no. 3637
benbent 1 to Ii.B. lo. 18 1s ull~n~t.ltQtlmml be-
emu. it deprive8 both the landlord and the tenant
of their property ~itbout due preoemm of law beoanse
it deprlree the landlord cud the tenant of t1 0 ridbt
to eontraot r1th each other, and lapaim eontraeta
already made; and beoauee It provides for oompulsory
0PP10B OF au ATToApsr e-
son. Bailey B. Rap&ale, Chaiman
Oorrittee c-n lgiaultwe
Yewe of Repreeentotire*
Auatln# Texas
Dear dim
Opinion Ye. o-816
BeI opinion ae to oenatitutionalit~ Of
bendment i to now0 Bill No. aa,
Xour repmost for an opinion ae to the eonstltutimalit~
of herdent 1 to Eouao Bill lo. 83 ham bean reooiwd by tbim
ottice. le hare mad0 * very oareiul and thoro~ exmimtion
thereof arathave been greatly aseisted by tbe brief and other
doouente mutiitted by par oOm%tteo in oomeotion therewith-
we ebb to expreeaour approolcrtionof tbia lmietanoe from your
There a r e leotiwm
eo moto e& y in the bill. We have
lbitad our opinion t0 ortaln lootione ~hi0l1.e believe are
Dbdirioion (k) of Bootion a detimm tbe remind of tbe
wrda, Wabitable dmlling* and lubdiri#iOn (a) of maid deotion
d definea wbst 2aprorwmnte the teauat my put on tbe land dtb-
out the 00neent of the IslrdlOrd.
Beotion 6 of tbe bill prorldoe that if tbo t-t has
plrced an, improvommt~ 0x1the property be mbrll, at tbe time
boleww tbe ~WIII,be wtitlod to be oaqmz~ted for Ul of
the Anpmrwcmte he has pIbe thereon. Theme three wet2one
of the bill, TIIW taken together, will authorice the tenmat ta
put hia om oonetruotion and idearnin foroe sm to Wmt be oon-
ltruee %ab%table dwillir@ to nienn, &d em to whet be tbiabm
will ooaetituto I weatherproof build* snd w%equats ~rvem
end neoeemry tall& and mmitw# vater mppl~. It oonetttutem
bti l m bud l court, and deprivoe tbe landowner of his right
to be oolwlted relative theretO. T h e lb o ~o p r o ~io io na ,
taken together, we think ere~olearly unooamtitutloaU, md rio-
late both tbe State md PodmU oonatLtntioa& vbiob provide Wmt
no pewon Umll be depr%ved of his papertl exoept by duo pro-
oew of law
¶lteluprme Court of Some, ia the ome of Trawlers
&sursnoe Co. VI. Ysmbsl1; 7S IS.V. (and) ioov, bold tbet tbe
moraterlm law ~8 unconstitutional beoauoo it dqwired permom
of their property rithout due praoesa.
me Suprrao'Court of tbe United St&m, in Sobeobtsr
Poultry Corpn. TO. Unltod Statea, aellU. 8. 496, held tbe 1.8.6
uncezmtltutional, and held tbat tbe laborers were net eqpged
in interatrte oommerob md thoreforo tbot noitber Con&wee nor
tbepresideathad P right to detmmlm tbb wages tAut @bouldbe
reosired by them. Judge llu&bes, in writing tbeopinsoa, used
U&pertinent Statawntl
*Bstraordlny oonditions do not oreate or cm-
large oonctltutlonal powers.
Ia lM1t.hT&i.mate, 40 1. 1. (Bnd) 04B (cotton control
Ah), tbe Court held mid Aot rmoon~tituttinal beeauwe it de-
pri+od tbe owner of lend, lm ml1 e* tbo temnt, of tbe right
to eontraot with eaoh other, wd impaired oentraeto already made.
motion 7 of the WI provide0 in offeet tbst if * ten-
antlea~ea a fano cnhia om volition or at tbo reqneetemddsmd
or the lmdlord, ho Is entitled to reinburwmnt for whatever
dr o r ea mo th e r a ntu, it mad b e muwitted l b o a r d of
t-e arbitratiq*
.:,, urdpmwidea thtlf the lamllerdwilleotdoodpt bhore~tu f5md 1
k ~by the beard of wbitratom , thetauntsythsnraowfnmthe
la118and the landlOrdmustp4 him ior all th0 impFUTma&r be
boplaao8 tharw~ ~hethr dthor~ltho~tth~ luWord*m eonwmt,
ad Urn pay the totit hia Ioee oooa~lenedby tba law, tieb
U&U 8WtioZb7 &OTO iS flud iraOll.dOUFtbtO u) .,ltilW
year~~Pantalfroatheland. mi* leo tio 1.
n#tbinl, im uneotutita-
tional beoaumo it prohibits the right of eoatraot,and fOreea @
lwdlarcl to make * his indlrfdlul
oontraotaf+ieotlng property,
bnd tthem1* deprlroehim of him preporty without Me pmoene of
8ooUan11of the to lbmlt all
dimputor betmen landlord and taunt to @ Bewd of Mltntlon,
fOM arbitrator loXeote4 by the lmdlord,
o o mp o co ed tne by the
tenant, aad 000 by theme two1 or it the putiem will not appoint
the Oounty Ju8ge shall do mo. ThL
the arbltrstere, leotloa
further)m~ldes that after the digute betwen the landlord md
theteaaa~thu Won &bmltted to ~babrdof 8rbltratarm,
pwty my appeal to the court* for m&ems.
ye th%nJ~thi6 seotlon t* unooartitatloaul lamhr ss it
makea it oompulwry upon the psrtlem to m&mlt their dlfterenoer
to *bow-d of m%itrators. 10 00W hare . rtatlItot
be* Ar'tlolo
3% iWmio@l Statutes, which authoricespartiew By lpoaet to
&it tholr dlfferenoo# to ubltretlon. Fbe eeurtm hmo uphold
the oon~titutlozmllty of the wbltntlen mwds whore the partim
haTe aceed to nubnit their differenooe to ,meb boMm.
In Wolff Paoblng co. T.. @Ul't Of b&lStl-irl bhti,OM,
a@V. 0. llpzt the eUpras 0OrtoftbeVPlt.d Itatoebeldtht
the aot of the Loglmlature in mamae oroatiag *e Oourt of
xndumtri8l B~~tionehlpm in IKanu~ which required the paok%mg
-my to cubit the question of:wages it *ould pay to l board
ot ubltntora, .a‘ TOid beoauaoit Tiolatd tbe ~Ul'tOe$&b