Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

936 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVLRSCLLCRS ATroIWrv OR(IIAL quotr rides ln courtlrr hmtlng a taxable talu&tion b;tkr?$27 950 000 00 and -'27 960 OCO00 for the year 1438, thr oounty ~oa&sl&~rre cdrt’ln &wh*oountlra shall hare the power to sat and lstablirh annually the maximum amount or forrr ior jutatloo or poacr and oonrtabhr but in no 8vant rhall It arorsd $3600.00 per annam and dth the firthe? liini- tatbn that no ire8 c&all lx o a a $500.00 d for any on8 quart~rr. This statcte ~33 ;osr2d t2 a.~plg to Fort 3bcJ Comty since 937 Honorabla Sidney J. Brown - iOF. 2 our valuation ram bat*aen tha above flgurar iOr the year 1938. "The justloa of paaoe end oonrtablas oi Fort Band County are on a faa baa18 and artlola 3902 H. C. S. ro- Tl4.8 ior appointment of daputls8 0s oounty and pro0Pnot ofrloara on far ba818. If thr ooauai8rIoner8oourt would approve of 8 deputy cmmtabla being appointad after proper rp::lioatlon18 tiled, what maiimua ralmy oould the oourt allot ttm ooxutablr to ~87 hi8 drputy out oi th8 8xo.88 ?.08 Of him 0rriod Would th8 limltatlon Of thr deputy ooartrblr mrbry ba on a aonthlf, qurrtarly or yarrlf barlr? "Could thr oowtrrblr W lort Band County taka into om- sldaratlon thr lrpansar of hi8 orfloa, such a8 oar expansea, In drteraInI~ thr mount or h.8 or hi8 orrio abet lm can ratalnt Am 8n lx.a la If ronrtrbl. to.8 Uount to $12OO,OO for ona qurrtar oou pa ha ill8 nonthlr rrportr rhal.a& hlr eutoaobll8 axpanra and rakin the 0x0088 to 00v.r hlr traral- II@ 8rpmra8, lr tha lx p 8na a van 8 @aatar than the exoa80 rear? "In rrrannor to my raoond. inquiry, tha 1945 taxebla ralua- tlm or Fort Bent Coaty Is $32,.O23,310.00.Under artlcla 3912 (a) rootion 13~U.ir 8.l.ty of tha OOUZltytraa8Ur.r 00~1:: ba lnoraaaad 1% tor each miL;llondollar8 in rslnation in lxoaae of $15,000,000.00 8nd thr 1945 rnundnunts 8llOwad m additional lncraarr Of 25s on tha 8alar)r. "In retirenor to my last inqalry, I will rtata that tha oounty &&a and arvrral other oountg o?fIolals ware being paid a ralary of $4200.00 durlry t&a year 1944 and 1945, and thee. otflorre ware be1 Id thla salary un- dsr the provlslr~n of nrtlcle e ssotlcn 3$12 "ir 13 alloT.,.F?r for e 1,. lncraose for tech tillio.? dcllar taxekjls velua- tlon in exce:.s of ~l~,CGC,COO.GG. : 0~16 the 1945 emsnd- 25nt to the s,>lar:q lcw allovA.lp 8 255, Increeea erply tc ths-s county o!'fIoIels ma!clng 8 salary In excas6 of 3bCC.W 9 yczr ror 194LC ,:&t *:iotild bs t?i3 !c%xIau~ s'?lery tkt cc 1G bs paId theas of~'icIsls for the yser 19467” "Ith mferanoe to your quertlens concerni-& the saxinux oomprnaatlon of tha Col;nty ‘Trraeursr snd other oountg offioare of 701% Send County, we nota that tha pOpul:tIon Of ?Ort Band CWLlty, is shown by the 194;; Fsdsral Csneus Is 32,963, The .mxlmum amount or the en, ual salsrlaa ?ilzlch the Co%nleeloners’ Court aey fix for said orfloors Ie govornsd by the provIsI:,ns of Section 13 of ..rtIcla 351.-e, ‘iermnts .~n!:otatac! 'Civil tiitutes. El3 sbovs le.- . tionrd arrtlon oaatalna unaral ~rovlalona aa to tha aaarImumaal- alar, qplioabAe to all ocuntlaa ha+- a population of 20,000 lnhabitantr, and not IDON than 190,000 inhabitanta, ao- to tha laat prroraIn# Fadaral cwlaua, aa roll aa lloabla undrr oorkia OIraumatIno~a, whrraFe r art may allow oartaln lro8ntagaa of Inoroeaa to be ad&ad to tha amunt of the aalar P aa rllowrd rsdrr @ha Aa l witi nraronoa to tinlnlarIoa 0i 00tuy 0rf hariry a popolatlon botwaan 20,000 and 190,000 Itibitanta larordln6 to tha tat praoadla F’rdWil COMPI, Wa find 8ha fOil00it~6 iai~@~&a in 888tian 1) Oi Artlola )91Qa, Vornon~a AnnotattrdCivil Statutaa: wlba ComIaaionara~ Car* in roontlaa hrvlng a popa- latlon of tuaaty thouaaod (10,000) iahabltanta or aora and lraq than ma hundnd and nina8y tlsoPund (190 OOOf lnhabltanta cooordiag to the lrat road*. Tadarai Cwiuua, .I8 h r r r l b utharl8ad y c and l*dull ftr dutr to Ik tha aalarlai or lU. the folLew1~ oasr4 0m00r8, to-witr ahayIfY, laaaaaor and oollaotor of tama, oountf judea, county attornay, lncludl~ orImina1 dletrlot attarnaya and so u a ty lttornaya rhn prrimm the dUti88 Of dl8trIOt attorneys, Clatrlot olrrk, oounty clerk, treaaurur, h.Idr and adtam i~yrotor. Eaoh of wld ottlcara ahrll br paid In money ,anannual aalar In tvalrr (12) aqua1 Inatall- men* of not laaa than tha total lplpearnad aa 80 lnM- t4.m by him In hi8 orrioial oapaalty for %hhrii808 ‘s raar 1935, and not more than th naarImumammnt alloyed rrah oiflo*i under lnwr oxirtlog on August 24, 1935.” as to the ~?ER~ELIZI emu&t of Co~paMatlon euthorlzad un- .der laws cxiet.ing Jwy,u:t 21, 1535, for t&a ebove mine:! oificsrs, we call your ektentirn to the lollor.~ng statutory provisions; .4rtlcle 39L3. V. .+. C. S.1 nThe co.~lssio~a allmrd to any County ‘Treasurer rball not rxcssd Two Thousand Dollar (12,OOO.OO)aanual- 1jI . . . .” Artlclr 3851, v, ai. c. s t ofrlcar naxrd -la ‘R”;aoh Chaptrr ahall flret out of the current fear ot bin oiiior pay or ba paid the amunt allowed him under the prctlslum of Article 3883, togrther wlth the salaries of his aaslstanto and drputlsa, and au- Bonorablr S?.dnay Jr Brown - Pa61 4 thorlrra exprnaaa under etiolr 3899, 8rd thr amount nroraaary to aovmr ooata o? pnmlua on whatatrr mrrtv bond mar br ra- ulrra by &w. If tha ourmnt ?a08 o? auah orri0r oolhat0a en any par ba aora than the amount naadad to pay tha amounts lbora apaalfIaa aam abrll ba drama4 lxoaaa iaaa, and. ahall ba dlapoaaa or in tha aannu bralnaitrr protIdad.n “In ooun8Ira oontalni~ 88 tmant88 twant7Wiva thouaand and ona (25,001) and not more then thirty-aman thocuand, ?Irr hundna (37,500) lnhabltanta, dirtriot md oountr offi- au8 maa4 harrln @hall ratein oar-third of 8U8h 810888 faaa until auab ona-third, Bogatibrrwith tha 8aouat a aoifla~ In Artlloa 3663, rmunta to ‘&lrtp?lrr Pun&W Do1Pera ($3500.00).