Davila-Bardales v. INS


                      FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT

No. 93-2124

                     RICARDO DAVILA-BARDALES,







                      Breyer,* Chief Judge.
               Torruella and Selya, Circuit Judges.


     Victoria Lewis  with whom Greater Boston  Legal Services was
on brief for petitioner.
     Iris Gomez, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, on brief for
Massachusetts  Immigrant and Refugee  Advocacy Coalition, Anthony
J. DeMarco  on brief for Children's Law  Center of Massachusetts,
Maureen O'Sullivan, Kaplan, O'Sullivan and Friedman, on brief for
National  Immigration  Project,   American  Immigration   Lawyers
Association, and Texas Lawyers'  Committee for Civil Rights Under
Law, amici curiae.
     Donald   E.   Keener,   Attorney,   Office   of  Immigration
Litigation,  Civil Division,  Department  of  Justice, with  whom
Frank W. Hunger, Assistant  Attorney General, Civil Division, and
Robert  Kendall,  Jr.,  Assistant  Director, were  on  brief  for

                          June 23, 1994

*Chief Judge  Stephen Breyer heard  oral argument in  this matter
and  participated in  the drafting  of the  opinion, but  did not

participate in issuance  of the panel's  opinion.  The  remaining
two panelists  therefore issue this opinion pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

          SELYA, Circuit Judge.   Ricardo Davila-Bardales asks us
          SELYA, Circuit Judge.

to review a decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) in

which the BIA affirmed  an Immigration Judge's (IJ's) deportation

order.   The parties agree that the BIA's decision rests upon the

IJ's  finding that in late July of 1989 Davila-Bardales, then age

15,  entered this  country unlawfully,  without inspection  by an

immigration  officer.  See 8 U.S.C.   1251(a)(1)(B) (1988 & Supp.

IV 1992).   The parties also agree that rules  of the Immigration

and Naturalization Service (INS)  require "clear, unequivocal and

convincing" evidentiary support for  such a finding.  8  C.F.R.  

242.14(a) (1993).  They disagree about whether the INS, under its

own  rules and  practices, could  properly consider  the evidence

that  showed unlawful entry in this case   evidence that consists

primarily of Davila-Bardales's own statements and admissions.

          The proof before the  IJ  featured petitioner's answers

to  questions  that  the IJ  posed  directly  to petitioner  (and

several  other   individuals  then  before  the   judge)  at  the

immigration  hearing.     These  questions  were   all  based  on

information  in the  Order  to  Show  Cause  (the  OSC),  a  form

indicating that  Davila-Bardales was  deportable.1  The  IJ asked

the petitioner whether  he was  a "native and  citizen of  Peru,"

whether he "entered the  United States near Laredo, Texas,  on or

about July 27,  1989," and whether he did  so "through the river,

through the  fence, or conceal[ing] [him]self in some way without

presenting  [him]self to an  Immigration Officer" for inspection.


     1The OSC is reproduced in Appendix A hereto.


Davila-Bardales answered all these questions affirmatively.

          The problem with this evidence is that Davila-Bardales,

then under the age of 16, was not represented by counsel, nor was

a  guardian, relative,  or friend  present to  advise him  at the

hearing.  An INS regulation says that an IJ

          shall    not    accept   an    admission   of
          deportability    from     an    unrepresented
          respondent who is .  . . under age 16  and is
          not  accompanied by  a guardian,  relative or
          friend . . . .

8 C.F.R.   242.16(b).  And, as the INS concedes,  this regulation

removes the sting from these particular admissions.

          A  second set  of  evidentiary items  contained in  the

record of  the immigration  hearing consists of  the petitioner's

answers  to further  questions that  the IJ  asked after  he (the

judge) realized that petitioner's  age and lack of representation

created  a potential legal problem.  At that point, the IJ showed

Davila-Bardales  a   form,  called   a  form  I-213,2   which  is

apparently a record of an officer's interview of Davila-Bardales,

made  soon after the Border Patrol apprehended him near Laredo on

the evening of his alleged entry.  After handing  Davila-Bardales

a copy of the form, the IJ pointed out that it said  that Davila-

Bardales  was "a native and  citizen of Peru,"  who "last entered

the United States  on July 27, 1989,  near Laredo," and was  "not

inspected at that time."  In response,  Davila-Bardales said that

"everything is correct."

