Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEATORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS February 13, 1939 Hon. Clifford Bralg Dlstrfct.~Attotineg~: .'..., ~.: :~'- :,~:,,: .~~.; .'~ Pampa, Texas "' .~.~ ". Dear SLr: Opinion No. O-325 Re: Is personal use of &nds received &s court costs by Dlstr'lctClerk a vlola- t.lonof the Penal Code? Your request for an oplnlon on the above stated ques- tion has been received by this office. Your letter reads, in part, as follows: "The.Distrlct.Cierk of,&his co&y, as shown by the &i&itor,'stiepor$,,just:belngfiled, ~&as used for her,~ownp'&rsoi@ui~ecabh courtcost deposits placed with heti~ in her official capacity as Dtptrlct Clerk; the total sum convertedbeing approxlmat&ly$500.00, about half of which has been replaced in her official funds. I vould ,-appreciatebeing advised Whether this Is a vlo- latlon of our penal code and If so what article should prosecutionproceed under?. "For your lnfortitlon,the District C.lerkof Gray County.1~paid on the salary.basisand all fees of office are payable by the District Clerk to the salary fund of the County." Section 4 and 5, Article 3912e, reads as follows: “Sec. 4. In all counties of this State con- taining a population of less than one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000)Inhabitantsaccord- lng to the last preceding Federal Census uhereln the county or.preolnctofficers are compensated on a salary binsisunder~the provisions of this Act, there shall be created a fund to be known as the "Offictirsl Salary Fund of colinty, Texas.' Such fund shall be kept separate and. apart from all other county funds, and shall be held and disbursed for the purpose of paying the salaries of officers and the salaries of dep- . -_._ Hon. Clifford Braly, February 13, 1939, Page 2 O-325 utles, assistantsand clerks of orfloerswho are drawing a salary from said fund under the provl- slons of this Act, and to pay the authorized ex- penses and their offices. Such fund shall be deposited In the county depository and shall be protected to the same extent as other county funds. "Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of all officers to charge and collect In the manner authorized by law all~fees and commissionswhich are permlt- ted by law to be assessed and collected for all official service performed by them. As and when such fees are collected they shall be deposited In the Officers'Salary Fund, or funds provided In this Act. In event the Commissioners'court finds that the failure to collect any fee or commlsalonwas due to neglect on the part of the officer charged with the responsibilityof col- lecting same, the amount of such fee or commls- slon shall be deducted from,the salary of such officer. Before any such deduction Is made, the Commissioners'Court shall furnish such of- ficer with an Itemized statement of the uncol- lected fees with which his account Is to be charged, and shall notify such officer of the time and place for a hearing on same, to aeter- mine whether such officer was guilty of negll- gence, which time for hearing shall beat least ten days subsequentto the date of notice. Uni less an officer is charged by law with the re- sponsibilityof collecting fees, the Commlsslon- era' Court shall not In any event make any de- ductions from the authorized salary of such of- ficer." Article 95 of the Penal Code reads as follows: "If any officer of any county, city or town, or any person employed by such officer, shall fraudulentlytake, misapply, or convert to hiB own use any money, property or'otherthlng of vaIue beloriglngtosuch county,,clty,or town, that may have come into his custody or posses- sion by virtue of his office or employment,or shall secret (secrete)the same with lntentto take, misapply or convert it to his own use/or shall pay or deliver the same-to any person know~lngthat he la not entitled to receive It, he shall be confined In the penitentiarynot less Hon. Clifford Braly, February 13, 1939, page 3 O-325 than two nor more than ten years." The case of.Reynolds vs. State, 92 SW (2nd) 450, holds, among other things, that : 'For an officer to be guilty of misapplying or converting public funds, runda must have come Into his custody or possession by vlrtue,of his office whdch means that he must be In actual possession thereof at the time of conversion or mlsappllcatlon." In view of the foregoing authorities, you are respect- fully advised that It 15 the oplnlon of this-Department that when any officer of any.county, city or town, or any'person employed by such officer who shall fraudulently take, misapply or convert to his own use any money, property or other thing of value, belonging to such county, city or town, which Is In his actual possessionand that has come Into his custody by virtue of his office or employment, or shall secrete the same with Intent to take, mf.sapplyor convert to his own use or -- shall pay or deliver the same to any person knowing that he Is not entitled to receive It, ~1s subject to prosecution under Article 95 of the Penal Code... Trusting that the foregoing answers your Inquiry, we remain Very truly yours ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS . By s/Ardell Wllllsims Ardell Wllll~ms Assistant AW:AW:wc APPROW: '~ s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS