dsoorlbed property: The 73rookablm %me, I! ~3~5
pager gubfiaisd at ZrookohLro, Zcsllor Sounty, Trzae,
and tiirr preu1m5, tgp, iIqms1r.g stone, @lliQS,
Surriitux~, film, aubocription llat ~0 eood wil.3, at’
a rental OS ‘i?tio I!ucdmd Forty iJol.lnrs (&Zi&,OO) to be
paid in twr&+four Ln&ollmnto OS tan dollare (JU.00)
each WBth, arid tlat prty of the moorAd part la to .Qva
full um aixd sxmciue amtrol of the said i.wa~kshl.~
Tbt~a and reoeive end keep for her own um all euoJ~+
mntti, reveaw und rxaias of wI\etavsr Iricd %urlnG the
tent OS ito oontraat. I;ho gorty of t:;e first pert
furthor agwars to ~ivo the party OS t?ie t3ecoad part
%ri opPion to purchase the above duscribetd g-ziparty
six wntha oftar this contraat ia in aYhct.
*‘Setton&. The party of thtt ssoond part' ioz t!m above
aonafderatiorx,~ ts&reea to pay to the pnrtg af tha siret’
part the rmtol OS iWo Iiundmd C0rty 3ol.i.sra (;2&O,OO)
ior the two $%ara, nt ten 4&1ai-s (~.lil.G~] Q math
auxi.5g the texsi Of tkls cantraot.
*'The party of the Clrat part agree to oaslst the
pl’ty OS tfm oeoond gert; ,wfth sry miahanfofal.. trouble
that ray develop In tha obovci aeotlor;&d mwapapar,
Ourinf~ t-he shortu~e of 8uch~labor,. wRlttAoutany ex-
pboes to the gartg 0r tk.e ~sEicioIid
“A. 3. kndsroon
‘“wiry Ann Axllst~(l8.’
v&ereertw, lagxil notiaea; liu~h.a~ notiaes for
blda, (for nntorialo to be purcheeed by ,tha oounty),
were >ublloho& bp ‘TM 53roolrsllre ‘T%os, ’ UEC8 bill
for suah oeryicas wea aubaitted to Lie oounty auditm
for hi8 5ppOVOl. 3uoh bUls# Sor services e::d natoriala
Sumirked the .00ufity on tha part OS '310 2rookahii%
!i%as' w9&rO ti%ap~rOYtsd bs t&s OOUntjr&udit0&.
I;nder your Opinion 6326, ~ivtm Sri raa20nao ta a
recuent, for tm opfslion by the Zion0rnble 2. 4'. I!erixa,
Jr., Courty Auditor, .rw aall attmtlon to Article
231+0, Vercoats itri5atst4 statutes, which prqvide*s
** . . .the oounty Judge asd imoh oo~iaaloocr
ahall take a written oat& thzt he villl not Sa
i /
*This lntmpret%tlon ts funde&ntally
contrmry to
all our lmfs, ard it is,
thorar’oru, ap;:srsr,t that the
Only Question itiVOlVd4 I5 xr;etk:cr Or Lot ti:s tan ($10)
dollars *wr moiit?: raacivb4 by Gudr~oAixieroon ror the
rent ~of *T’he ~!,-ookshlr% ??u7".53*is on omlW*ot or
edoonta(:% received in conoldarotian for any bid,
proposal, controot, pirchaea or 5sle accruing fsora
the operstiw of *The ~roo%ablreTlzes~ by Us
*It la -a,y opinion that, in the abaetoa or ~:soof
to the cJoatmry, if will riot Iv.3 43suiicld tb3t the
donorable A. 3. .&&eram roouivas ba3efits uithsr
directly OT indirectly flwl any oontroat botiwm
%‘ellsr couaty snd *?hQ mookehira Y=iraea,* or any
enoluz;er;t or ncivantq:o fron any bib, 7jmo:osal
oolltraat, sal% of mterial, aarvi~a. or supjAm ~. .
By *The’Wookshire T&m* to ;ial.kir County.
