h e...:...
&a@ ,
Honorable Sidney Isthem ..
seoretary of State .:.
Austin, Tex6s . .,
Attention8 ‘Wr. Boz!aoe B. ;Se8oiona
: A\
1 appllcatlon or
in pr0p3r r0rm
the applicant is
. his llcenzse or re-
a vlthdraual of the
atloa before ectlon
en taken to aomplet8
we same? And 0 Fe- ’
Queatlon. : ‘j ~.
it la necessary for us to know whether the fees ,,‘..*
chnrged are to be eonsldered filing or lloeaelng
fees, We.ahould like to be advised on the iollov- .~~
iag~~spsoliia queetioua,
Can the $3.00 fee be refunded when ea~om- ,”
honorable Sldeey UtM, page 2 2
‘lloense or requeeta a ulthdraual of the appllaa-
tloa before action has been taken to oouplete or
raruse same?
“2.. Can the $3.00 fee be refunded where the
applicant falla to complete orlgiual or reneval
applloatlon In proper form?”
Seatlou 6a OS ~rt~ole 65~. Vernon*a Annotated.
Civil Statutes, providea, in part, aa i’olloua~
“Any appllaant desiring to act as a veal em-
tate dealer In this State shall file vlth the Ad-
ministrator of the Securities Dlvleloa of the of-
fice of the Secretary of State an applloation for
a license thereror. The applloatlon ehall be la I~,
auah form aa the Administrator of the Seaurltles
Dlvlslon of the offlw of the Seoretary Of State.
.“, play presurlbe,and .nbUl set forth: ...
.‘. ‘I I’
l . ..
Sectlona 16 and 18 of htiole 657%. supre, rorpea- . #,.: .,~. .
t lvely provide : ,..’
.a> - “sec. 16. !PheAdmlniatrator’ of the .SeaurI-
.I .:. ties Dlvlsion of the offiae of the Secretary of’
State shall charge aud collect the follovlng fee8
.C.‘ and shall duly pay all fees reoelveb into the
,:.‘. State Treaeuvg.
(a). A fee ,of Three Dollars ($3) for the ill- 4
‘. lng of any original or renewal applloatlon of a ”
‘\ real estate dealer, vhlch fee shall include the
ooet of the lasuanoe of a llaenue if any should
be laaued.
*(b). A fee of Three Dollars ($3) for the
filing of any orlglnal or renewal application of
a real entate dealer, which fee shall laolude the
aoat of the license, vho 1s a member of a partner-
ship, or ,aslroaIatlon or 6~. offloer of a oorpora-
tlon licensed under the provisions of thla Aot, ,’
other than tb member of the partnership,, or asuo~
elation or the: officer of the oorporatlon uamed
ln the license lseued to. ruoh:prtn?rrhlp, ;aaao-,
ointlon, or oorporatlon. :
Eonorable Sidney Utham, pge 3
- 'l(c). A See of Three Dollars ($3) for the ‘.I
~ ., Siling of any orlglual or reneval appllaation of
a real estate salesman, vhlch fee shall lnolude
the cost of the issuanoe of the.llaense if any
should be issued.
.~‘Sec. 18. Upon and after the effective date ”
.; of this Act, all moneys derived from Sees, aa8ess-
mentt9, or charges under this Act, shall be paid ‘~
by the Administrator of the Securities Division ‘,
~’ of the ofSlco.oS the Secretary of State into the
. .‘. .State Treasury for safe-keeping, and shall by the . _~
Treasurer be placed lo. a separate fund to
.., ~~~‘ be, aiallable for the use of the Administrator OS
../. ? ’ the SeourLtlee~ Division OS the oSfIce.‘of the Sec-
retarg of State la, the admInistration of this Act ’
upon requisition of the Administrator of the Se-,
;Sw;;$&; Dlvlslo~ oi ..theofilce, of The 3eomtary .
.:.... . . . . ..
._’ You~vill cibaervd that ,by the olear vordlng of Seo-
tion 16, supra, the fee 1s “for the filing” and “shall lnolude ‘.
the cost of the lssuanoe of a license lf any should be issued.‘.
In our opltion, therefore, the fees cbarged under Seatlon 16,,. i :‘;
- supra, should be denominated filing fees.
.~ ( Whena peraoa has voluntarily ,msde such a payment * ,,
eannot reaover it; henoe It should not be refunded. ‘.
This fee covers the expense of “the flllng of any ’
appllcatIons,v the investigation of the .appllcaat, and ‘.
‘&e*oost of tho lssuaace ‘of a license lf any should be lssue&*,,
You will further observe that. in, each .of your ques;
tlons the license did not issue beoause of some fault of ,the :
applioant . It follol?s that ve yaaaly your two Quostlou~ln
‘the negative. .