Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN orruro c. ML?w --w Yaroh l5, 1939 iC0 State &&ml or EdUoati&, Uarch 15, 1959, Page 2 SW* Board or Mwatfoxl, Barah 16, lQS9, Pa@ s He are or the opinion that a duly authorizedmember or the State Board or adueation%ouM be.entltledto be re5xbumed ror expennes Incurred in making the trip rearred to in your letter, wder th6 clrouwtanoe~ therein set out. Slnae mob board memberuould not be *in aatual attetiance It Is our opinion that upon Board ldaetings,* he would not bo ent~tld to reoefve a per diem or tlO.00 for eaoh day he is engage6 In making thle trip. TOIUT-7-4; ', I ' . \ Auin8aat ..' . CootE .,l &