OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN February U, 1@30 Hon. Edgar 3. Payne County Attorney Hookley County Levelland, Texar 3ear Sir: etter of January dlaoretlon, suoh r county buainear?m norable J. J. Striokland, dated April t oplaloa Mr. Looasy 8aidt no one should be allowad, or petitted, to oacupy It eroept the publlo offlolala named ia the mtatute.. Thea the oplnloa altes the va r io wltatute8, rhloh hare been retained In the same anbstantlal tO?m . Hon. Mgar E.. Payno, T6bnury las, 1939, Page & lnun;;$la6t oodlfioation. and states hi6 oonol~6~~~~ Ve do not think, therefore, that aa authority sxl6ts in the oou6ty o~i66ioner6 6ourt to oontraot for the rental of any of- tlo66, or offloe 6psoe. In the oourt houso, and no p er so n, lxuept the offloer8 named 1s the rtatute, oaa alair the right to o6oupr any room6 or spa06 therein free of rest, or othenime. The sheriff of the oounty would hare the right to instltut6 a suit lo the MM o f the oounty to lr io ta nyOo o up entfr a the oourthoxse not authorlred to Oooup7 the 66me, sinoe he 16 the legal outstodlan of the oourt house a8 provided in Art1016 8393 (nor Art. 6872 R. C. 3. 19251, subjeot to 6u6h regulations as the cOm!dssiOnOr6 Court nay proaoribo......" arport and Opinions, Attorney General, 1914-1916, p. !M8. Se do not find that the exaot qu66tl