          We are not certain  whether the INS means to  rely upon


     2This form is reproduced in Appendix B hereto.


this  statement  ("everything  is  correct")  as  itself  showing

deportability.   In any  event, the INS  cannot do so  due to the

very   same  regulation   that  prevents   it  from   relying  on

petitioner's  responses to the OSC.  Courts should not exalt form

over  substance  without  compelling  reason,  particularly  when

important rights  are at stake.   So it is here:   we perceive no

functional  difference  between  asking  petitioner  whether  the

allegations  in the OSC are true and asking him whether identical

allegations  in  the  form  I-213 are  true;  and,  moreover,  we

perceive   no   compelling  reason   for  making   an  artificial

distinction.    Hence,  petitioner's  statement,   considered  as

substantive evidence, would seem "an admission of  deportability"

made  to  the  IJ  by   an "unrepresented  respondent . . . under

age  16" who  was "not  accompanied by  a guardian,  relative, or

friend,"  8 C.F.R.     242.16(b), and,  thus,  not admissible  as

evidence at  the hearing.  Simply  asking Davila-Bardales whether

the  same  allegations are  accurate,  but  reading  them from  a

different  piece of paper, does  not cure the  basic legal defect

that mars the initial questioning.

          Little  daunted, the  INS  points to  a  third kind  of

evidence admitted at the hearing:   the I-213 form itself.   That

form purports to memorialize an interview between Davila-Bardales

and a  Border  Patrol officer.    According to  petitioner,  this

interview took place sometime after midnight at the "frontier" on

the  day he entered this  country, before an  official who "spoke

little  Spanish," and  who (petitioner  says)  "hit" him  "in the



          We  agree with  the  INS that  the  regulation we  have

quoted  does not explicitly apply  to this evidence.   After all,

the regulation,  in context,  seems to  refer to the  immigration

hearing   and  the   IJ's   acceptance  of   an  "admission"   of

deportability at  that hearing.  It says nothing about admissions

made  at other times and under other circumstances.  See 8 C.F.R.


          Nonetheless, the  BIA, in  its case law,  has expressed

considerable   skepticism  about  the  admissibility  of  similar

statements made to Border Patrol officers by persons who are both

unrepresented   and  under  the  age  of  sixteen.    By  way  of


     3The regulation provides in pertinent part:

          The special inquiry officer shall require the
          respondent  to plead  to  the order  to  show
          cause by stating whether  he admits or denies
          the factual allegations and his deportability
          under the charges contained therein.   If the
          respondent admits the factual allegations and
          admits  his  deportability under  the charges
          and the special inquiry officer  is satisfied
          that  no issues  of law  or fact  remain, the
          special  inquiry  officer may  determine that
          the   deportability   as  charged   has  been
          established   by   the   admissions  of   the
          respondent.    The  special  inquiry  officer
          shall    not    accept   an    admission   of
          deportability    from    an     unrepresented
          respondent who is incompetent or under age 16
          and   is  not  accompanied   by  a  guardian,
          relative, or  friend . . . .   When, pursuant
          to  this  paragraph,   the  special   inquiry
          officer  may  not  accept  an   admission  of
          deportability, he shall  direct a hearing  on
          the issues.

8 C.F.R.   242.16(b).


illustration, it  has said  the following about  such "statements

made to an arresting officer during a custodial interrogation":

               On its face,  8 C.F.R.   242.16(b)  does
          not  bar  statements  made  during  custodial
          interrogation.  However, where the Service at
          the deportation  hearing seeks to  meet their
          burden  of proof by  introducing an admission
          of  deportability  made  by an  unaccompanied
          minor   under   16   during   his   custodial
          interrogation,  to  allow admission  of these
          statements circumvents  the underlying intent
          of the above-quoted regulation.  If, pursuant
          to  8 C.F.R.     242.16(b),  an admission  of
          deportability by an unrepresented  minor made
          with  all  the  procedural  protections  that
          exist   in  a   formal  hearing   before  [an
          immigration    judge]    lacks     sufficient
          trustworthiness   to   be  admissible,   then
          statements  made  to  an   arresting  officer
          during a custodial interrogation are at least
          of  comparable untrustworthiness.   Moreover,
          the    regulation    recognizes    that    an
          unaccompanied minor under 16 lacks sufficient
          maturity to appreciate the significance of an
          interrogation by a Service official and lacks
          the  capacity  to  evaluate  the  foreseeable
          consequences of any  responses provided,  and
          this  recognition  should be  applicable even
          during  the initial  stages of  the Service's
          investigative process.

