ikmorublo H. ri.&aClain
county Attorlmy, kllllmmmn county
Grorgetown. Teraa
Phfr will eoknor
January IU, 1944, pertinon
set out:
Lfooaaad 3teto Land
rumoy (18 ohm& and
do ao abovo doa?rlbed with only
of the Licensed sttitoL~tnd Surveyor:’
rk contads that all af rheee survey8
zed boiaro thy aan bo feoordsa. I
would crpproolato your nnawer to tho above quoatloo
in order that I may advim tbo County Clerk.” I
Artiolo beSO, Vrrnoo'a m~l;lod Civil .Jtrtuem, 1625,
provides, ln part, us follo*a:
“naoh oounty nurveyor sLai.1 record ?n a well
bound book ull the ourveye In hia aounty vcltht>e
plats thereof that he May SW&I)wheLhisrprivtltsor
stlalo Se07 of wid stututum furthe provides thtit
*ocLohcounty surveyor 6lxill recolvs and era:!ia all ricla notea
OS mrveym made in oulC county U~JOUwhloh pstonta mre to be ob-
tained r.ndehmA1 certify to the nmia aoooniirrgto lw, rnd re-
cord auoh SlsAU notes in a book to be kept by Dim for tbt pur-
pan ~4 ha mhall perform much other dutiae aa narybe regulrsd
of him by luw.. Tbu oommim~ionsrm~ #ourt a?~11 rurnleh him roll
amceumary book& of raor,rd." It aselnsth:t the 2~ oontemplatse~
in 4ountieo thving a county mumoyor that a4oh county surveyor
do &is oua roooralng and koep his own racaraq, but, Ii the
County Clerk aosumem this ro@onatbillty for the county surveyor,
a ndr o o o r dsa nd mo p s luoh rsoordm in the Cocnty CLerk*e 3rri,00,
he should not raquiro an; oortlfleatlon of muah record8 alfsera~t
from thikt requiroa by 1611, A lta tOO? fACtS 01 08a Fly
Qla t86
thl@ warn pamod OD by thir 6o~wtaarf1t ln &II opln$oa dalivered In
1941, mambored 044SZ, Ln tiioh a rimilar view xam taken am next
above oxprosmod.
t'3hfleiqtiolem Be78 And bi377 were rmetrded by tha hais-
laturs, aftor tbs mdd prior opbl~n wn8 rendered, there ~'88 no
oh~n~o m4lsrde
ia than that uould ronaer aaid opinion.obeQlete, or
f.n any way arreot ttrlpplkotlon In thla mutter. A UOpf Or
esld opinion la attached beret0 for further am~lltfc*tf~.
In vlaw of t!& atKJv0quoted stututem, und tlm eda
r0wr oyialaop,thim dopstsent baldm that th8 County Clerk 0r
your County 18 pormltted to raoord 8urvsp fourand under tho dlroc-
tioa 0s your County 2hrveyor. suoh r0420o8a 6urvep bclog ocrtlrLc6
to by tba Caocty Burvoyor or any other duly Llooa806 State L~nb
&rvoyor, rlthout bolng notarismd, am a oortliloeto by a notary
would @aither rdd to nor 6etrRet rror the le@lity or tho pro-
Youra vary truly
A-miHIZsyWH~GAl, ."F??A;i3
nobst L. Lattlmore, .:r.