M2norable Frank 3. Euinn,
ExeO&-iVb %OZ?etWy
‘fsxar State Park8 Board
betin 11, Tel*8
Re: Proper die&ftion‘~t pro-
.,. GWI rrom sale ‘bf s\ata
,..I’ p.roPWtY. ‘\J
70 have your letter’ rrrrai whioh we quote:
Y?:noloaed rind a OOIXD~bt&~i~“Or correspood-
enoe between Xon. ,iiM*er A.’ Saksf; Chairman OS the
%erd of Contro$‘--ana this 3apartItent regarding
the sale of so- LQfighoru oalvee end whether or
not the proosdds,cher~rom oould’~be/lsod to pur-
ohaae a thoreu&red to0ghor.p bull:
“Our pro&em'Jg thid‘j l&s herd Or Long-
horns wse. donatd ti..,tha,;Teus State Parka Board,
an a&enoy of th titbor mxaa. ?a reoogaizo
. thm fact. t&t the ra,le ofB’~oelves should bo han-
dled by the State 306~Yof Control, but would it
not be permlaa~ble to depoeit the proobcda to the
oredlt ‘or 0~. 3poolsl Park Pun3 rather than to
ths,~Genoral iUnd i purohaslng the bull whloh we
deal&e 12o=.the,~peoial Pfirk Fund?
.. .-* ,
*It the money receive4 from the sala of the
oalves is-a&posited in the General Fund, it till
be no bbnafit aoorulng to the TeXer State Parks
3oard, and we rill aul’fer the loss of whatb~er
money it la neoeear.ry to pay to sooure a sood
Y’s woilll thank you to advise ~8 if there
Is’ any’way possible to use the money obtained
fr3= the sale ot the oalves for the purchase of
n bull. . . . II
.:onorable Frank 9. quiml,
Among others la the oorreapondenor 111s enolossd 1s
n latter a;tdrbssed to you by Chairman Baker ln whloh he ed-
-~lses that ii the oalves are sold bT the Board of ContrcQ, mthe
money must be deposited to the orsdlt of the Qeneral Rsrenue
hnd or the State.*
3s agree with Judge Baker. Article 666, on thl8
?olnt, 1s too olear and unequlrooal to admit of w other’oon-
Struotlon. In pleln term 10 prorldes that when the property
or a state agsoy is sold by the Board of Control “thr ammy
I'roathe mle or auah property . . . shall bo deposited lo the
-tats Trsarury to the oredlt of tho General Revenue Fund.*
Very truly youre,