RanorabloBayam SattoHleld
Plrwaea~rYewlaa Cowlr8laaer
Pat Offloe Boa 1062,
Awtln, Tewr
Your lst&i?r%nuBsg 21,\9$& lddmmad to thlr
~Department requeat# that ve~sdvise a8 what rpproprintion
your "office help rush 88 ha&-tiw roonta~ and other neoea-
oary help" should br,,,,ohscged a&a
'..~ FT*
Cowlerlowr . . . . . $3,600 $3,600
lx p ena pe,
OfflCrn~ wta ge,
lto tlo ner J, fix-
ture5 and suppler . . . 1,500 1,500
tlngont expenaor, llnd
other woewary help and
expenses toklnourredln
edministration of Flremen*a
Relief and Retirement L8v. . 500 500."
Eoa. Bayne Setterfield, ?ege 2
You l&tar ladioetee that eaee quutiou he8 rrieea
i8t0vb th @ Ttb OS& STieS
Of8 8OOT8tSTy ld 8 b o o wmp e h w& l
b eo h sr eed
to %r fiolxesmeolppeerl~8
n la Item 2, lupse, m to
“other Ae0.888~ help” in Item 3.
VOSTe Of the Oplniarrthttha ton •ofY~e~~aa
ee ueod ln raid lppr6prletion inolud~e eoweterial and bookImp-
a&g help employmi ln your offloe. fh. fart th8t tb k8~818tuTO
%AtNXhd th8t OffiOe ePrplqU8 ehoulclk ;lSludrd%A lwh term is
lndloated by the refermae in Ltsn 3 to %ther neaoeemy help”.
Ye think the us0 of the vord “other* olee~onetretee that
the Leglelatum belkred came “help” hed rime
for lna preoodingpart et& lppropriattoo.
We think thet the tom “other ruoeeeery help” ae wed
in the apprupriatlon applloe to help l lopd Lo dutlee ohlefly
perforated awey from your offloe. Your“plttor refer8 to the hold-
bg 0f hembga way frcmP AU8tiA 8ad the 0 l-At 0f a OOWt
reporter to reoord the prwe~e. w8 b&” tb k8t#l&A’e
had lo mind ‘help” of thle type b provldl~~(~ tunde for “othe,
_-.. nqoeesery help”, thet 18, help mployed to porrioau dutlee prl-
marlly performed avef from your affbe.
JAS rfb