Schermerhorn, Ronald Fay

ORIGINAL in THE COURT OF CRiminAL (9PPEBLS flUSTDI TEXAS RECEiVEDIN I COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ROD ALL? FMSCHERtneRHORn i SEP 14 2315 Vs. Ini/mafR ^-^,c|rj,N I COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS THE 5T7)TF 0f7HflS I SEP 18 2Si5 %P&/Ie£- I Abel Acosta, Clerk on pennon for Di5tK£TXDnARV review mm the DECXSZQO OFWE EIGHTH' EttTRtCT C0UPT OPRPPEftLS ar el Pfrso tews in crti^E n&0g'/3-oo236-cj? AFPXHmxriG A/rea/wrs conntrion mvStnTEVitE in thMSE Ho, -I32-M5SR, WM. Ml/ID tl£M£U\f\d PR£SlDtnb,51TV£nG FOR, H0NtmiKE THOmftS, FROM flt/ffLBFR W# DISTRICT CAURT OF TftRRftHT CMIMTV TFX/B, APPELLAnts PETxrion mmwmmmReviniJ C^m6S f?tf^> #o=5e Bpplhnt Ronald FruySLhetmtf'hm filing This Prv5l peh fa &n Per Discretionary Review rPtfbuant" h? Ruk, b% ofthe 7i>MS> folte efftypeJIafaprvcjcJurtA raRLg OF ConT£nT5 Xndex of (tvfhonhes U Statement Regarding Oral PtrgumenT HJ statement of the Case UT Statement of ProctAura I History JST Grounds Per Rtyitvu-Question Presented I Argument" I * ftcjutpof Appe-llanfs Brief S'-i Prayer ^ 1 XHDf A OF fWTHORZTX E5 met Alejandro V* itfltd n, 6 H^3 S. \l). 2d 230 (t<* en* RpP \m) BurKe V State 6 Csmpfon V5fate 6 607 s,iu,aJ aMfc (r^c^% iw) bavis V, ifateL 6 Trrttmcm f V5tafc 4 3M0S.iU.3Ji 111, m^ £&><*»> to MO Haw Kins V State. 3 135" SUU, 3d 12JH (r<*Cr*nflwloOH) J^cKson V Virginia 4 4H3 U3 307, IW) Martinez V itafe u f\)auldm V State & hl% S.UJ.2JI lW(Tt*i««foMS) ITl05 ley V 5fatt g ^23 S.VJ. 2d ^I^^CTeA^VnA^/W) Thr^dg/fl V State g Ufiifing V Stflfe 717 i,a/, 2*1 45* fa* ovm%. WO) 7 STATE fflEnT REGftRPinG ORAL flRGUfflEJTT Thi5 case ha* issu&s that need to loe addressed and Ofal arautneni ujsuld he benifietal (\ppe,llant Ronald FaySchermer-hom* (\ Firsttime of£ndef} iuab convicted of the offense of Cjmtmuious $twa\ Assult ofa dhi Id by aTarrant County Jury, The abuse} according to the complainfanf^- uuho is menfaly challenged —alegeol&dly Oeevred over many oteass ions, overahno) period of time. Defense eounsel challenged those aleqations questioning whether the State had met 'its high burden of proof* noting that this /5 a one uJitness case ujith uncorroborated, mcoiisistont Testimonyx no physical evidence other than that Contrary to sek\)a\ abuse* and Wldencc of-Coercion. The^ame Jury sentenced Ronald Fay Sehermtrhom to Confinement for hfe> RR WiSpy M-lbSi \Zom pa, I0Z< Thvs ftppcal items Prom an improper ruling and statemtnT made during the Stated Jury argument at the quilt - innocence phase of the trial IH smnmENTOF procedural msroRy Trial began on iTWy^«20|3 andfolhvJm^ eom/ietr&n, ffppelkntivassentencedon1hefv)hu)fnQ deny to ZOnhnantrJ for Life, LUiHiouTparole mthe Institutional Divtewn of"the TcMS Departmentof CriminalJusftcc. RR» Vol Hpg 102. nofltc cf -Rpp&al ujixS ftmely given 6n July Wi Wl3 tR U?/ )pq Q6 fothwing tti® exfensUns ettime.0ra nfeJ $>ythe Court ftppellant uJa<> affirmed by the (Lflurt&ffhppe.als an July Ph ~3J)X£, The t'Appeals tcvrt memorandum Opmon u)a<, pecit^tdjn an vn-ftthely manner £>y RppzlUnfem Jl>/yiH' *10l£l The te0rt6 Opinion wassenthy Appellants Loorl'.frppeitikd fHtTsmey-t Eiian 5ahanf on July' ID;2.8l&'aeetornpfamed ufth a Ititerfrom him dated July 2MIS' vr# (Usfrfod mail numkr 1Q\H xm 0001 ItfDllbZ, Peu'^J by the Mark Stth Unit an tfo\y IStlDlftnJI delivered tvftppeitenton July H, 201SI IWoffon eferRetmrMg and Fn ~8mt, Reeonsfdetohten totrc mailed kdays afkrPea'ptoffheEoorts OpMton anJvly2n,M£ &?th deevmeryts clearlystated and BhweA JustCausefvr fh^dday Insubmission, hotrftxer theyu*vre$h1lnotacupied anddeclared Unttmdy vn July 2Hn and July UlOifresptttivlty, xsz: GR(MIP5 FOR REVIEW did the Court of ftppea \5 error mevaluating fine (55ue that thcTrialtovftemirtd in overruling the objection to thc5tatcs Juty ftrgvment ? The- Ceurhf appeals, in fhtir Opinion did not deny that the^Trml Courtuuas merror in its rvlmg, Houtvtr \t did state that the