ACCEPTED 03-15-00259-CV 7744996 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 11/9/2015 2:08:31 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK FILED IN November 9, 2015 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 11/9/2015 2:08:31 PM Via Efiling JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk Jeffrey D. Kyle, Clerk Third Court of Appeals P.O. Box 12547 Austin, Texas 78711-2547 Re: Case No. 03-15-00259-CV; Becky, Ltd. v. The City of Cedar Park, et al.; In the Court of Appeals for the Third Judicial District of Texas Dear Mr. Kyle: We are in receipt of the notice of setting for submission and oral argument on December 2, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. for the above-referenced matter. This letter is to notify you of our intention to argue this case before the Court. Cobby A. Caputo will argue on behalf of Appellees, The City of Cedar Park, Stephen Thomas, Matt Powell, Mitch Fuller, Lyle Grimes, Lowell Moore, Jon Lux, and Don Tracy. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, /s/ Bradley B. Young Bradley B. Young Attorneys for Appellees The City of Cedar Park, et al. BBY/bv cc: Via Efiling Elizabeth G. Bloch Leonard B. Smith Attorneys for Appellant Becky, Ltd. 3711 S. MoPac Expressway, Building One, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78746 | Phone: 512-472-8021 | Fax: 512-320-5638 | Austin El Paso Houston Rio Grande Valley