EoaoznbloWomor He Baker,@airma a”Swcg__._____-.....--...
stat0Boardof Central
Dnr sirs
attortwym,to giw inforBatio8
of a petimt,or
o-0 now pondlq
irutitutlon, oonaoatof
hwo tl~orfght,wlthollftho
oloB~thoouo~of 8UohuJdl patiaat,or Ohlld?
?(g> mtho OwEt oomBo1ropror*nt4 allput~orto
intorro@ioriortobepropoumWbyrUotuy Rtblio.or
do08that qmomoat logally
authorhO:U~to aim&o the ouo hirteeyof a aontal
or ohildward-
Sowor L Baku - pageP
‘(5) Cue hi8torio8
uo usuallywdr up 0S thi tram-
oript of the trial,oortifiodbytha Olorkottha
ineuu of jwytria1,to@b~ruitb luohotb.r'W-
*tioa~iohy k obtsindbyiaquiq oi reolalrorkerr
u ohild,18 d&ml
uho~~fbopationt, abitt* ad
the nrbsequ8ntqvemts
ofth‘ir‘tagin.P 0~0qnu-y
neut,w8ightbhut*, and okhurblrt~~tt~r~ A8i&
hatkotmoroript oortifLdbythoolakoitha sourt,
all otheriaforMtiou i‘ of a mtri&lfooadenti8l
nattuo,end I‘ wailableonlyto th‘p‘rout‘, or pvdim‘,
b r l‘aoeiatod prot*~‘iolul
‘(6) Doe‘
the.bow lsliuB‘tion,othere‘n thbtraum
* oript,eonatitute
i8 it privilogad
lnd wouldthir Bmrd, ar it8 w 8uthom
i‘Odw, h‘W th. d&t t0 WfU‘O t0 6im ‘Ush'intOlM-
l c b ur tt ,’
‘Th bcomtitutienua e’umnded
te ‘pat th ea a iuio -
r itb o slttr i#b y ju r y*
orsrhEdq "
W(7) ~wblnldubbat*. buehietoriooos‘uobwluntuy ^
patient‘ be prhilogod,
'ad raid chlrMud, or ite'
aged‘, haw thortghtto rdku to (u*olootha eon-
tat‘ or pbmit an Luputia OS thea‘. hieterh,
underall oirem‘tu‘oet‘
auaw* Ha“aolm‘wtt‘btual ufo luurauo Qaqmny ta* Boardof Trwtow
ot mohig‘n A‘ylu ror the xuano, (nioh.)l& Il.Ho 5Js* maoh la not tho
asob-h-, khru. k dOWtJ'OOO@‘OW ~-~~iri1O~odtbO
ioiuwpatiostt nlrtionmhi)
aa& the meor& d publlohoepit& uJdh
80 hx; l,.B, 5101 Thi‘kokof priVi106‘
shouldk born0.Urinq b&h
to tbrlghtot la8p88tienofthoro8or~ isqautionmd~r
wllunhg #a*
k'&OVOMtbd,thbS% i‘M @llOJd ~iVil@&OU tOti PhyriO-
pationtrrlatioashipla doiind &near atatutwnktingti
publio lmdcb, Art1ol.o V*Aa o rI*, l~apooialpriTi1.g.
nlatll‘g to
dirol~~roawrrla(r~o~~~trumoir~‘~o‘~ aeor
1 Jmvid“, La put, 8‘ follmt
*by phyaioia u etherpura utsoykea b aiwi8 %
wtruta,aouo of qphilia,gowrrhu andowry
Or obamoroid
aIpariatondont or nnagbr br a ho‘pital, di‘pouy, or ahuL*
teblooe peaalimtltution,iadrLohthuo 1‘ l .aaoaf vaoral
disuao, ehallroport+oh oaooiaedlatelyinwriting, to tha
loulhnlth oSf-iou, rtatingthoMI mdsddrm‘8 ortbo 0iti.o
nmmbu,ago,*a, oolor,and oooupationeftbodi8u8odp?rr~
oi Lbwtioa, provided-that tie nmo and addrur of
p o r rMuo d
wt k ltatbd, oxomptu huoiustu ‘pmiTiorl4
qooti‘n 6 provldo‘u fdlmr
%bmooy‘ theright of uadutionia &80&t+ bu$
inpraot1.0it rt lut only a mttor of dirontlan, bo-
mua* 8uahappZieationi8 likolrdmaytiu fob0 nfuaed 08
k orqiwd, and tha t&e right mat bb toroodby madaua,
aad thirwritir mot of abaoluto ri&t, tut mu04 of diaorc
u Wthori‘mg itmi“uMoo tokjud&odoslIabw~oa‘oby
lowi4oration oiall,tho0iromotm8.*pr**mt4* &,v&ilo
tho right3.B. in wary, ab‘oluto, ywt it la in pmot1.0‘0
at o wl k da a lnted o ily l lq ua limd r ig h T t.”
