Han. 3. f!. Riley.; paas 3
Sea. 15 of Art. 3912e, V. A. C. S., reads in pert en tol-
"The Ccmlaalmara~ Court in oountiea having a
0 ulat1on at leaa thaa tvlinty t:~.ouann6(20,000)
Ix6 bltanta, 66oorrllng to the last pra66ding Federal
Canuua at thhsrht rrgulm mamtiag in anwy of
6aoh oaland6r Jarr, amy poaa an order -rovldlng for
oompenaatlon of all oounty and proolnot orrleara on
a 8alary baaia. . .
"(6) Tha oompanaatlon oi a Criminal Diatrlot Attorney,
or County Attormy rho parforma the autloa 0r D%atriot
Attornaya, together with the 00s naation oi hla aaai&
tanta, ahallbs paiC out of tha r,ounty Otrloara' hlary
l%&l, but the State 6hall guy into auuh &id laoh year
an aaouat equal to a aura shish bears the mrae roportion
to tha to-1 salary of auoh Criarl~l Matrlot 1 ttormy,
or coant~ Attornry pm0wing tha de166 0r 6 Piatriat
Attorney, together with tha salary of his a68latnnt8,
as all r6i0w r666 ooll~ote6 by 6uoh orrlaial during
the year of 1995 bear to the total reea oollaoted by
SUUh OiiiOtii eWiag ruiJh YOKE*
Subdiviaiaa (6) or sc$ 6, Art. 39l2e, V. A. C. s., remas
in part le r0aam;
*In counties w%harcln the aounty orrioialu are M a
salary boela, in a88it~on to the mxlea dspaltad in
SRIC Ortiosr@’ Salsrg Fund or runda rmlar the twavialona
or Saotlona 1, 3 6nd 5 or this Act there ah811 be da-
paltal theraln qaartarly On the rirst day of ufanuarf,
April, Duly and Qotober oi aaoh year, nuoh c&6 a6 my
bs ap~ortlonad to 6uoh oounty under the~~rovialon6 of
this Aot, out oi the a?allable approprlationu mada by
t!lsL4giSlStUW ra auoh purposes .moridad hantar,
that in counties wharaln the Cormnl66ionera~ Court is
authorltea to d8tem?no whether oounty citfaara sfrafl
be oompanaatea On a wlary baaill. no npmrt5onwnt
6balJ. bc. 2adda to 6UOh oounty until the ~0sVxoller 0r hOoOunt6 6iM.l have ba6n nOtlfled Of tha Order
or the hxmlaalonarn~ COUrt that the OOUt~ .oa a
of such oounty shall be ocm~oated oaa salary baa%@
?or thhc fiscal year, and 1 that th rirmt quarterly
pegment of 8Uoh arport lam&t sha?ik .&a in firt6UI
(15) days aftarmoelpt oi mob notloe by the CcmybrOller;
and the rsxaining pay.xent.6 on the dates heralnabova
prescribed. . . . .* (esrhaala oure)
Htm. 0. x. utley,pssr 4