -tU
thaathe mm0 privilege lnZk@nnd. llooannot,
by,a llbual ooaotruotionof the lm(puga of
OPTCCmstftutiOS, Mb?& tha pl-itiO@S Ot Oar
1i~81dOM boyoad those .fax’aerly enjoyad by
cO58t. MO. 865. m0 rda&n Of the bw 18 its
there la great ream311 r0r prim-
-ta rmm biTll detentlon8
and arraste, ther.18 5650 to? ShieldiB6 thOa
from appreheasfoa for odmt48 agaimt the pea00
aml dignity Of the Stat..=
I&. ohas. If.slaughtir,
ltarohm, 1959, pa80 #4
it 18 the opfnlas 0.fthi,
dapUtiiaOntthat tb anSU'O?t0 m qW8tiaa id 00, an
llootlonolerk la not Fdvil6SOd fro8 urmt- aaU that lm
doea sot oonmnadutho Ma60 of Art1010 SOZS,Bdrid
citir 8tcrtUtOSOf TaXaS, l988.