e to
uraxMin&irri4v~spooial~o,~‘. tor eq&o,to
obtain‘pooi.tio inforMtlcu to we in a llti&&on betma
a. qpli*uItand turd putior,u WJwoon tauappliuwub
tha wrpowljiaIA# titholih auo&llhiloaot,lm p-sBoipla,
graltab10,boan‘.it door sot iaMln‘ouohtlBoaIld~o
ud ‘0 mb h iIeuruption b f b u r iltw*,w in WI o f l g o wml
aamiBation. rot it wlmo t k do u b to & UndBr a ‘ta t0o f r u ta
ahav& it to bo Lporkat to't& publiriatorort
t&t tha
had,that)b ‘Out ‘hald alla mwh oxuinatir at a. ‘ult
ai~rbo~~oitiHIIUd~~~Oi~oO~ti~r The
booka,bxtal‘0 eatho Hu piasiplo t&tultli~‘utho taw
pay0rt0 ~ointhoaforouut ontorod
%wu & Bakur.pagc6
into~byth8munioi~llty, 8ounty,0r8tatr,forthapro=
footionof tbo applioaataad all othertupayorr irc*lillegal
burdou‘*And it I‘ obTiou‘ that, in BBkisg‘ad onfora~
lwh applioatioa,thr tupqwr~,aot8, in l vwy r0alraw,
wt oalyiorhim0U, buttarallothort8xpayor8, androta;
thudoro, in tha upaoity,u it wuo, of a truato8forall*
It rut b‘ Bblttod,al‘o,thattho au0180 of ‘wh paw,
‘#lutuy,booM‘0th0knaul8dgothatit Oaab8 uoroi8edby
a oitiron
and tq8r, 8admaybo ueroimdwh~n tb. poblio
gW4#h & bu#a a# 8o P nd
r OuOW# -tda
o m8S$it,la mo t
r O-
ml*-80 th a in
n p r o d~r ing o fri*powi-
a nddia a u80
billwin thO8ouh0ad&irf0rth8 ~fair‘oilunioi~
owpreioms; mid ln inaludinga groator
ouofuho88 iatho
di‘.br~‘ of QIO tmt‘~irpo‘OdUpoDth‘aw theiri.llOr .
oltl‘otu underthe ib.?mtiom
of law*'"
%paltiledri@# dopondingtorlugo l xta@ upmth8 u0roi8ooidiaorc
demandfor iu‘pwtioisi‘ ‘da may roquiro a ‘h‘wmg of mfNOiat iator0*t
on the put 02 the domadiq party bsforr thb i~putla 1‘ allmode 531
Ce Je
6% ~8ofhrmsrdla(Cr~~rrr~rhr\lohr~~~o~8urdr~p~~~ .
g o wmb th
g la
a 8p wtiu
th e
r o wr da
u till
iwu r th
o lefo ty
ofth rec
lorda+tho orduly wuduot oftho offiwnJwn thoyropoao+5J 0. J4 sj3.
Ia anawu k yourquo‘tion no. (R),it lo ow opi.lsion
that the
Board,or an agoutof MLO Board,lot4 undo?pelieirof the Board,suohu
l 8upalntmndent ofaa l108ao8yaary &l8tltution,ha8tbari&twitlmtooM8nt
o fth og u a a ao afl wILtBlpatiat@r of a ohi* to di8.10‘0 tin orr“hi8tOry
ot muoh p&i‘& .u ohild,I2 withintha Baud“ dirrntlra it doom #a latuu+
oSthopu8w~tho roquort luffioi08tmdifthoNo0rd8 d0uot di801080
wy Lnf~tlonOomaaingthero~r8al di80u~rab8v8nmmdi
Qllm8uowmob (J), (I),ud (6)&1wlthwu dutyof tila
Boardae lt8agoatato to8tiQ,~oithu0134opodtlom u Wore l oourta8 to
toorautbprodu~hao?u@hrowrbi ThoroiragowralQICJtoto‘tlfy
mido h r l opoaall
a ta oitlmr~ ItL raid lu&Texa~&r., ltpap%l that,
a vslid oubp6.m~or nfnsar to tutify QO to - prw#orquretiow* wo
hi‘ d+'U & Oitf.‘OBJ h0 y not r&U80 t8 &V8 tO8tiWQ lW@r8d in th8
~~ti~~ju~ioo‘~4upoo~fb~~gTl~oT1~ othu
rowow not iaolved aitthe00~1tutiaJd prirflo&ooS‘lleao0l terfau
thtmi&ton~uhi8ll~~..." RnloUO,Tm~Rn&aoiOlvll
-&NJ Iks. ol!%!, w 6i&, VOX. =xX, M - m-0 DtJ IditiO+
T h o & ty t6tumdth
t* l oth0?1tyt0*ap81atmulu00 lnd(in wuonO8
aslateSatbrttu of -4 dopoaitioam
uwoll u in6hri~tanoodwre
Art0 37&b v&0.8.,
6uffioe is to ray
thatunderth.curomnt'rkte 09 our'doeirio~
d fo ll‘w a d, l r u li. ISI .
pa~topatiat‘,w‘w wbuir fey uoating aIohB p?ivilog.‘0104bo-
0111‘0 the @ioat .r -to rrj b. .onflrrd.
$0. pub110iwtitutioa .
The, tiaa oxproarod abow ihould ba @Uiod to tha utont tlmt
whorein lw otla of rworda will invol~ th. U881~8w of $mnilo oourt
pr@iw cd wdu At'tiOh 2336.1,6 8-e. V. A. C. I., we thithkthe
ia.p..tio.rhouldb. refuard undera..ti..15 of ,&tiolo2338-irhfshpso-
tidu w fol1or.r
l&vaailo&tut moor& 8hallnotk immpe@tdby
0thorWa8apr0bati08ofYlou8 0r other cUfi00rr 0f tb
dirootodby~o hurt."
lnl5Llt 1‘ rriblmtht,w y have ovdookd 8~. ‘tat&o
orating. rpwfrl OT rimitodp?iTi1ag#a8t~ti~daboH# p t, th 0la m .
prinoiploa8t.t.dmuld h.v.~.ppli..ti~ .ad it 1‘ our hope t&t OUT rim.
will prow of u‘l‘taaooto you.
Varytni4rapr‘ 1