               While    we    acknowledge   that    the
          regulations do not specifically  require that
          a  minor  be  accompanied  by   a  "guardian,
          relative  or  friend"   during  a   custodial
          interview, we do find  that any admissions or
          confessions    allegedly     made    by    an
          unaccompanied  minor  under  16   during  his
          interview  will  be  treated   as  inherently
          suspect.  This does not mean that in a proper
          case a minor's own admissions are not binding
          upon him.   If a  minor is of  sufficient age
          and  discretion  to  make  him   a  competent
          witness, then  he is  competent  to tell  the
          truth  against  himself  in court,  and  also
          competent   to  tell  the   truth  by  making
          admissions against himself outside of court.

In re Hernandez-Jimenez, No. A29-988-097, slip op. at 6 (BIA Nov.


8, 1991) (emphasis supplied; citations omitted).

          What  is more,  on the  very day  the BIA  decided this

case, it stated in the course of deciding  a different case that,

if the INS seeks to admit an I-213 form against a juvenile,

          the  circumstances surrounding  the Service's
          preparation  of  the   Form  I-213  must   be
          carefully  examined  to insure  that alienage
          has been properly established.

The BIA added that,

          where the Service seeks to establish alienage
          based  on  alleged   admissions  during   the
          interrogation of an unaccompanied  minor, the
          Service  should  present  evidence  from  the
          arresting  officers  in order  to demonstrate
          that  the interview was  conducted in  a non-
          coercive environment and that  the respondent
          was  competent to  respond  to the  questions
          posed to him.

In re  Garcia, No. A70-006-067,  slip op. at  3, 5 (BIA  Aug. 17,

1993) (emphasis supplied).

          We  do  not  see  how   the  BIA  can  reconcile  these

statements,  made in other cases, with its position in this case.

The  matter  at  hand  seems  to  present  exactly  the  sort  of

circumstances  that the BIA, in those other cases, addressed.  It

involves  a midnight  Border  Patrol  investigation, an  underage

suspect, an absence of legal representation, and an allegation of

physical  abuse.  Yet, here,  the INS presented  no evidence from

the  arresting officers.   Its  records do  not indicate  that it

carefully  examined the circumstances surrounding the preparation

of form I-213.   Nor  did the IJ,  in the words  the BIA used  in

Hernandez-Jimenez, treat  the admissions made  by Davila-Bardales

(an  unaccompanied  minor) as  "inherently  suspect."   And  as a


crowning  blow, the BIA's opinion in this case, albeit stating in

a conclusory fashion that petitioner understood the questions and

answers  at  the  hearing,  does  not  discuss  the integrity  or

reliability of the Border Patrol's interrogation.

          Though the law does not require that all officials of a

large   agency   "react   similarly  or   interpret   regulations

identically" in every case,  Puerto Rican Cement Co. v.  EPA, 889

F.2d 292,  299 (1st Cir. 1989),  it does prohibit an  agency from

adopting significantly  inconsistent policies that result  in the

creation  of  "conflicting  lines  of   precedent  governing  the

identical  situation."   Shaw's Supermarkets,  Inc. v.  NLRB, 884

F.2d 34, 37  (1st Cir. 1989) (citation omitted).   The purpose of

this  doctrine, as we have  explained before, is  "to prevent the

agency itself  from significantly changing [its] policies without

conscious  awareness  of,  and  consideration of  the  need  for,

change."  Puerto Rican Cement Co., 889 F.2d at 299.

          This  is not  to  say  that  an  agency,  once  it  has

announced a precedent,  must forever  hew to it.   Experience  is

often the best teacher, and agencies retain a substantial measure

of  freedom  to  refine,  reformulate,  and  even  reverse  their

precedents   in   the  light   of   new   insights  and   changed

circumstances.   See  Rust  v. Sullivan,  500  U.S.  173,  186-87

(1991);  Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n  v. State Farm  Mut. Auto Ins.

Co., 463 U.S. 29, 42 (1983).   However, the law demands a certain

orderliness.    If an  administrative  agency  decides to  depart

significantly  from its own precedent, it must confront the issue


squarely  and explain  why  the  departure  is reasonable.    See

Congreso de Uniones Industriales de Puerto Rico v. NLRB, 966 F.2d

36, 39 (1st Cir. 1992); Shaw's Supermarkets, 884 F.2d at 41.