* Wtb awfaranoa to luth o r ir outeln lng aroanta 88 o ? inonuaa So yolod amunta al- Powad M 8u the grrvxsl provlaloru, tht parU8ent p r 8vldo na lra: e8 huvl!a6a Dopo&$Ion and 1888 Ui@a )IrIrQ- lababitaota (37.5001 looordIal to tha laat prroralng Fudsral tinsus, antieh&Ing an raarai~d valuation In rxcrsaso? Ylftrrn pillion ($15,000,000.00)Dollera, ao- cording b the last approrrd pnorclng tax roll&& auoh oounty tha mximum mount allowrd auoh offloan 88 lalarIra mar be Inonaaad ona (I$) par cant for eech Ona YIlUon ($l,OOO,OOO.OO) Dollar8 raluatlon or I’raotIonaI prt thrraof, In ax0888 Of raid 7Iftorn MIllIon ((15,000,000.000) Dollara nlratlon 0Ior and nbot8 tlm aerimum amount lllawrd luoh offlorra under law8 lxIatln6 on BUguat 2kr 19354. . . . l (2) Article 39120. :;action 13. Sub-dirlsion(8)(S. B. 123, Acts 19th ‘LN?., 1,Ll) “The &~\mni~aLcnera co& ii hsrrby authorlzad. wher in thrir ju?pgant the financial condition-o? the cowiy and ths nasds of th crfimni justify tha lncraear, tc enter an order lncreasln~, the cospe~saticn of ti.8 Frsclnct, county and Uls- trict or’flctrr in sn e diticnal azcunt not to exceed tv:sntp- rivr (25%) per cant or the aurn allowed under the la& tor the fiscal year of 19~4, prcvldsd the total compensation author- ized under the law for the fiscal year o? 1544 did not axcrrd the sum o? ‘dhirty-21x Hundred ($3600.00) i’ollaro. riddadActs 19i.5, 49th Leg., p. 2U, ah. 179, I 3.” 940 Eonornblr sldnry J. 3r ow - Pagr 5 Wa not8 that the forreolng 9r~vinkta of Sub-dlrinlon (8) (S. B. 12,) wan not rffaotltr until May 9 1945. We not. further that thin dnpartmnnt held in Opinion No. 6-6575 that the forn- going proolnlonn of 9. 9. 123 a?8 not l pplloabln rhea thr amount of aompannatlon rothorl:ad by law for a partloulu offloor for thr rl~oal year of 1% nlr mora than ~~600.00. b order to drtnrmlnr whrth8r thn 9rorl8lon8 of 8. B. 12) are l pplioablr to thr rnrlow o??lOOr8 or Fort Band Comty, It 18 nannnary to drtnrmlnr tho a mo unt o r 00lAa8tloA rhirh tha 18~ ruthorlzr~ rm raid orrlorr8 for the flnoa 7. paa of 1944. Dnbor the &+?a1 ~rorlnioo8 of S8otloA 1) of Artlo 39128, the offloorr Aarrd ooul4 hava brra d.lOwed th8 raxlaum Ooplp~88tiOil rhloh rush offloorr lould hare ratafnnd undnr lawn rxlrting Augunt 24, 1955. Dhdrr law8 rxlnt- lng Augubt 2&, 1935 the County Twanurrr oould ha+8 baa lllowrd a mnxlmuia oomgnnnedon of $2 000.00 annually (Art. 3943), rhilr the mulmu annual compannntfon o? thr other o??lrorr nun04 In thn law wan $3500.00. UAdU tha ii?8% 8DaOid 0101 81&q lbOl0 quoted, the foregoing nmountn oould hrriom par- omt par milllm dollar or imotion thrno?, of oountr tu valuation in lx o n8nof $i5 OOO;oOO.OO, an #horn bf oh8 hat approved prordlllg tu roli. An to the fir081 year of 1944, the oounty tar valuation of Fort BoAa CouAtf an nhorn by thn last approved prrordlng tax mll (194)), aooordl to leiormatlon rurnlnhrd by the Shk Comptrollrr’n Offlor, wan Thun, uiulnr lald npaolrl Drovlnion, the maximrunOmpaAB orlrnd undrr thn annral Drovlnlon of S8atlon 13, Art1010 39128 02.000.00 - ootuh& trr88urrri $3 ,500.oo - othar orflo~r Maoa) oould hato booa lnororrod 88rontrea pnroont for tho flnoal year or 1944. Sinao the protlaloA8 of 6. 8. 12) (Sub- dlrlrlon (8) luprn) nor0 not in lrr00t in 1944, thn total m~xlmkm otmpsnrat1OA whloh thr Coumlnnlon8rn*Court omld harr ruthorlrrd for the flnoal pear of 1944 ran O2,340.00 ($2,000.00 91~8 17%) for thr County Treasurer, and $4,095.00 (Tj,500.00 plus 17%) ior the other ofilcars namd ln Section 13 of Lrtlolt 39120. .b hnr -tofore ntatod, the provlnlonn of Sub-dlvlnlon (01 of .Artlcle 39128 (5.3. 