‘..:. - A;!
0 ........:....
enclorlng Judge Owdpe8ture18
your coarlderatloa la coaaectloa
on here wbmltted:
Artlole ?.433of the Rerloed Statute8 porIde8 epeclfib
elly thst the co8mIrrIoaerr * court St e8oh AugUrt Fe?8 rhall
divide thIr coantlor into oonveaieat llectloa gceclaotr, 8nb
efter 88me we 80 eat8blIehed publleb the8 IO IOENBaeu8PPer for
three veek8 IR tbr coots. Tba lart reateace of wld statute
gonorsble bu J. Ultoo, pe ge 3
90 *leetUBa peolaot till be formd out OS
two = -0 jUSti p*OitiCt8 Wf Out Of tb tOVn8
Of tV0 Or mOM jU8tioe pre0inot8.n
IO ths 0088 Of Bogg v* C8mpbel1, 48 8.Y. (26) 515,
th8 a@Wt SPSOifiO~ii7 h8ld that th8 OOrriSSiOWS’ Oourt SOtid
Mt 008MW W PWtiOo Of WO OF 8ON jUStlo peolnotr la OM
Wd th0 UT SkStiO8 +Otiu bOX. hd8P th0 &bore St0tUt8, t&
Se8810D1T8’ SOlat US FOqlibd tb bV8 l8 Uv vOtiB# b-8
88 th.7 ht8 jUStlO Of tbr WI80 ~OoiUtS. %‘h8~00~al881O~r8’
00-t SbB potid fOF l8 UaJ VOtily POOiMt8 ia th8 eOU8t7 l8
tho7 do .8
p o a leo ~.
hthb -9 Of the RerIwd 8t8tUtoS porider 1~ the
last pagraph that lxoept ia & ewr ti
l&otlolrr, local option
l&OtiOoS m #rm S&OtiORS the OftiOorrto be l lmted by
t& O~SSiQIu~S~ SOUFt t0 hold SlWh 8wtiOaS 8hd p ”bo l p8-
r idlojU6
g gUd
s Omslrrirtut
w JUago ati tro olerks.
&irtfSk 2933 Of the Rovl8ed 8tOtatorproviderthat the
l&OtiOEi preoiaOt8 l8 iOrVd by th. OopliSSiOWrS court -11
before the Sirrt da7 of seoh kpterber be oertl?Iedto tin tu
oolleotor of that ooumty.
ItlTidOat t&t the OOPi88iOWC8' COUl'tGUI-
28 thU8
not ror8 mew peolaots
for voting purpo808 aftor 88m8 h4+e been
proridodfor la August, aad rertlfledto the tu lolloot0r.
Othor~lw, itmdd lrOotO WtOld 001UUSi08 lnd roald mot g ive
the tu oollootor uk OppOrtwIty to list th8 raters by or IO
VOtin# p.OlWOtS.
Ii the oomm18810aer81 court la their August meeting8
desire to 4IrIde their county iato votfu peoinotr, It O&IIdo
80 sad l8tsblI8h one rotlag precinct ?or each jurtlce preclact.
Thy obaatqt reduoe the aumber bclov the aumber of juetioe Pre-
CiWtS. Uhea so fired and certlilod to the tax collector, the
botmdsrler of the rotlag preOiaCt8 cennot thereafter be chewed,
uatll the fOllOViOg h&U8t. During raid yeer, in lll electifme,
either special or general, the voter8 in the re8pective votlw
p ec inc tr l# f-d by the oouI88lowrI* court voufd be entitle*
to rot0 oal~ la tbelr rerpeotlre peolnetr.
To~rr very traly