Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY, GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN P. DonaME. ‘prroy countyAuditor up= Op-&’ , Oplnlon Ho. O-7372 Rer Cur tha County of Winwer legrll~ pay th8 oxp8n8.8 of tr8Q8llng aad X’o~8tratlonfor tvo fl.&%tmnwho wnt to th8 BuPOmn'i ~COur80 whloh va8 ginn at Texas-b. & n. Collegm during *-skmth OS Jbly? We have your letter oFAu@wt 20, 1946, requesting th8 opinion of thi8 &spartmmt on.the 8bovo rtated question. bi8 QUOk fiOI0 DUl' 18tt8r U fOlkW8: ~. w0 t%rO @~16108ing OOpob8 Or OUC Opinion8 mITb4H8 O-5733, O-2419, O-4483, and o-5003, vhfbb elaborate fully tha rea8otu Wr. Donald E. Tx’@ey, w&w 2