Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Isarah16, 1939 Bonorable Emmett Wilburn County Attorney oanter , Terse Deer Sir; Opinion No. 0 Wb 6rb in mcsipt 0 reQlddn@ the epiIiiOlA Of th whether a eomw5nsahool ebt flrmt may sign a taaahes*r 6 the tru8tsae that is remaining 1 distrlat or oonaolidatsd 11 ba** autlaarit~ to m&b aontr not ti emore of uperlntendeatr ) rnd lstriotlror aonmalidah& d that maoh oontraota 8upsrintbndbnt. 80 aon- 61 until the newly taken the oath ot offtee, , Pan. 1, p. Ml,)" t harrheretorore hsM that mid Aat 28 oon- e caption la rufffaientto &ivb aMAo* of what the Aot Prtor tQ the briaetaentof Artlolo B’9Mky it 48 wtablirrhad that 00m0n sohool trwtmm ha4 the power to em3ioJ toaohem ret the term of sohaol 6uooe~~~ their t*xm of offis aad their mo- oe8eora would be boUna thereby. It wan 80 ho&d In Pq ot PearsaU V. 1810~116,(T. 0. A. 1899) !%J 8. 1. 939. UnQ.r tm lhtt Of db- olsions, trubteo8who bed brrtm defutd, 6l&nsd teeobsrs’ aontraotb labsepuwt to the ~Lectticmat wbieh they were Befmd+d an4 rrntit Bon. Watt Gilburn, Fiaroh16, 1939, Page r! their auaoeaaore qudlfied and;took the oath of office. LUler Y. Smiley, (T.C.A. 19X5, Zrit Hetau.4) $5 6. i. (2) 419. It will be noted that the limitationpreaeribo% 1s that no contra@. may be slgmi until the m elected trustee has qualifleQan6 taken the oath of offloe. &4-Q there oan be no mwly sleeted trueteo until after the sleotion on 'theiXrst Saturday -1 in eaah yam a~ provided by .Artiole2745. 238 pl8in Wording of drtiole ;~%WI indfOate0 that the eril whiah the Legislatureinterrdsdto roamdy was the occasionalpraotias oi dbieatod aobool trtmteee joining with a minority cm the new boarQ in slgnlng mmtraet8, oontrarJ to thm erprossedwishes of the aleotorato, before the newly lleot.4 truatso oould qualify on 8~8~ rlrmt. It is the opinion ot'thf8 deptwtmaat that a aosaxonsohool ( Lb tr trwtea, let .wh h o ar re o ?o tiiolxpiree o oilU&y lst, may join with one of the remainin& trwtemm and ezaoute valid tsaohem* ormtraetm’for the next year, prior to the sleatlon of the new trwtbo. But the boar6 of trwka8 may not oontraat with taaoher8 at&baeQaentto the date oT the eloatlon of the now trustee and prior L to tha time au& new trkutee qualiSle ati take the oath of office. Youru rsry truly