In the Fourth Court Of Appeals Fourth Court Of Appeals District San Antonio Texas Bexar County Maryann Castro v. Manuel Castro Re: Court Of Appeals Number: 04-14:0078;5-CV Trial Court Case 2011 ^1-159575 CO * - STATEMENT FROM APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION IN THE FOLLOWING MOTIONS FILED BY APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO TO THE HONARABLE JUSTICES OF THE FOURTH COURT OF APPEAL Here comes Appellant Maryann Castro in Appeals Court asking the Court for Justice and filed the following Motions for Justice to be served. A) Motion for Spousal Maintence-Appellant Maryann Castro is disabled and her only income is 864.00 she was married to Appellant Manuel Castro for 29 years and cannot support herself due to her disability that occurred within the marriage and has provided to the Court of Appeals evidence when her disability began and Appellee Manuel Castro was not paying the home Mortgage. Appellant Maryann Castro was wronged by the other party during the marriage and upon the signing of the Agreement for final divorce and has proved to the Court the other party conspired to Commit Fraud ,by the Following Appellee Manuel Castro was in Active bankruptcy and was not paying the home mortgage and This was hidden from the Court Judge Canales and Appellant Maryann Castro Appellee Manuel Castro owes a high dollar amount to the mortgage company Appellant Maryann Castro has provided the Appeals Court with evidence she is trying to remain in good standing with the Mortgage and cannot do it by herself on her income Social security. Appellee Manuel Castro and Counsel Joseph Appelt overvalued the Community 1501 Olive with a realtors opinion to falsely gain 40,000 in fraud equity the Community has no equity The other party conspired to commit fraud a civil Rico in Divorce Actions(,ln re marriage of modnick91983) Compton v.compton,10.1 idaho 328, 612P.2d 1175(1980);Anderson v.anderwsan,399N.E. 2D 391(lnd.Ct App.l979);Daffin v.daffin,567S.W.2D 672(Mo.l978). Appellee Manuel Castro and Counsel Joseph Appelt Hid from Appellant Maryann Castro a martial asset 99 subaru and KEOGH Plan Pension she did not give up her right to these two martial assets it was not even in the Agreement For final Divorce and Counsel Joseph Appelt took part in hiding these two items from Appellant Maryann Castro the other party Committed Legal Malpractice and Fraud another Civil Conspiracy and Civil RICO IN Divorce Actions. Appellee Manue! Castro disposed of a martial Asset a 95 Fleetwood mobile home he had the Davis Law firm put the Debt on Appellant Maryann Castro and this was a martial asset that was disposed without consent of the Court and Appellant MaryAnn Castro she was not told about this Martial Asset that was part of Appellant Maryann Castro and Appellee Manuel Castro another Civil Conspiracy and Civil Rico In Divorce Actions. A )Greentree 11792.97 cancellation of debt form 1099 c this debt was in both Appellee Manuel Castro and Maryann Castro name and was sold as rent to own Appellee Manuel Castro and Appellant Maryann Castro both signed to allow this to happen it still had a balance and Appellee Manuel Castro choose to surrender the Martial Asset and put the debt that was incurred within the marriage on Appellant Maryann Castro with the Mistress Christina Pacheco taking part sending Appellant Maryann Castro text about the martial Asset being transferred see copy of text also text about stay lift could happen 11/17/2013 it was never filed Appellee Manuel Castro Mistress Christina Pacheco took part in the fraud against Appellant Maryann Castro B) Text from the non-spouse mistress Christina Pacheco disposing a martial asset a transfer of an asset she has no interest in and disposed without consent of Appellant Maryann Castro. c) Greentree in Appellee Manuel Castro name in 7/01/2012 and in 10/01/2013 Greentree in Appellant Maryann Castro name and final debt being written off in Appellant Maryann Castro name see 1099 c. Appellant Maryann Castro was wronged again by Appellee Manuel Castro the other party again disposed a martial asset causing a loss in dividing the martial assets properly. dJAppellee Manuel Castro sister Leila Silva sending Appellant Maryann Castro a text showing proof her brother was in bankruptcy and her involvement in fraud she was harassing Appellant Maryann Castro about her home when Appellee Manuel Castro sister Leila Silva has no interest in the home mortgage she helped Appellee Manuel Castro conspire to Commit fraud Against Appellant Maryann Castro who did not know Appellee Manuel Castro put the home in bankruptcy on Oct 30,2013.See Text Appellee Manuel Castro sister Leila Silva sent to Appellant Maryann Castro. The Other Party wronged Appellant Maryann Castro and she has suffered and this case has caused her financial hardship loss of Martial Asset, income. Appellant Maryann Castro prays for Justice. Appellant Maryann Castro-pro-se Appellant Filed By MaryantT-Casrro 1501 Olive Jourdanton Texas 78026 830-496-0133 Date 5/15/15 GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC 1-8C0-643-O202 345 SAINT PETER STREET L10C0 S9C SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 . 