non. oeor,gr ?. 9hop 8ti
conptroller of Pub1! o Amount8
~a8wln, TO188
De8r sir:
Oplrllon lo. o-WSb
Rot Refund of lonrr now on deporit
now on doporlt in the Dope
the iollmlag r8emmi
ted a rafund
. dhe -8 not
ttlr 3trto an4 doer not
Oxa Llomro.
“4. :uro!-masd rhop soE applied for llcmae.
TM aals of t%;e shop follrd to t:r COG-
“ilea adrlro aa to rk*t’:rr or not I may leeally
make these mquoated refundr.’
non. Ooor@ 'I.Shopprrd - Fagr 2
It 18 8pp8rOnt fIV,n the fOW?Oinfl tMt8 that I 1fO6U80
m6 MvBr, la t0 th0 appliotInt8 in the f3ur iMtfJn008
hot, i88Ued
#at Out in JOUr mqUe8t. Tilla bolnf true, WI believe tho follow-
1% rule8 rtated ln our Opinion No. O-801 are ap?lloable to your
pN8ent rBqUB8t. FO quot. the rolloviing fr0m 8ald opinloar
"The abov8 oit8d rot *(Art. 734b, F.C.) lr reau-
latorr, ba8Od upon tho rtate pollco porar to 8BfOgUITd
the pub110 health rod the IO08 prorldod are lloen80
iOB8 and not ln the natoro of an oooupatlon tar.
OOX8ti t8. Salth (T. C. A. 1.932) 68 3.k. 2nd) 347;
Hurt VI. Cooprr (mp. Ct. 1937) 110 s.%. 2nd) 896.
Wo aall lttrntlon to Ysotlon 14 whioh plVT1d.8
for tho palmoot of both an lxacilnationand l lloo~r
;;za ;; a p p liOB nt8 iOr lo Op Or 8tOr ’8 liOOn8B Or Oo r ti-
Seotlon 17 prwiclte
that aa rp?lioation tor
6 04rim.e to oomluot l beauty parlor 8hPll bo *o-
ooqmnled with B $10.00 payment. Thlr payment is not
dOIi@.DBtOdby the 8tfltUtr 88 lII in8pOOtiOn fa0 0): OX-
-15a ti00 r00, and wo think it wa8 the intention or
the Lcglslaturo that the tlO.00 payment roqulred should
bo ror the oortirioato or lloenaa is8uod. sinar the
payment 18 for tbe oortlrioate, until the oertliloate
18 granted, no aonsidorotlon bar boon reorirod thrrsror,
and the state would not bo lntltlrd to ntrln the monad
upon r*j*atlon or tha rpplloation.
*Tbo 8ame oon8ldrntionr apply to the annual pay-
sentr whloh ln rarioua 8MtlO58 or the rot are oalled
'rbnowal m8', 'BMUBl liOO58~ 1008 Mb 'B5nt.d Ly-
gi8tmtiOtl fOO8.‘” (*PPaSWthO818 OUlW)
Slnoo tho lloonses la the imttnoos here have never been
isrued, and in rlsw of the forecolnp;, you are reepsottully adrlasd
that It 1s the opinion or t!:i8Espartmnt tbt JOU are suthorlzrd
to luaue warrants on t,he3uspensc lbnd of the 5tate Board of Talr-
dressers ant! Cosaetolo~lets ror reruna or each of the item listed
by you.
Yours very truly
,‘-! (2 ,. ,- Jrs’:c2
y r,y
y7 _,
,> 2 ---...2s,
, ~A_
-.- .,--