OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTO”NCY GCNLRAL Iionorablr I.. F. rjsralllo, Anrlrtant CallLay hd1taQ 04xlao* coullty ;01ln310, Tear lp F Oillt f65 th6 ¶Sth’Xity Ot r)rrants in payment of payable to the law- f rudltor for chr oowty’ 88 *ban ltlmb aecnt. ot 8ralgsaent oi saltwy, es by thhe mere spp‘dnt- t the prlxolpal. It nay ltt8apted to o r a ny part o fruoh 18po~ltiaa the mm4 is paid over agent has no oonorrn in this qmrtbn. Cbunty Auditor, @ail!88 CO., D8R8 2 Truetlng she toregolflg fully eoewre pu? queetion, *a err mare ray tru4, AI’KIFW? O’~~kF!iAl.3F PrLX;; /d BY soeortL. L0ttlmora, sr. Aeeletaat