123) are ayplloablr only to those officers whose aOmpenn8tiM authdlzed by law ior the ?laoal year Of 1944 did not exceed $3,600.00. Thun, in port 3end County, S. 3. 123 would be ayplloable only to the nalary of the County Trnasurer. You are therefore advised thst under the provisions o? S:. 3. 123 (Sub-division a, Zec. 13, Art. 3912r), when ln the Judgment o? the Comnl~nlonrrs* Court, “the financial condltlm oi the county” and the needs o? the oifloar justify the lncrOaae, the Co.mlssionery’ Hcmorrblo Sldaol J. Brown - Pagn 6 COW% 18 rl%thDriZOd t0 OIltO? lA Order iKIOrOrOily th8 OOlB~ABBtJiOA Of tbr cOUAtT e088~1~ “IhO% t0 lIOOOd 8~On8J-fitO 9rrOOAt Oi hh0 8u allowed udor tho law for tho flao41 par 0r 1944.a Tharorom, WdBr th0 9rw1*10a* or s. B. 123 tho CouatJ Tr*r*ur0r any br allmod a total ~axfaun ooon~rmtion of #2,925.00($2,340.00Q108 255) for &a fiBOA1 708? of 1946. 8lnoo thn prorialoaao? 8, II.123 do not apply to tha OfflOOt OthB? 8h8A th0 OOUA~ wO8OUIWr rOtO?Trd t0 iXl kOtioXl 13 of Art1018 39121, the mnrl.mm oompenn8loa of 8u.h oiflnara tOr tibrtiBOa1 w ot 1946 WOUM by aatonrind MUSE 8h~ rp001a prorlalon of nord aaotlon rhloh authorlxra aa lnanrrr at am poroont par ml~llon dollara or tnotlon tharroi, af ooorrby tax valuationin 0x0180 of 815 bOO,OOO,OOrroordiq to thn laat prnoodlng rpgpwod *ax roli (1945). iooord* to you latter, I nlmtloa of %rt Band .ooUaty ,-a #32~,023,3~0,00. rximn8 aompazuaUoa 88thorlwd roda? tia of krtion 13, Art1010 39l20 ul be irronrrad or &ha tiaoal par o? 1946. T~I ma, Wnmfore, muham rompeaaatloawhloh mar be al&m& ier- aald ofrloarr (UO8D*h.l6 f OOtUltF ‘IhO#tl?W) ia th8 flirti l88r Of 1946 Wuld k $4,130.00 #3,500.00DlW lti)). A0 b yOw qUO8tlOA OOACOrAiw t& MX~MULE 8818ry HO?8 drputy Oonrtabl8,wo call your rttontloa to tha ronoh ~ntatu- tory pror1010a0: hla trEura Of orfloa, 8aoh offic8r Mud harnln Who 18 OC4lQ~liOPtOd 011 a fO8 baai 8h8n anke, an prt of tho nport now raquirrd by law, an it4miZOd aAd BWOrA BtJJt%Q8ntOf all bh8 aOtUB].8Ad MOwBary 8Xpensas incurred by him ln the oondunt O? his C??iC8.* )I. . .Th8 amount of 8~larl88 pald to ae:latantsaml deputlea shall alno be olrarly ahoWn by BuOh oicicer, glv- 11-4the name, pOB:,tlOn, and amount paid each; and ln no avant shall any off1 cr ehoa any gr.zaterxm.r.t than ao- tually paid any euch assistact or deptity. The axunt of 8UOh OXpen8.8, teether with the amount of solarles paid to asslatants, deyutirn, Bad olerkn, ahan be pold OUt of th8 it308 earnod by luoh o?fl:er.' Artiolr 3902. V. -':.0. S.i n;h8never any dlntrlct, courityor praclnot orricar 8han rsqclr8 thn snrvlc811or dnputlae, asnlstsntr, or clarka . 942 HonoroMo SldnIy J. Srw - p868'l in tha pufont~nor or hlr dutirr b rh8l.l apply to th8 Couatr Coanlorionar~~ Court of hi8 oounty for ruthorlty t0 lpjdilt ruoh 48ptltl88, 88eifitcld8 Or elOrk8, 8tatlw br aworn 8DdiCOtiOll th nuder nwdrd, the porltlonto br l’ilhd M& th@ mount t0 b paid. SOid rDpli6atiOn #iI k l8OOitDar.i8d br 8 8t8kmat rhOWia the p?OLdlrr rierlptr iroa f888, OOMid8#1001 and 8arpoanSlon to b. 00uIOtd by raid OtiiOO th@ fha a~~itkg p8sr’MC 7&O prOb8hlr dlrbUrrrmlkt8 rhloh #kbll iE@ldO lll wu?i$# and aXpaABa8 Or 8ai6 OrriOrl 8nd Uid 00~s 8bu mk0 it8 O?dW authorltln( tbr 8$ p Ointa OflUI6 ~h.'