c OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ,4L 514~ sd g33 February 16, 1939 Honi .StaphenP. aounty Aittornsy DaWitt Comity Ouaro, Texas De&r Sir: Your letter of haa been reoaived in whioh you dea furnish you an opinion as ~towh ionem' Court, ds- iWing to puroha ing poabably be- tween $1,500.00 hsve to advertise sor oonpstltivs the lowest and best bid.,.," peotfully attaoh hereto a copy of an opin- Hon. Joe Sharp, Assistant Attorney General, addressad to Hon. Alwln 2. Paps, County Attorney, I'iaguih, Texas, under date of Soptamber 14, 1937, whioh answera, BO doubt, the identioal queetion aa oontsined in your letter. It appears, thsrefore,that this Department has oonalatentlyhold that road maohinsry oomas under the terms Hon. Stephen P. liebert, Fsbruery 16, 1939, Page 2 and within the meaning of said statute and that the phrase *rupplleeof every kind" would lnalude euoh road mtohlnsry 4s mentioned. It is, therefore, the opinion of this Depart- ment that in the purohaee of a road traator as outlined In your letter that fmme ahould be adrertiaedfor oom- petltivs blda, as provided in the above statute. Very truly yours ATTORt?EYGENERAL @F TEXAS BY in-3 ant APPROVED: ' ATTORXiT GXNERAL OP TEXAS