          The question of  how the BIA  will treat border  patrol

interrogation  and any  consequent  admissions made  by underage,

unrepresented  persons  is important.    In adjudicating  Davila-

Bardales's status, the  BIA appears  to have blazed  a new  trail

that  veers significantly  from its  own  prior precedent.   This

zigzag course is  not open to an agency when,  as now, the agency

has failed to  explain why it is  changing direction (or  even to

acknowledge in the  later decision  that it is  detouring from  a

beaten path).  See Shaw's Supermarkets, 884 F.2d at 36.  In light

of the unavowed, unexplained deviation, we shall remand this case

to the BIA so that it may focus upon the matter and either adhere

to its  position in Hernandez-Jimenez  and Garcia, or  relate the

reasons that make an alteration in that position appropriate.

          We  mention  a  few  other  points.    For  one  thing,

Hernandez-Jimenez and Garcia apparently are unpublished decisions

and, thus, not  formally in the  category of "selected  decisions

designated by the  Board," so they do  not constitute "precedent"

in the technical  sense.  See 8 C.F.R.    3.1(g) (1993); see also

Leal-Rodriguez  v.  INS, 990  F.2d  939,  946  (7th  Cir.  1993).

However, the INS has not mentioned that point in this appeal, nor

does it argue  that it  may adopt inconsistent  positions in  its

unpublished decisions; instead, it spends five pages of its brief

attempting  (in our  view,  with a  complete  and utter  lack  of


success)  to  distinguish  Hernandez-Jimenez and  Garcia  on  the

facts.   Because the INS has chosen not to rely on this argument,

we  will  not  adopt  it as  a  basis  for  sustaining  the BIA's

decision.  See, e.g.,  Sandstrom v. Chemlawn Corp., 904  F.2d 83,

86  (1st Cir.  1990) (holding  that arguments  not raised  in the

briefs are waived).

          We note, moreover, that  even if Hernandez-Jimenez  and

Garcia are not  "precedent" in the technical sense,  the prospect

of a government agency  treating virtually identical legal issues

differently  in  different  cases,  without any  semblance  of  a

plausible explanation,  raises  precisely the  kinds of  concerns

about  arbitrary  agency  action  that  the  consistency doctrine

addresses (at least  where the earlier decisions were not summary

in nature, but, rather,  contained fully reasoned explications of

why a certain view  of the law is correct).  Put  bluntly, we see

no  earthly  reason why  the mere  fact of  nonpublication should

permit  an agency to take a  view of the law in  one case that is

flatly   contrary  to  the  view  it  set  out  in  earlier  (yet

contemporary)  cases, without  explaining  why it  is doing  so.4

Hence, we do  not believe that  the BIA, in the  circumstances at

hand, can  take refuge behind  the determination  not to  publish


     4In this vein, we note that the  Leal-Rodriguez court, while
stating that  it would  "not  bind the  BIA  with a  single  non-
precedential,  unpublished  decision,"  also  observed  that  the
unpublished   decision  there   at  issue   was  not,   in  fact,
inconsistent with the BIA's  position in the case before  it, and
that,  therefore,   the  unpublished  ruling  "would   not  help"
petitioner even  if it  had precedential value.   Leal-Rodriguez,
990 F.2d at 946 & n.9.  That is not the situation here.


Hernandez-Jimenez and Garcia.

          Finally, the  INS argues,  for the  first time  on this

appeal,  that  further  proceedings  are  pointless  because  the

petitioner  has  admitted his  unlawful  entry once  again  in an

asylum petition and other related  materials.  We are  uncertain,

however, about the  circumstances surrounding the  preparation of

these materials;  we are also uncertain as to the extent to which

the  materials are admissible.   See, e.g., 8  C.F.R.   242.17(e)

(stating  that  an  asylum  application "shall  not  be  held  to

constitute a concession of alienage or deportability in any  case

in  which  the   respondent  does  not  admit   his  alienage  or

deportability").  Consequently, we think that the course  of both

fairness and prudence is to leave this aspect of the matter open.

Cf. Unemployment Comp. Comm'n v. Aragon, 329 U.S. 143, 155 (1946)

("A  reviewing court  usurps the  agency's function when  it sets

aside  the   administrative  determination  upon  a   ground  not

theretofore presented and deprives the [agency] of an opportunity

to  consider the matter, make  its ruling, and  state the reasons

for its action."); Sullivan v. CIA, 992 F.2d 1249, 1256 (1st Cir.

1993) (refusing  to consider  newly emergent ground  for possible

relief from agency action not considered below).  The INS remains

free to raise it,  or to present additional evidence  relevant to

Davila-Bardales's deportability, on remand.

          We  need  go no  further.   For  the reasons  set forth

herein,  we  grant  the petition  for  review,  vacate the  BIA's

decision, and remand the  case for further proceedings consistent


with this opinion.

          So ordered.