91 have been unable to tiad any cssss h support
‘.ioi the vlaw taken by the county auditor an4 dean it
umeaeseary to ptmts authorltiee Fn oupgort 0: t&s
fUn4amttal propoeition that th%re coti14 Bc A0
abri&~exxnt of th0 r&tit of omarahlp ~4 the
dttafiding right to foa8% or rent ~roP;ertle5 bsloa$-
ing to a oitizan ueroly because ::e he4 bean ulaatcd
to maw ss s pblio 01Xio1el. Ludeed, Ft would
aaeia that li ?sa mot 5.n~~ilge lrA tiny aaswapt10na,
the confibence BeWoss4 upon bin by tho @ao>l%
would justify &issuiAng that LO benos’its accrue to
him other t~han those which are inoiccmtal to the
owmrahip of hia yroy~rtloa.~
"A ocntract which wotid'~ive hla (the publlo
offlolel) 831 i,ztdrsEt l& an ofriolsl act to bf3
Goat by bin would bs ropu&%ast to i.aw t&l ~uouad
BwTeuty. * * *Vu
. .,
case of
no member or trie city couccil or any other otrtcer
OS 8 cor~oretion 6hctll '3~1Girwtly or i&frectlY
lntaroetad to rpny cofitraot, tt;e considuraticn of
which is pld frm tLe city tm;i(BSurY.
"nle fore&;oicc:
ruleirests upxa aouca yablio
polloY. 1ta ohje43t la t3 alsurLt to tn.3 city
strict fidalltg upm the part of ttioao vf:io report-
a5nt it end m.iiap3 it8 afi;ilr8. '?Se rile arc)..
hlbltlq public ~,2ifcers 2roz being icterafited
in pC.Aic contraate should bo seru~uL.ouslY
enloroed .+'
nrcrrad to, &r&based U~D&aowd pbltc yolicy. TLm object
18 to lnaure 20 th0 cwuty rrtrict fldclitp upm the, cart of
:.:36e WbU.CSGU3~;0 its f"iQccil &Saifo, CU.iri $hi2 Z*dlCt ;ZiSlibitillq;
;,>llc offlcialn rr34 being Lotareated in pabiia CailEzriCt8
0:0tia btr acrtipu.louulY ur:f+orced. It is our O~lnlOL, ~~WSVftx+*
C&t the situation outLlmd in your ltrttttr &es not coxo wlttiin
tia prvlew of said Art. 373, r.vr within tt;e ruiao VT law laid
b!irn in the o@iio~3 s3ferred to. Tbiu nu~thoritiera 8x3 praa-
:::61Lly u.aanUous to t.;-zt:fa,rfeot that i:rs olPlcors,to ba little,
;cnt Law an iAt0i*Stg dirO0tig or Lr;di;wctly* 3.2 tnfs sUbjesct
zatter of ths cwtriwt. h remote cceti.n~wioy will not bring
~14 OfLClows within the 5tPltutae. or tha rules laid doip in
ad 0;rini011e. Tie Taaa rule ia well statvd in 3L Ye%. Jurt
+ae 72, pp. 649-450, w3lch reaCs 861 followe:
*kn 0Pirlcer ia prot~bltod rro;;l 3oti,ru3 in his
Official a&p&city 89 t0 nattars hi rhlch ha MS U
lntiarest. cvn8~icuoua exan?~lss of Suc~h;jrohlbltions
are tkoae whiatl forbid judps Pm% Sipting ti any .'
aaae, end h?w.bera of the ao~isslonarclt court fron
pwticlprtttng in t&e cofisideratior; of ezy clglin in
*blah they are iatorustsd. Jut to CVFiualthln the?
rule the of21cer~s intereat imst bu d:raot a;?d
aertalri; tie is not dis~s~ilif15d by on rrl.le~_;ed
&metary ir.termt w::icti ia at Llil)Otcontinga?.t, naa
my nat iu. fact sriat at all."
rt0n the 8uthoritie6 8b0v~ ~rerr~d to, WS)826 or tke
0+1on that there ~I.11 b0 no olc2tlon ot ony lew in pqing
far the le&. vlotioee rerttmu to, iinleaa coUu5ion or frmd
PI rhown a8 to ttie csunty ju0~3
h , nFn,oe CA0 faote aiutad do
tat ahOW t&St t::a OOLlBt~ $A&&% iI&8 S?:f i&Atareatifl tha BUCU3
;rQl themror.