xmomble Joe Earnest
Utob.11 County
Oolorado CSJ, Texu
krr Sir1 Oplnlon no. o-6gyg
lb1 UDdor Art&la 1.9
mlBt an ex-*
Your mquut of recant
%nder Artlelo
ed State@ oFkeria8, or t’no
thorato, lnoludtag the Narltti
r&ant Marlno, &all upon the re-
ah person, hle grurdtm, or hio
at lav, be fuwalshed vltbwt
authntlaated aepr ob copi*m
of any instnoent, pub110 record or doaurnt tmaem-
atry to prove or lstablish suoh clrlr. whlob is la
the custody or on file %n the offlao of County
Clork~, Dlrtrlct Clerks and other publlo offlclala
of this State, by ouch off~cialo. Provided, the
,..(,. .., ,.
sarrmble Joa Earnut, pi&~ 2
188uaaoo of auuh aertlfled or rutbentiaated copy or
coplu by suah offlolal8 shall not bo son8Idemd In de-
teml.nhq the maxImum fee of much officer.
*Art. 2. Tbo right8 aonfw~8d bf thla Act 8hall
lxtwd to ray parson, hi8 cgurirdlan
or hI8 dependentr,
Or heirs-at-lav rho am lllglble by ~8on of urv-
100 homtotora or heroafter rwdarod In the Amod
Forao8 of the Unltod Mat08 of Amriua, or the ler v-
ices auxlllary thereto, lnaluding ttm IiarrItImZkrv-
lee and the Norahant JIarlw, vhon ruab per80n, hl8
-rdUn, or hl8 depmderrts, or helm-at-lav l re
.llglblo to m8ke ulnlm against the Oovwwwt of the
unltod Stat08 of hmmrlor a8 a nault OS ruch 8ervIo0.~
Wun &-8tatuti, oIvIl or ortlml, 18 upru8ul in
p~ir~and urmmbl~ou8 w@,ti It8 lwnln$ I8 olurand
&vIla\u, t.h*r# 18 no m901 ror oon8tructlon. Omddy v. First
y;waal~ or Buuwt, 28Y 5. u. 4721 Spa-k8 v. mat*, 174
. . .
xt vlll he noted that APt101* 193*, l IpEa, xvqUlrr8
tbo county Clorkr end DirtrliotClerk8 to fuml8h u=8ervIcwen,
rho mm lllglbls to make (L 03rlm wln8t the Oovwnment of the
lJaitedState8 of ,Awrba a8 a nrult oi 8*rvke In the Aswd
lo-8 of th. thi.tOd 8trte8 Of &rim, Uitbwt o@8t a emrtlfled
8ad rutbntluatod oopy or ooplu 0S uq In8trmont nmmaury to
. prow muah alaim.
In *I*v oi the plain proVirior~8of Artlalm 19398, lupra,
it la the oplnlon of t&I8 dopartwnt that l p8r8on who h8 served
in the Armed Forau o? the United lRate8 of Awrloa is not xv-
QUII& to my the County Clerk for l oortlilod copy of hi8 dI@-
&mgo ln ordar to pro*0 hlr 0UIa for prlorlt~ in pumboo of
rwplu8 war wterirl.
Yours vow tmlf
:i,s Aasl8tant