0S33H73 □DDDa'IO'i? OIGTTC 0137107 MARY AWN CASTRO PO BOS 495 FLEASANTON TX 73064-0495 SCOKM-OuQ Instructions for Debtor You received this fonr. i:e^auEc 3 rad^ral Government agency oi" an applicable Boa 4. SHOWS a description of the debt. II box 7 is completed, bos -I also financial emir/ • creditor; r=a ~:=marked car.caea or Forgiven ■ a deal you shov/s a description of Ihe properly oi.vea, or hscausian Ceatif*a~-0 31. s~: has ~;^L:r,"£- :nat 5;i~=r ii or is deemed lo be a discharge of a -^ce ofS5C3 o: mere ;f £ ^rs-it"*" hai irs;nsrg£d a dsot Bos 5. Shows whether you were personally liable ior lepaymenl of Ihe dcbi you owed, you are r2-qj.r=a to Include ;na dis;tiargad amount Li your incame. when the debt ■.-.== created or, if modified, at the lime of the [asl moOificalion even if it is less ihan S6C0, si ine "Gtner income" lira ;f your F^rm 1040. see Pub, -i351 for reporting instructions HovVGver, you may not nave W include all of the canceled deb: if. your Ircorre There afd exc=piic-ris and exclusions, such as bsnkruptcv snd :n?Slvency. Se^ Bo* 5. Shows the reason your creditor has filed 111 is form. The codes in Ihis Pull. 4681, availalllB at, lo( more details. If an iden::-":==:; svenl nas box are described in more detail in Pub. J681. A—Bankruptcy, B—Olhei occurred but the debt has nol actually been discharged, man inclLda ar.y juaiciat debt ie!ief; C—Statute of limitations or expiration of deficiency period; discharged debt in your income in the year that it is actually d:=cnarg£d, unlsss D—Foreclosure election: E—Debt relief from probate or similar proceeding, an eiceptiou or exclusion applies to you in that yaar. P—By agreement q—Decision or policy to discontinue collection; Debtor's idonlificalion numimr. For your protection, this form may show only H—Expiration of nonpayment leslini] period; or I—Other actual discharge before identifiable event. tin: last four digits of your socinl security numbst (SS\>, individual taxpayer identifies I ion number ifTIN), or adaption taxpayer idantifiealion numbs r IATIN). However the creditor has reported your complete identification numb-jr to the Bos 7. If, in the same calendar year, a foreclosure or abandonment of property JUS and, where applicable, to state and/Or local governmenis. occurred in connection with the cancellation of the deb:, the fair market value IFMV) of the property will be shown, or you will receiye a separate Form Account number. May show an account of other unique numbs; [he creditor 10SD-A Generally, the gross foreclosure bid price is considered to be the FMV assigned to distinguish your account. For an abandonment or voluntary conveyance in lieu of foreclosure, Ihe FMV ts generally the appraised value ol the property. You may have income or loss Box 1. Shows Ihe date ihe earliest identifiable evdnt Dccurrac sr. 3t the because of the acquisition or abandonment. See Pub. 4631 for information creditor's discretion, the date of an actual discharge lh£t accurrea oefore an about foreclosures anri abandonments. If the property was your mam home, identifiable event. See the code in box 6. see Pub. 523 to figure any taxable gain or ordinary income. Box 2. Shows the amount of debt sithar actually or Jeemed disciorfjed. Note. Future developments. For the latest information about developments related If you do not agree viith the amount contact your fieditoc. to Form T099-C and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to WWW irs gov/fvrmW93c. Uoh 3. Shovj5 interest if included in the debt reported in bos 2. See Pub. •1631 to sea if you mu&l include the interest in sjrn:is income, D CORRECTED (if checked) CREDlTOH'5 name, suv.i address, city ai [own. sHio ni prfivuics, country. ZIP ai OMB No 15151J2J fofpiyn pozidl eotlc, and telephone no GREEN TRE£ SERVICING LLC Cancellation 3J5 SAINT PETER STREET L1CCO S9C SAINT PAUL MN 55102 of Debt 1-800-643-0232 Farm T099-C ulr?nhiic3[mn numuer 2 Amount ai Otsbl -H-1795368 xxx-xx-ssgs 02/04/201^1 11,792.97 Copy B $ For Debtor DEQTOP'S nJme, siieet afldteaa (inctutlnnj su( »o ), city or [Own, i'^te ai province, 3 fmoi*j!.l It in*:Hiilr:;}j/nient Ol Mt PO BOX 495 debt PLEASAMTOM TX 7a0Sd-04gS imputed on you if j.fjJjJi1 uiccriit I'juirj 5 F(?onTiiiai»id avoni c 7 Fair fturltel value of prouarty (fom ih:a [jansaciion A $ nd ifie L/fS i lunni 1 ■ n i i-hii-ji relationships that work PO Box 6172 Account Information . ■ ■■' ■ n it- e Ciiy-SOiZZ09-G1 72 Account# 275029239 Billing Date: 09/11/2013 NEXT PAYMENT DUE DATE: 10/01/2013 Current Past Due #BWNKDVR Insurance Due. ■fCLGFEPFK4# Additional Charges Due. Billed Late Charges Total Amount Due: OOOBEMMO'i MARY ANN CASTRO PO BOX 495 PLEASANTON TX 78064-0495 : ■ : ■ ■ . CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Send inquiries (not paymonti wrin your THIS IS NOT A HILL THIS STATEMENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. account number lo PLEASE PAY THE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE OR GREEN TREE DIRECTLY, ACCORDING PO Bo»617S TO THE TERMS OF YOUR BANKRUPTCY PLAN. Rapid CiV/.SD 57709-6172 CUSTOMER SERVICE For accoum information Priono » lfB0O-B43-O202 Mon ■ Fn 7AM - 8PM C5T Saturday 7AM - 1 PM CST www giservicing cam Telephone caJL^ may be monitored or recorded lor quality assurance and Training purposes REMITTANCE ADDRESS Creen Tree TO Bo. 65DS3-1 Dallas. TX 75365-0954 5EE REVERSE SIDE FOfI ADDITIONAL CONTACT AND U.--- OTHER INFORMATION !■ ■ Account reflects transactions posted as of 09/11/201 3 INSURANCE Date Principal Interest Additional Unapplied Physical Supplemental Other Add'l Chrgs/ Escrow Recv'd Amount Amount Principal Amount Damage Products Insurance Late Chrgs Amount - a (5 ■C0J1C2- -x DiUch and relurn [his portion willi r relationships thai wotl< Due Date: 10/01/2013 ACCOUNT NUMBER :_;■ :;■ tree 275029239 Total Due: HINDER TH15 IS NOT A BILL THIS STATEMENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE PAY 1 HE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE 0U GHEEN TREE DIRECTLY. ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF YOUR BANKRUPTCY PLAN GREEN TREE Mary Ann Castro POBOX6609i<1 PO Sox 495 DALLAS TX 75266-0934 Pleasanton TX 78064-0495 QOODQODLloa MUIN 1 l-ILT I IN hU KM A I relationships that work PO Box 61 72 Account Information j^ Rapid Gty, SDS77O9 6I72 Accounts 275029239 Billing Date: 10/11/2013 NEXT PAYMENT DUE DATE: 11/01/2013 Current Payment. Past Due Payment: #BWNKDVR Insurance Due: #CLGFEPFK4# Additional Charges Due: Billed Late Charges Total Amount Due: MARY ANN CASTRO PO BOX 495 PLEASANTOM TX 78064-0495 ■ ■ ..■ . , ,-, ■ ■ ■ ■Ah ,. ■ CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Sena jrtquiries (rco[ fldyrneni) with ycur THIS IS NOT A BILL THI5 STATEMENT IS FOK INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. iccounl number [0 Cieen Tree PLEASE PAY THE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE OR GREEN TREE DIRECTLY, ACCORDING PO Btm 6172 TO THE TERMS OF YOUR BANKRUPTCY PLAN. RaciO Clly. SO 57709-6 I 72 CUSTOMER SERVICE For account information Phones 1-S0O-S43-O2O; Mon- Ftl 7AM- BPMCST Sitiiiday 7PM 1FM CST w.v.vgiservlcmg com Telephann? cai\s Tf\Ay be mannered or recorded for cuaJny insurance [ind REMITTANCE ADDRESS C^een Trire PO 3ch 660934 Daltts Tl 752S6O93-( SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL CONTACT AND OTHER INFORMATION ■! .,■ - Account reflects transactions posted as of 10/11/201 3 INSURANCE Date Principal Interest Additional Unapplied Physical Supplemental Other Add'l Chrgs/ Escrow Recv'd Amount Amount Principal Amount Damage Products Insurance Late Chrgs Amount ■C044.12- and reiun ifru pom on *,Tn remniance ips thaiworh ACCOUNT NUMBER Due Dale: 1 1/01/2013 ■■ : :;n tree 275029239 Total Due: THIS IS NOT A BILL THIS STATEMENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE PAY THE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE OR GREEN TREE DIRECTLY. ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF YOUR BANKRUPTCY PLAN GREtNTREil Mary Ann Castro PO BOX 660934 PO Box 495 DALLAS. TX 7S266-0934 Pleasanton TX 73064-0495 oooonauDDO I«I V^. ■ * I IILI UILLII1U JI/11 LI«ILI"J I relationships that work PO Box 61 72 Account Information T TP P fiflP'd City. SD S77OT-6172 Account # 275U2923S Billing Date Oii/Q<">/201 2 Year To Date Interest Paid- I 'J73 SS Corporate Advance Balance' S 4 010.5-1 Principal Balance"1 I 18.?92 9? WBWNKDVR NEXT PAYMENT DUE DATE: 07/01/201, Current Payment 346 OS Past Due Payment 4.824 38 Escrow Due MANUEL CASTRO Insurance Due PO BOX 495 Adililioiidl Charges Due Billed Lale Charges PLEA5ANTON TX 7S06