errtrouas HfiRir\l£SS. The Court offtppea\s concluded its opinion by stating*given the brevity of theprosotutors comments, the lack ofprcj udite, and the strength of the Evidence Supporting Appellants conviction uue. conclude ttat That any error associated w)th the prosecutors COmmentujas*Harmless*f>eefZjS' Courts Opinion. fippJlant respectfully disagrees for the fallowing reasons. First* it mvbfbestoted that the \Jneorroborated testimonial evidence tn ftppelhnts CASC UJQS by f)0Means Strong 6ut UJtAK and t&ntradictive. If the ca^e had teen cvalvafed by the Tory 'Uuiihoot hU>> the only reasonable vtrditfwoolA have been Hot Gui Ity, /)/! Testimony offered attrial against ftppella nfuuas also COntrad leted byphysiea Ievidence obtained thru a genitalia examination,namely ihatltasds hymen ivas not Seortd,strcched or broken but mfaet^hSeT medical emm cuas*absolutely normaYuuith Ho tvidenceofSeam I Assolt If 15 only Reasonable* that 'if Tessa had bean ^eiually ftssulfed by Appellant numerous times by penetration, her hymen and or cerviA uuould have been damaged to some degree* northatofa teenage, virgin. The. Courtof Opp&a\s mostnothave talfcn this into consideration, or they compfetcly over - 'looKed if, as did thejury Thte evidence Certainty CMbtdoubton the conviction. Ffl&reouer, where evidence is uoeak, the determination as to whether Qerror )S Harm-foil or Harmless is dmmatiely Changed. Since Appellant is stating that the evidence IS tu£aK> Cohtraray to the opinion ofthe Appeals Courts he is also stating that the error cuas Harmfvll and affected -the Appellants substantial rights guarenfeed under the U.S and Vu$$ donstifutfons. The error uuas, Harmfvll due to the fact ofthe Impression received by thejury on the tried Judges pause m rulma against Appellant* It had fo beobviOVS •thattheTnalSudge ujq6 mcerreeton hti ruling since theprosocutor immediately eorreeted himself after the Svdcfts mtorreetand 'improper rulingftfceeRR \Io\3pglQ)) Jhe-iprosocuter doing damage control where thedam^c* uJtxs already doner C$^Haojkm<> VShxte^ ISS'S.U). 2>o\ 72) 8LI (r^trfrn/t^2ci(H)\-pro6ocotors stlf-correctiveaction m^ht notearry the Same tdeiqht as a Trial toortb Unstruetrons to disregard . The-Jury hauler not having the benifit of Corrections I instructions to ^Disregard prosocuhon's Itetstatement"'fy fheSrial Judge would have dtfm*t\y left thejury conflicting as uocll as confusing Impressions, Thejury musthavc\ -thought h them ' *selves, Whathapper\e.d here? TheSudge has, notsaid Or insjtucted us on any of thedefends objections, does the judge Kneu^ ^erncthma, vJe dontl Did the- defendant prove A/s inn ece* id./ uj$$ he gupnabe to 1 We dfdsay yesterday that t^e uooold like to hear his Sldetkvtuuedidnot. Wayke uJtth all fhis> he is guilty'„ Tmopre-ssions are powerful ra&twat&rs on the, deceSSiont> aje maKe, as human beings an a daily'baits. B) iZne.cmdr> £tnpr»iper t>r£n£a*plde /Wia^s arcakondanT^hts^qh&^Som c£M>3tehc«> nefroltAen ,rnotcrt^dTv^SJryJ^d^mt^£ce RR. VeL3p$l530+3l (WWtyptf; QnoruliAaerSorytotrethoA^SlrnmruhAa H«y> 0l-2H*va'/vkdcrb/isf HS'-llHoU ewrVkd nearly' C&icott&crwltAOiW 3V1 Qbi&ist'ddeto wfuAe e*perfoe'-oi/trfvkd " Rtofottfed urged- no ruling nosury-iA&Hvcttonij IHWil ew^c-fixdo dtniadj win affaprwerifon sfafcj htSallttfddate toas b>R>t/k e>n ushth htc,f»e iott\f Mh^ptey,&*&«/ TO the, lauj pJrttkn < By the judge leas/me) this negative impression Touoardis Appellant in hts improper ruling/ If Can not be said that this error did notsubs-fainu&\y harm (tppellanf. Appellant oJould state, that the Loortof (tppeals revievJ €f this ease under the fretmah and ftlartinei- standard of Substantial rights, uuas incorrect LSee fTfjeman V.~ Sfate,3HDZM3d 717, 12&l°l lTc*>lrimPrf>pte\i\ Pflarfinez V STaTC 115,0). 2d 677, ^X-^Cr^trtm- "PtpplOOO), The HjQurfuJOuldjin flppe.1lad's, opinion have bejui belter z>cr\izd in rtuietomof this case under (Jackson VMir^nia^HH3 US301^C\ Of. &\L,Ed 7A h%D