Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

32 OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Boa. Wrt Ford, Adv&nlet~ator iexa8Liquor control Board, Austin, 'Pexas A Dear Hr. Bordr under the prlri- repreeentatire of seotionx3of the Llqnor tlontrol&ot, ,apsrsonapplying for a wholefaaler~8 aed to lnolude in a el.ngleapp11aati0a emit, am well a9 for private etorage, nded *sr(lhoaae,and prlrete erarriar~s permit whieb he io qaalftbed to reaeire of this Ai% Pcgrkded# boterer, that such *olcLler shall pay the reeo preacrribed nJ thle dot far so& iimahpermit asorereff In eaal~ mmwler*e applict*tl.on. This same subdivi~ton shall apply to a claem 3 wholesalers, reatifier~ brewers, d%etQlera , @lams A rlt.tery, and ala.8 3 Tlxmry pelmiim fhir semaree to the wholeoaler the rtght to 8pplj iea and rsoelre a priWtet carrier*e pemrft8 and w#mm to speaifl- 33 Hon. Burt Ford, March 3, 1939, Page Z oally recognize the right of the wboleealer to transport his own llquore. We do not find ti the aot any specific prohibltion against eamh transportation. We therefore answer your inquiry that the wholesaler may Import liquors from outslde the state to premises oorered by h*a pennit through the medium of vehicles licensed as private oarriere. We understand that JOUP questione numbers "2" and mp were lruhnittedonly in the event that we were of the opinion that the wholesaler might not transport his own liquors. Yours very truly ATTOWIEXQEXERALOFTEXA6