&pUst88, l88i8ta ud nN3Oh?k8 B a d r iSth 8 OOE$ WU~OD b k. p 8i( l thu d$hln tha llmitatS.oar hrnln e8erihd ma amr- hrrrinarter rrt oat. to tlu drputirs, irrlrtantr or 018rk8 lboro aamrd fa tholr . ( 88W1088 8hd.1 b0 8 roa8on@ibl8OM, ROt t0 8IU8.6 t~~fOllOY,- in& tmount8I. . " at. In 6Wd.8 8 hsVl~& 8 wpIi8tiOn id 6lOat7-fbO thOu8lmd ad On0 (25,001) @IidtA@tIcQr@thUi thktl-80-n thoarmd, rlrr hundrrd (J7.500) inhabltantr, rirrt lrrlr- tat or ohm baptlty not to rroed ?wo TaounnQ Dollar8 ($2,000) par UUlU%) Other 88818t8nt8, da t1.r Or olrrkr nd t0 UO.rd .?4VOlltO8n Bmbrrd DO118r8 par ~IWIJ p(lt17001 88Oh.. “9. Th8 ccml83lrnar8 Court i8 hereby 8utkorizod, wkan in thir jufg-?ent the financial condltl 0 or tlm cOl;nty and the nacda Of the dclFUti.08, t8Si8t8lltS Sari OlsriSS or any fii8triot, county or prroinot orfloor ju3tiry the fnoreae8, to rntsr an order lncraaelng thr cozptneetim of such ds:.uty, assistant or clsrk in en additional aaouzt not to txcotd tw8ntpti70 (25%) par cent 0r thr 8UP tllowrd un- daEtha 18W ior th8 fieCa1 r:ar Or 19L4, &eorlded th8 total cosptnsation authcirized und6r the law rw the ri8CSi year of 1944 did not trca,zd Thirty-six ‘%.mlred ($)itoC.OO) DOll8r8." -i8 not.0thst 38CtiZ3 9, quoted above, (S. 3. 123p Honorable Sidn8y J. Brown - Peg8 8 Ut8 not UlitilEtJ' 9, 1945. Under th8 fOr8gOing pro- 8ff8OtiVt vi8iOa8 Or 9 SeOtiOn the i7U3XiMUJt MIOUDt Or 8MUai OOIILpWI88tiOn 8uthorlzod ror d.pUti88 under th8 law ror the ii8081 yerr 1944 (980. 2, Art, 3902) m8y b8 iaOr8888d by tW8nty-flV8 p8r 08Ilt. In Vi8U Oi th8 rborr UOt8d prOti8iOn8, you 8I8 8dVir.d that the m8xlmUa oomjmarat Pon rhloh nay b8 authorlard ror a fir8t d8pUtY ooarkblr in rort Bead county, ror the rho81 year or 1946, 18 #2,500.00 ($2 000.00 p1U8 2%) Ub ior othrr dODUty OOn8tabh8, $2,i25.O0 f$i,700.00 piU8 25%). We i&Uth8r 8811 t0 YOUr 8ttUltiOZA th8t the Comai88lOIl8r8' COUTt 18 WthOriS8d t0 @atOr aa OrdO? inOrO88ing thr OtXIQaa8atiOa Or 8au OrriOer8 not to rroord tW8ntprlVo par ornt Ot th8 81111 tuthoriud Ud8l' th8 18W for the ii8081 ye8r or 1914 88 OO~Q~lI8OtiOLI ror 8Uoh 68pUtr *v&on ia their judgment th8 fiMIiOiti OOnditim Or thr OOUUty tad th8 nO8d8 Of th0 tbpUtiO8. . . jU8tifr th0 i~~0~0880~” YOU W8 t&her 8dV18.d th8t t&l88818rle8r~f~rl'.d t0 in AZ- tiol. 3902 a n o n l "Dar 8MUm" b88f8. A8 to lw08im60r YOUr quertloaooaoeralngthe travellag th8 8Oartabl., ua nfrr you to our Opinion NO. 04666, whioh u8 b@lLrr will ratiriaotorllp lansr rour queotlon. wr 8m lnO108i45 8 OOpy Or 88ld OpiniOa rOr yOUr OoavMiOnu. It 18 to be Und8r8tOOd th8t U8 8rO mot &-in p888ing upon the oon8tltutionallty or th8t portloa or Subdlririoa 2 of Artiolo 3883, V. A. C. S., rerrrrsd to in your lrttrr 88 th8 prori8ion goreraing~the oomp8n8atlon or the oonrtables 0r Tort Bend County, iOr that qU88tiOLl i8 aOt b&OX'@ U8. Wr trlA8t th8t th8 rbor8 Md iOngOing Will 88ti8f8OtOrlly aa8u.r your laqulrlrr. Your8 very truly, ATTOFESY GAL3d, OF 'DXAS JL:?wb:W aoloeure - 1