Apeldyn Corp. v. Au Optronics Corp.

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit APELDYN CORPORATION, Plaintiff-Appellant, - V. AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION AND AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION AMERICA,' Defendants-Appellees, AND CHI MEI OPTOELECTRONICS CORPORATION AND CHI MEI OPTOELECTR()NICS USA INC., Defendants-Appellees. 2012-1172, -1173 Appeals from the United States District C0urt for the District of De1aware in case n0. 08-CV-0568, Judge Sue L. R0bins0n. ON MOTION ORDER APELDYN CORP V. AU OPTRONICS 2 Apeldyn Corporation ("Apeldyn”) moves, unopposed, for a 90-day extension of time to file its docketing state- ment; its designation of materials for the appendix and statement of the issues to be presented for review; its certificate of compliance with Federal Circuit Rnle 11(d) pertaining to review of the record to determine whether protected portions need to remain protected on appea1; and its opening brief. In a footnote, Apeldyn indicates that Samsung Elec- tronics America, Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. are improperly listed in the caption, because these parties were terminated from the litigation on July 2, 2010. This footnote is interpreted as a motion to reform the caption by removing these parties Up0n consideration thereof, IT IS ORDERED THATZ ° (1) Apeldyn’s motion for an extension of time is granted. (2) The motion to reform the caption by removing Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and Samsung Elec- tronics Co., Ltd. is granted The revised official caption is reflected above. FoR THE CoURT FEB 1 6 2012 lsi J an Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk FILED U.S. COURT 0F APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL C|IlCUlT FEB 16'Z[l12 JAN HORBALY C|.ERK 3 cc: Gaspare J. Bono, Esq. Don H. Marmaduke, Esq. APELDYN CORP V. AU OPTRONlCS Terrence Duane Garnett, Esq. Donald R. McPhail, Esq. Neil Phillip Sirota, Esq. s21